Foreign Settlement & Travel — Yoga, Timeline & Settlement chances -Part 4
The yogas, timeline, and settlement chances for the Foreign countries:
Let’s see the Yoga that indicates travel: -
The person has to have promise in the chart to travel to a foreign place. The promise, conducive Dasha period, and favorable transit are the necessary requirement to have foreign travel.
The promise in the chart is determined by few combinations in the chart, called ‘yoga’ which I’ll be explaining now…
We may check the same combinations in the divisional chart also to see how strong are the chances of travel and how will be your experience with that travel…
There are many such yogas and I will be mentioning the most obvious ones…
The base of all these yoga is the combination of the travel houses like 1,3,4,7,8,9,& 12 along with the travel planets are like Rahu, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Ketu, Mercury & at times Venus also if it’s a pleasure trip...
So we can say the person has travel yoga when:
~ When the lord of 7th, 9th, and 12th are placed in their own house.
~ When there is an interchange of the lords of the travel houses …. Interchange is when the planets sit in each other’s houses…like 1st and 12th, 12th and 9th, 4th and 12th, 9th and 4th, 6th and 12th, 3rd and 9th, 12th and 3rd or the lords of these houses has aspect on any of this house.
~ When 1st or 3rd or 4th or 7th or 9th or 12th houses have movable or dual signs with watery planets/signs. If more than two houses have movable or dual signs then strong chances.
~ When the travel planets like Rahu, Saturn, Moon, Jupiter, Ketu, Venus, Mercury, and Uranus are placed in movable, watery, or dual signs.
~ When these travel planets become lords of movable, watery, or dual signs or placed in these signs or travel houses.
~ When the lord of the ascendant is far away from the ascendant that is 7th house or after that. Also if the ascendant lord is in movable, watery, or dual signs.
~ When Sun is in the ascendant the native gets the opportunity to travel abroad.
~ When Moon sign and ascendent sign both are movable, watery, or dual signs.
~ When 12th lord or house is aspected by 8th lord or 8th lord is aspected by 12th lord.
~ When Moon, Rahu, or ascendent lord are in 12th, 7th, or 1st house.
~ When Mercury is in the 8th house
~ When Venus in 6th, 7th, or 8th houses.
~ When Jupiter is in 4th, 6th, 8th, or 12th houses.
~ When Saturn is in 4th or 12th houses, even 2nd at times, being a family house, keeps you away from your family.
~ When ascendant, 3rd, 4th, 7th, 9th houses or their lords are in between the malefic that is if there is papakartari yoga.
When you have more than 3–4 combinations from the above, we can comfortably say that the person has promise in the chart to travel foreign countries…in the right Dasha…
Now let us see the Timeline that indicates travel: -
A person can travel to a foreign land in particular Dasa only. Even though the person has a strong yoga to travel but if the Dasa is not supportive then the travel may not happen. The travel houses like 3rd, 7th, 9th, and 12th should be vibrant with the Dasa, antra, or bhukti of the related planets then only the travel can happen.
Also, if the Dasa indicates strong connection with the 4th, 2nd, or 11th house which are more connected with home, family and friends then, too the travel may not happen.
Here we need to check which houses have a strong influence…4th homeland or 12th which is foreign land…with the running Dasa.
Let’s see the Timeline of travel…. which can be determined
~ with the Major and Sub periods of 1st, 3rd, 4th, 7th,8th, 9th, or 12th houses lords, and planets associated with these houses by placement or aspect.
~ with the Major or sub-period of any exalted or debilitated planets…… in a way, a strongest or weakest planet connected with travel planets/houses.
~ with Major or sub-period of Moon, Jupiter, Rahu, Venus, Ketu, Saturn….then during Sade Sati and Mercury Dasha for short travel. For example, Jupiter's Major Period and Saturn sub-period will bring foreign travel for a person.
~ Depositor of the lord of 9th and 12th house, its major or sub-period also cause foreign travel.
~ 8th lord or planets sitting in the 8th house and their Dasa triggers foreign travel…
That was about the Dasha period for travel…not let’s observe the settlement or permanent stay in a foreign land:-
It is not necessary that whoever travels to a foreign land, settles there. It depends on the Dasa going on and with those which houses are connected.
If there is Dasa of a planet which is lord of 2nd, 4th, or 11th then the person may travel but these Dasa will bring him back to his motherland, to his family and friends. They may travel on some purpose but once the purpose is done, they return home.
There are certain planetary configurations that are likely to result in the foreign settlement:
~ When the 4th house, your home, and your birthplace are afflicted by placement, lordship, transit, or aspect of the malefic planet like Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Ketu, or Uranus in your natal chart there are chances of you settling in foreign land permanently.
~ When there is an interchange of 4th with 12th lord or 9th lord also there are strong chances of foreign settlement.
~ When the 4th, 2nd lord has close conjunction with malefic planets or has an aspect in the chart or while transit…. then there are chances of a permanent shift.
~ Equally, the 9th lord is important. If the 9th lord has an exchange with the 4th or 12th lord, the native will have a settlement. Also, when 9th lord in 4th or 12th. Or 12th lord in 7th or 4th gives yoga for a permanent stay.
~ Strong Moon or Venus in 12th or in 7th house gives yoga for settlement broad.
So basically, the affliction of 4th and 2nd house either from Moon sign or Ascendant and a strong relation between 1st, 7th, 9th, and 12th houses or their lords generates this yoga.
If these yogas are also forming in divisional charts like D-4 and D-9 with applying the same rules then, too chances of foreign settlement are there.
But when the 1st house or ascendant lord is strongly connected with the 4th, 2nd, or 11th house then the person will not leave his birthplace, family and friends, permanently.
In this case, even if the native travels, he will return back to his birthplace after few years, whenever his Dasa changes and makes his 4th, 2nd, or 11th house active.