Jupiter in Pisces -Emotional Healing

Jayshree Dhamani
7 min readApr 11, 2022


The most benefic planet Jupiter enters its own sign Pisces on 13th April and would remain there till 23rd April 2023…

Certainly, we can expect a ‘feel-good factor with all the abundance that Jupiter will carry while in its own sign.

Jupiter is known for granting luck, prosperity, and new opportunity… Jupiter also rules education, wisdom, religion, charity, children, & our Gurus teachers…

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac & Jupiter will complete its cycle through the zodiac with this transit. It will be a time for giving closer to all these significances of Jupiter.

It’s time to evaluate your past 11 years and free yourself from all the blockages, leaving behind all harmful emotions which are not letting you go forward in life.

Being the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces has some part of the signification of each sign… That’s why Pisces is considered to be mature with knowledge & good experience of life…

It’s time to reflect on your work of the past 11 years…what was your focus, what you did to improve your life…how far you were able to achieve your targets…what you should have done differently…

Reflecting on these matters will help you to make your next cycle productive with a clear focus.

Jupiter has a 12-year cycle through the zodiac as Jupiter transits approximately one year in each sign.

The previous transit of Jupiter in Pisces was from:

From Feb 1987 — Feb 1988

From May 1998 — May 1999

From May 2010 — to May 2011

Do reflect on your focus in this time & if any important lessons of your life that you learned…. what did you let go…how you handled your emotions…where things ended & gave you some fresh start…?

This is the time to introspect on old patterns and time to set new ways to handle… with your enhanced knowledge & also experience of the past 12 years.

Certainly, you can feel confident with yourself as now you know the way ahead.

Pisces is mutable, water and even sign. The symbol of Pisces is 2 fishes going in opposite directions…so the duality of the fish can increase confusion and making a clear decision will be difficult.

With Pisces Jupiter look for your answers — within… use your intuition …gut feeling as Pisces represents our subconscious mind which can help us decide & also help you manage your scattered emotions.

It is best to keep moving like fish & explore new opportunities… making you feel better & confident on your path ahead.

Letting go and moving ahead is the prime signification of Pisces. Jupiter’s knowledge & wisdom can keep you optimistic…avoid fluctuation in emotions and mood swings.

Any spiritual, religious activity, learning new things, increasing your horizons in some way can help you to release your doubts …or any pessimism around

Spending time alone with nature can help you get your answers & solve your problems… doing yoga, exercise can help too…

Also, foreign travel, & settlement can be triggered for many…

Pisces Jupiter will bring to the surface your wisdom, loyalty, nobleness, and generosity …you’ll be forgiving…

It will bring light & life where Pisces is placed in your chart also Jupiter aspects all the other moksha signs…Cancer is an exaltation sign … Scorpio — is a friendly sign and a sign of transformation…

But do keep in mind the theme of the water & moksha signs is to surrender. Let go… to reach the highest level of peace…which is represented by Cancer…& you need to transform ..let go… to reach the next level in your life…

Then Jupiter also represents liver, fat, diabetes, ears in our body & Pisces indicates legs. Our foot.

Jupiter empowers and expands anything it touches…both good and bad. So be watchful on the health front…

Let us see the journey of this Jupiter in Pisces:

Journey of Jupiter in Pisces

~ Jupiter will be in his own nakshatra Purvabhadrapada till 29th April, which is also Pushkar navamsa…you will certainly have an idea… of the impact that you can have in this entire one year.

Now is the result time and to have closer…. Purvabhadrapad represents the front legs of the death bed … symbolically indicating the first level of the ending…

Then Jupiter will be in UttaraBhadrapada till 25th Feb 2023 — for nearly 10 months… out of 12 months of transit — Jupiter will be in Saturn’s star for 10 months…which also represents the back legs of the deathbed, indicating the second level of ending…

Jupiter will retrograde in-between from July to November in the same nakshatra which makes this transit through UttaraBhadrapada nakshatra a substantial one.

In these 10 months …you can observe endings on all those activities going on since 2019 since the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction.

There can be hard endings …bringing complete transformation …some acute emotional loss…. & Pain is attached with this transit.

The more willingly you surrender…the better it will be… trusting and having faith… that it is unavoidable & it’s a play of destiny for some higher cause is the only way out.

But for career & work zone, it will be the time of major development.

Then lastly Jupiter will transit Revati till 23rd Apr. 2023…

Revati will bring relief… give control of our senses…pain & provide proper nourishment by showing us the right direction.

