Aquarius Full Moon in Shatatara Nakshatra — Brings Healing & Futuristic Vision

Jayshree Dhamani
9 min readSep 2, 2023


Full moon in Aquarius on the 31st in — Shatatara nakshatra @ 13°

This full moon will have its lights on the 5–11 axis of the natural zodiac… the Leo & Aquarius signs.

The Focus will be on collective conscious, group & social activities, wishes v/s our individual ego, desires, self-expression, & confidence….

Interestingly, with this full moon — we have the luminaries in Rahu-Ketu’s nakshatra…

Moon in Shatatara & Sun in Magha nakshatra…. Also, Rahu — Ketu is strong & vargottam in Navamsa.

So, the next 15 days till the new moon, can be fate-driven… destiny-driven time where Rahu-Ketu is playing a key role.

Rahu-Ketu may give some lasting results of Aires-Libra before they exit from there

& Right now, they are in the process of changing their sign …in October

Do check what role these 2 signs play in your chart… Leo & Aquarius… & expect significant development related to their placement.

& Shatatara is a healing nakshatra …

Aquarius full moon can define our future….is capable of bringing solutions, opportunities & closer to our long-term goals…

Rahu Ketu are 3rd from the Moon & Sun respectively… signifying a new start.

Clear communication can be helpful to eliminate confusion or doubts.

The close proximity of Saturn around this full moon can make us feel more responsible, realistic, & reasonable…

We are less likely to flow in emotions… as Aquarius is a dry–air sign…

More than emotions, our thoughts can impact us…

Moon will first cross Saturn at 9° & then we have a full moon at 13°

So around the full moon, there can be increased emotional fear & insecure thinking… for no specific reason…

With Aquarius full moon, we may think emotionally & we can be very touchy with the smallest trigger…

Moon has an aspect of retro Mercury & is close to Saturn…

But Saturn has an influence on Rahu…. the nakshatra lord of the full moon by its 3rd aspect …

We have more retro energies — creating uncertainty causing misunderstanding & confusion in emotions…

A full moon in Shatatara can intensify those emotions… and encourage us to speak about it…

We have Rahu placed 3rd from this full moon…

It’s the best time to clear our differences, & share our emotions in the right way….

But be careful as it can be difficult to control the strong energies of Rahu & all the sensitive thoughts with a full moon.

Also, with Mercury retro, we can easily misinterpret others’ viewpoints or can be, easily deceived by others’ talk…

We have retro Venus, Mars & Pluto placed 6,8 & 12th to this full moon…

Retro Mercury is with the Sun & Retro Saturn is with the Moon… So, there are a lot of fluctuating & transformative energies.

Aquarius & Rahu have the seed of the events that can happen in the next 15 days.

So, Aquarius’ tendencies can help us in handling any challenging matters.

Aquarius is a fixed, air & odd sign…the natural 11th sign of wish fulfillment.

It represents new … innovative ideas, our network, creativity…working for the welfare of people & using our potential to the fullest…

The Moon in Aquarius is not, happy, as Saturn -lord of Aquarius is a slow-moving planet and the Moon is the fastest…both have opposing natures…

Moon has conflicting energies while in Aquarius as the moon is the 6th lord for Aquarius sign, transiting 1st house…

It indicates health concerns, some inner struggle, or disturbance at the emotional level….

On the positive side, Shatatara is known for solutions…& has healing energies.

The Deity is Varuna, the God of rain, water & is lord of healing…

Varuna provides… the cosmic waters of Medicine…. He is capable of healing any human condition spiritual & physical.

The symbol is an empty circle …for Shatatara…. represents one hundred physicians…solutions to problems…

Expect freedom from any challenging diseases & energization…Cure not only diseases but difficulties of all kinds.

Shatatara also has the power to destroy enemies…Known for clear speech…. intelligence, unique ideas & new ways of thinking to solve tough issues…

What we can expect with this full moon is some new unique way or some different approach to the most complex problem that we are dealing with…

We can certainly find a way if we are attentive, ready to do things differently, and work hard…

Shatatara full moon can certainly bring success, some solutions, answers to everything that can bother us…

Rahu in Aries can provide all the necessary passion, and enthusiasm to win over any obstacle on our path…

Just stay calm and clear about everything… Don’t run here and there like the other side of Rahu…

We already have a lot of retro energy to boost this Rahu tendency… & this full moon is opposite retro Mercury.

The energies can shift significantly when on 3rd Sep Moon will cross Pisces gandanta & will enter Aries…

Moon conj Rahu @ 3° of Aries & Moon has asp of Mars & Saturn both… expect a lot of push & pull impact.

But from here, Moon is heading towards Stationary Jupiter @ 21° in Aries…& also Uranus…

Expect relief, change, and a new beginning with this… then we have an exalted Moon in Taurus…

The time around 3rd to 7th Sep is very active and happening one… the path & direction change from here.

Venus is done with its retro goal & now Jupiter starts on his mission…

Then straight on 11th Sep Moon will conj Venus @ 18° in Cancer & will cross Cancer Gandanta…

Venus & its signification will start showing results from here….

Same way, on 14th Sep…Moon will conj Stationary Mercury @ 14° in Leo & has retro Jupiter’s & retro Saturn’s combined aspect …

This can be another trigger point after the 3rd Sep to give some concrete results of this full moon…

As by this time we have Venus & Mercury both direct … also in nakshatra exchange….

