Jupiter in Aquarius - Futuristic Vision with Humanitarian Approach

Jupiter in Aquarius from 20th November till 13th April 2022.
Blessing is one word that we remember with Jupiter…
Jupiter will be on fast-track mode with no major conjunctions or retrogression until with Sun from Mid Feb till Mid March…& will be combust also.
Jupiter had been to Aquarius till 8 degrees…earlier from April till Mid-September. You can recollect your time back then in April to know-how would be the impact for you…
That time Jupiter was to go retrograde so the results were not steady…. If you had worked upon something or was expecting some results then now will be the manifestation of what you have done since April…. & Now everything will be in a very speedy way….
As Jupiter will now cross its debilitation and the earth sign of Capricorn…. Jupiter is an ether element and will be much comfortable in the Air sign of Aquarius…though both are Saturn’s sign…Element wise, Jupiter is easy going and quick in giving results in Aquarius.
& Aquarius is the 11th sign of the natural zodiac so…there will be the fulfilment of your desire and those desires which you have worked upon when Jupiter was in Capricorn…Also, all the promised events related to Aquarius sign in your chart…
Jupiter has masculine, liberal, & successful traits…It is an ether element that is capable to hold all the other 4 elements…. & Bring balance not only within the elements but also among all the planets…as Jupiter has the highest gravitational pull.
Jupiter is the planet of travel, growth, confidence, faith, trust, goodness, our fortune…Significator of children…prosperity…Jupiter is a teacher…& preacher.
Jupiter signifies our religious quotient, then North/East direction, number 3, the day Thursday…So if you have the significance of number 3 or Thursday in your life in any form, or if you are going through Jupiter period…major, minor…or Jupiter rules prominent houses in your chart then this transit of Jupiter is going to be of prime importance.
Then Jupiter also represents liver, fat, diabetes, ears in our body & Aquarius indicates legs, ankle.
Jupiter empowers and expands anything it touches…both good and bad. So be watchful on the health front…
Aquarius is a progressive and innovative sign, we shall be more… at times overly optimistic, filled with hopes and wishes…There will be opportunities and we shall see the brighter side of the matter while handling any tough situation.
Saturn, the lord of Aquarius, will surely keep you grounded and practical with his realistic approach.
With Jupiter in Aquarius, the only struggle we can have… is in choosing our …personal interest vs the interest of society…our individual growth vs that of the society we live in…It's best to maintain balance.
Aquarius is a humanitarian sign and considers everyone’s betterment. If Jupiter fulfils your wishes…with this placement, then it is important to look for ways to share our resources…give back to society in some form.
After a long time…there will be a feeling of being free spirit …Jupiter will bring uniqueness to your approach… Out of box thinking and Jupiter in Aquarius makes you look at the bigger picture…gives you hopes, opportunities and ways to fulfil your desires…
The general environment will be happier and we may also take things for granted as we find ourselves lucky where Jupiter is placed…. From the hard-working sign of Capricorn, now with the Aquarius sign, Jupiter is with his expansive energies will instil our faith in goodness.
Let us see the
Journey of Jupiter in Aquarius
~ Jupiter will be in Dhanishta nakshatra till 2nd Jan 2022, this can be eventful time…Mars the lord of Dhanishta is a friend to Jupiter and also initially Jupiter will have nakshatra exchange with Mars from 21st Nov till 11th Dec & Mars will have its 4th aspect …after that on Jupiter. We can expect mixed results… Jupiter, the benefic may lose its power to deliver good whereas Mars will tend to give good results of its natural and functional rulership.
Then Jupiter will be in Shatatara till 2nd Mar 2022…This could be a little challenging as Rahu, the lord of Shatatara will be 4th to Jupiter…they are not friends who will encourage each other’s work like Mars so it is advisable to be grounded & maintain your truthfulness.
& Lastly in his own nakshatra, Purvabhadrapad till 13th April 2022. This will be the best time for Jupiter to give positive results. Expect all your desire fulfilment in this time. All planets are in direct motion and major planets are ready to change their signs. Like Rahu — Ketu will get in Aires/Libra and Saturn will get in Aquarius by end of April.