Expect some new path, guidance… connections, or references that can help us in our journey ahead. &…everything will be under the divine protection of Jupiter…

~ Jupiter will get retrograde @ 14.30 ° in UttaraBhadrapada from 29th July till 24th November. During this time, all the previous pending tasks can be done & repetition in the new task.

~ From 29th Mar — 26th Apr 2023 Jupiter will be combust making tight conjunction with Sun on 12th April 2023…This is where Sun — the king will take over the control and will give a final verdict…

~ Then there are some strong positive conjunctions that Jupiter is going to make during this transit.

When Jupiter makes any conjunction or touches any cusp degree or even aspects… then the signification of that will expand…will have all the benefic influence of Jupiter. Your fate is working here more than anything else.

Also, Jupiter is dignified here in its own sign so expect lasting and luck-driven results.

Jupiter will conjunct Neptune, Venus, Mars, Again Venus, Mercury, and lastly Sun. He will enhance the signification of the conjunct planet and will give mostly positive results….

~ Then Jupiter will be in Pisces Gandanta on 23rd April 2023…Be ready for a new journey with Jupiter’s transit in Aries.…

Pisces gandanta can turn the tables, indicates the final ending… ultimate resolution & can bring a major change in current circumstances.

All in all, …. it’s a culmination time … The middle transit of Jupiter in UttaraBhadrapada for 10 months will be challenging & demands much patience.

Everything that started in 2019…covid and everything that happened because of Covid can see completion…& final result…

Let us see for each ascendant what we can expect with Jupiter in Pisces…

What you need to check is the sign Pisces…also Cancer & Scorpio where Jupiter will have its aspect…

Then check natal Jupiter & its lordship house in your chart, which can determine the type of results that you can expect from this transit.

Ultimately Jupiter will provide you wisdom and guidance on what needs to change & letting go…how best you can use your sensitive side, and emotions to handle it and have a new beginning.

I’ll be sharing a few keywords for each ascendant which can have your attention …do remember that Jupiter will ensure a fresh start in those areas when you make necessary sacrifices….

Start with

Aries: Jupiter will ensure transformation, self—healing, and peace through introspection. Gradually, you will feel protected from any adversity. There can be travel to the distant place.

Taurus: Jupiter will ensure you rewards, desire fulfillment & credits of your work done. Jupiter here promotes financial gains, expands friendships, & group activities. Your life will get better as you help others…with all-around success.

Gemini: Jupiter will change your public image, career, and reputation and will give you fame for your excellent performance …will better your finances and health too.

Cancer: Jupiter will give you ways to enhance your knowledge, travel, new learnings, and general prosperity and adds to a sense of self-confidence… Your opinions will be considered now with due respect.

For Leo: Your luck will get better after any challenging experience, give unexpected money, and will give you much-awaited change, with respect to your home, family, and finances.

Virgo: will make some wonderful connections, and partnerships in their life and will feel fortunate about it…Jupiter will also expand their circle, gains, travel, & communication.

Libra: After much struggle now with this transit you will have a progressive job with new & increased responsibilities…even finances. Also promotes health and fitness in your routine.

Scorpio: will feel fortunate to make some fantastic creations that will boost their personality, happiness, some new skills & creativity. Their children will see growth too.

Sagittarius: Jupiter will ensure comfort, peace of mind, a bigger home; bonding within the family & you will give more…do charity and also will have increased responsibility in their work zone.

Capricorn: will be lucky to have rewards, increased connections, travel & will put great efforts into the task at hand & some further education. Jupiter will provide wise and positive communication.

Aquarius: Will be much relieved on finance, health, and on their work front. Jupiter will give an optimistic outlook on life & a good understanding among family members.

Pisces: Jupiter will enhance your name, fame, travel… promotes your health, and your self-confidence… will give you glorious personality and charisma.

That’s for all 12 Ascendants,

To summarize…. Jupiter will bring you closer to your major task of the past 11 years…will make you optimistic & comfortable… fulfilling your desires where Pisces is placed in your chart…

This transit will bring expansion in your religious quotient, spirituality, and donations as Pisces Jupiter believes, more in giving away…charity, and letting go …

Just be watchful about getting too comfortable or relaxing …as the journey ahead for Jupiter will be in the fiery sign of Aries which is after crossing gandanta point…



Jayshree Dhamani

All about Astrology, Numerology, Vastu, Fengshui, Tarot, Graphology, Face Reading, Palmistry, I Ching, Rune & Crystal gazing.