Full moon in Leo — Magha Nakshatra -Strong Influence & Expression

On 16th Feb we have Leo Full moon in Magha @ 3.43 degrees
Whatever you have started with Shravana — Capricorn — new moon at the beginning of February… will reach its ultimate result …& will be at its peak with this full moon in next 15 days as the impact of the full moon will remain for next 15 days.
& With the full moon, a specific area of our chart is highlighted… all the focus is on the topics or issues that will be surrounding that…
With this full moon, the Leo-Aquarius axis in your chart will be energized…
As full Moons signify a time of revelation… it is more light and we can see things clearly…even anything hidden will be exposed. It will disclose some new ways of thinking…or a fresh path to reach our targets.
Also, from 20th Feb — till 5th March we have Sun — Rahu exchanging nakshatra …which will enhance the chance of any hidden matter coming on the surface…
Rahu is known for exposing things.
Be patient with any sensitive matter that you come across and handle it well.
We have Ketu 4th from this full moon so it impacts the home, vehicle, family-related matters, & the way it impacts your peace of mind…
Also, Moon will be close to Leo’s gandanta point so watch your emotions and be patient.
On the positive side…Jupiter has an aspect on this moon that will support to keep up with optimism.
As With a Full moon, our emotions are elevated… The full moon brightens both the good and the bad inside of us, no matter what your sign is…
It can also be a breaking point where tensions can burst. Any Frustrations and hidden feelings may be amplified at this time.
Everyone is impacted ….so consciously remaining calm is the key here to get the benefits out of this time.
& The capacity to give results is increased as this time we have a full moon in Magha in the Mool Trikon sign of Sun where Sun aspects its own sign…
There will be a strong influence and even expression of the same.
Magha Nakshatra — it is a mighty one and is the star of power, royal throne & authority.
It impacts your status…it has the capacity to take away or give you something powerful in a really dramatic way.
Magha is ruled by the Ancestors, who is correlated to our forefather as well as our father and paternal heritage.
It’s a strong, masculine nakshatra, with a feeling of duty and a need for ancestral connection as well as seeking their permission for any tough task that you are about to start.
Magha has very clear and right intentions…but it's Ketu's nakshatra and indicates the end of a cycle.
Magha Nakshatra can cause a change in your current state or condition, a kind of death of something but also a fresh start…
Magha gives fame that lasts through the generations, gives high reputation & a kind of kingly status.
But it is Ugra…. fierce nakshatra and is violent in nature. There is an inherited fight for the throne, pride, or power.
So, whatever the matter is…you may have to fight for it and will achieve with challenges…
Check your Leo-Aquarius axis in your chart. That area is full of your focus & emotions…. it's the natural 5th & 11th sign…which has the goal of your desire fulfillment which can be easily attained with proper self-expression.
So here 2 major pointers…. having a strong desire for something & the ability to demonstrate it…or find a new way — path to express yourself.
Let us see for each ascendant which area of your life has your focus with this full moon.
Start with Aries;
Aries: This full moon lights up your expressive and creative side… will awaken your inner childlike joy which will be well expressed with your network & friends.
Taurus: This full moon may have you feeling domestic & thoughts will be related to home, family, your foundations, and family bonds. The benefits will be seen in your public life or your career.
Gemini: With the full moon your communication and information can get polished. You can have some important conversations and collaborations with your mentors, teachers, or father figures.
Cancer: With change…some shift in your value system …you can achieve security. This full moon will bring you emotional and financial security & will provide health & healing.
Leo: Full moon in your personality will illuminate your entire being…your identity…will encourage you to set new personal goals and will better your relations.
Virgo: For you, this Full moon is all about letting go of what is not required and helping you grow in your life…to take some time alone and reflecting on your day-to-day life, and what can help you maintain health.
For Libra: the spotlight is your circle, network and how best you can influence them with your valuable sharing…expressing your ideas with creativity.
Scorpio: Leo full moon will power up your work-life…career…your goals…can give you status, position, a leadership role and which will strongly reflect on your peace of mind and family bonding…avoid any ego clash & conflict.
Sagittarius: Leo full moon will expand your horizon. your vision, beliefs…faith, and trust in the area of learning…higher education…, the areas, which demand more efforts… pushing you beyond your comfort zone & could reveal new opportunities.
For Capricorn: Change is in the corner for you which will come on the surface with this full moon. There can be a surprise element with suddenness in its nature. It's the best time to speak and release any fear from your mind.
For Aquarius: The spotlight is on your closest ties, relations & you’ll get clarity about which ones you want to nurture, feel balanced, and mutual. And also, don’t be afraid to ask for what you need… But with an awareness of your own triggers.
Pisces: will have a deep reflection on their daily routine, health, and the way they manage everything…& should focus on what needs letting go…with changes in the way they work and also stick to their routine.
That’s all for all 12 ascendants…
To conclude:
Full moon magnifies our emotions…. any emotion…positive or negative, we have both light and dark emotions within us…. the full moon takes your strongest quality and enhances them.
Also, it will light up both sides out in open…This Full moon in Leo will expand your confidence, self-expression — and that magnifies everything.
Leo is a sign of power, is royal & ambitious. With a full moon, there can be a greater desire to be social and share your opinions with others.
But there can be increased ego, anger & pride also… can make you very headstrong as Leo is ruled by Sun …the king…
There are chances of ego clash and conflicts…So be considerate …on how & what you express. You do have a strong influence but you need to use it for the benefit of everyone.