& We have a new start at some level with the 5–11 axis of our chart by 15th Sep with the new moon in Leo — Uttara Phalguni Nak @ 27°

We can have an impact on the Leo-Aquarius axis of our chart …

Expect, the completion of a project or our vision… along with new ways to manage things…

Also, collaborating with others, connecting & working together… to find solutions…

Be prepared for some out-of-the-box thinking, some new findings & these 15 days are the best time to use them to your advantage.

Let us see, individually, for each ascendent, where you may have answers, solutions & end of a problem.

Check the Aquarius — Leo Axis of your chart… & work persistently in that area to get results…Start with Aries…

Aries: Aquarius full moon ensures rewards, desire fulfillment & credits for your work done…

Your focus can be on building a strong image, preserving your individuality, & independence…

It’s the best time to join new communities or connect with others & work together for a cause…for the well-being of others, but, pay attention to children, & develop a new hobby…

Taurus: This full moon may change your work style, public image, and it’s the best time to try innovative ways to get things done …

Look for a promotion, a new job, or restructure your work zone completely.

You may travel or plan to travel to distant places, do some self-reflection & find your answers in isolation…

Work on your family relations, any property-related matter, or relocation and try to achieve peace & stability at the home front….

Gemini: Aquarius full moon may increase your curious & intellectual tendencies to deal with everything and you would enjoy this time…

You may have short travel, enjoy sharing & talking to your friends & siblings….

Your desires will be fulfilled. You may join new groups, make beneficial connections & feel satisfied.

It’s the best time to go for higher learnings, open your mind to a greater vision & have some new directions through traveling, media, or spirituality.

Cancer: The time demands you to release & work on your stubborn emotions …and how best you can have good health

There can be fortunate transformation with some challenging experiences. You may have a much-awaited change, with respect to home, family, finances, & your values.

Your work responsibilities may increase which demands hard work… may raise your status and give you success.

Leo: There can be new prosperous connections, partnerships — personal or professional …either way it may bring change and luck…

This full moon affects you the most… Do pay attention to your health, & polish your personality.

It’s the best time to learn new things, update yourself with the latest knowledge, be flexible on your opinions & respect elders in your life…

Virgo: After much struggle now with this full moon there can be new opportunities… & change in career.

Best time for you to set your routine, maintain good health & travel to foreign.

Be productive & more efficient at each level…spend time in self-reflection… observe your expenses.

It’s the best time for you to bring change in your life, initiate something new to feel satisfied…

Libra: You may have some fortunate change in your work zone…With this full moon, you can create something fantastic…

You can come up with some new ideas, and invest your time in mastering your hobbies…

Finally, your wishes may get fulfilled, giving you, new connections, & you get rewards for all your hard work.

You may heal emotionally and work on having stable relations…

Scorpio: Aquarius full moon can restrict easy expression of emotions but ensures peace and happiness at home; with family.

You may shine professionally & have new responsibilities in your work zone.

Expect a sudden change in home, family, or vehicle-related matters.

Also, you may explore innovative ways to work & form new patterns in your work zone. But avoid conflicts -debates

It is also necessary to take care of your health and maintain a proper, disciplined lifestyle….

Sagittarius: Aquarius full moon can bring you lucky changes, some brilliant ideas & prospects for higher education.

You may have to put great effort into the task at hand… This full moon can enrich your thoughts and ideas.

It can be the best time for you to travel, sharpen your talents, creativity, and use your intelligence to achieve what you desire…

Capricorn: You may be much relieved about finance, health, and your work. This full moon encourages you to re-evaluate your values and can generate good understanding among your family.

This time can bring emotional security, but pay attention to your eating habits & health. You may try to bring radical changes in your lifestyle…

It can be good for you to have a solid foundation…develop a secure & stable environment on the home front…

Aquarius: This full moon impacts you the most & can enhance your name, and fame…you can easily express your feelings …but do take care of your health…& keep up with your optimism…

This full moon can give you, new goals to work on…

But also focus on building strong and lasting relationships, it’s time to heal yourself emotionally…

You may have good stamina to take on challenging tasks…speak your mind and keep up with your confidence…

Pisces: This full moon is encouraging you to find new ways to use your time, rest, and relax… do some research…

For a change, you are analytical and less emotional while dealing with challenging matters…

It’s the best time to heal, take care of your health & have new fitness goals…set your routine and improve your productivity…

Focus on having a bond with family, improve your finances, and have the right eating habits…

That’s all for all 12 ascendants.

To conclude:

Aquarius is an intellectual, social …air sign, but is fixed in nature, so be careful of any rigid approach towards your past beliefs or ideas which may need some alteration…

It’s time to be flexible…

Do not get stuck with the old patterns, have an open mind, explore, welcome new things, ideas…& be creative…

As the sign, this full moon aspect is Leo…best time to start expressing yourself in the most creative way.

There can be fear, feeling of restriction …& stagnation as if nothing is moving ahead…

Put a check on any insecurity that crosses your mind which is very likely…

Shatatara full moon can certainly bring success, some solutions, & answers to anything that can bother us…



Jayshree Dhamani
Jayshree Dhamani

Written by Jayshree Dhamani

All about Astrology, Numerology, Vastu, Fengshui, Tarot, Graphology, Face Reading, Palmistry, I Ching, Rune & Crystal gazing.

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