~ Also, Jupiter will not be retrograded throughout this transit.
~ But Jupiter will be combust from 20th Feb 2022 till Mid-March & conjoin Sun on 5th Mar 2022…. Here Sun will take over the significance of Jupiter but only to help Jupiter to achieve his goals.
~ Then Cancer, Virgo and Pisces signs…or if any natal planets placed in these signs &, their significance …need careful handling wherever they are placed in your chart. Those house significance should be dealt with with utmost attention as Jupiter will be 6th from Virgo; 8th from Cancer & 12th from Pisces sign.
~ Then, Gemini, Leo & Libra signs or if any natal planets placed in these signs &, their significance …will have some auspicious results as Jupiter has 5th aspect on Gemini, 7th aspect on Leo and 9th aspect on Libra.
More than where Jupiter’s seats, it delivers positive results where he aspects. So, these signs will be benefited the most and also if you have any natal planets there in your chart.
You need to check the house placement of the Aquarius sign in your chart…also check transit Jupiter with respect to your natal Jupiter placement.
Any conjunction with natal planets will enhance the significance of that planet.
If any natal planet is square to this transit Jupiter, then Jupiter will create new opportunities for that planet to perform better.
The trine placement or aspect to any natal planet will greatly enhance the significance of that planet in the most positive manner.
3–11 will also increase the strength of that signs and 2–12 to this Jupiter will also be smooth going.
So, what kind of results…can be expected…&
There are specific indicators with Jupiter in Aquarius, firstly…
You can expect…growth, unique wisdom…knowledge about that planet & house significance where Jupiter impacts. You can also advise others on that…
Secondly, there will be teamwork…collective efforts to get things done &
Lastly, you need to be generous in that area…there has to be consideration of everyone’s interest to have success and also enjoy those rewards…
I’ll be sharing a few keywords for each ascendent & for that, you will feel lucky about & will work on…. the most during this transit…Jupiter will ensure your success in these areas if dealt, well.
Start with
Aries: Jupiter will ensure you rewards, desire fulfilment & credits of your work done. Your life will get better as you help others… all-around success.
Taurus: Jupiter will change your public image and will give you recognition for your excellent performance…will better your finances and health too.
Gemini: Jupiter will give you ways to enhance your knowledge, learnings & expression. Your opinions will be considered now with due respect.
For Cancer: Your luck will get better after any challenging experience and will give you much-awaited change, with respect to their home, family and finances.
Leo: will make some wonderful connections, partnerships of their life and will feel fortunate about it…Jupiter will also expand their circle, rewards and their travel, communication.
Virgo: After much struggle now with this transit you will have a progressive job with new & increased responsibilities…even finances.
Libra: will feel fortunate to make some fantastic creations that will boost their personality and knowledge. Their children will see growth too.
Scorpio: Jupiter will ensure a bigger home; family & you will give more…do charity and also will have increased responsibility in their work zone.
Sagittarius: will be lucky to have rewards, increased connections, great efforts in the task at hand & some further education. Jupiter will provide wise and positive communication.
Capricorn: Will be much relieved on finance, health and on their work front. Jupiter will give a good understanding among family members.
Aquarius: Jupiter will enhance your name, fame…will give you glorious personality and charisma.
Pisces: Jupiter will ensure transformation, self—healing, peace by introspection. Gradually, you will feel protected from any adversity.
That’s for all 12 Ascendants,
To summarize…. Jupiter will bring hope after a long time…will make us comfortable fulfilling our desires where Aquarius is placed in our chart…Do recollect your time back in 2009…similar kind of rewards, change and success you can expect…
This transit will bring expansion in-network, & social activities, which was kind of stagnant because of the pandemic…There will be more freedom & optimism in the environment.
Just be watchful on getting too comfortable in the area of your success given by Jupiter as the journey ahead will be in its own sign…Pisces where Jupiter believes in more giving away…charity and letting go …