Jupiter in Purvabhadrapad || Unique Approach with Elevated Wisdom

Finally, Jupiter will move out of the clutches of Rahu’s Shatatara nakshatra and will enter Its own nakshatra Puvabhadrapada.
Jupiter will be in Purvabhadrapad nakshatra from 2nd March till 29th April.
This will be the best time for Jupiter to give his benefic results. Expect all your desire-fulfillment while Jupiter is in Aquarius — Purvabhadrapada.
Aquarius is a mentally active sign being air element, socially connected but still detached being lordship of Saturn.
Also, the 11th sign of the natural zodiac where Jupiter has signification …
There will be the fulfillment of your desire and those desires which you have worked upon.… And, all the promised events related to Aquarius sign in your chart…
Jupiter has masculine, liberal, & successful traits…It is an ether element that is capable to hold all the other 4 elements….
& Bring balance not only within the elements but also among all the planets…as Jupiter has the highest gravitational pull.
Jupiter is the planet of travel, growth, confidence, faith, trust, goodness, our fortune…Significator of children … prosperity…Jupiter is our teacher…& preacher.
Then Jupiter also represents liver, fat, diabetes, ears in our body & Aquarius indicates legs, ankle.
Jupiter empowers and expands anything it touches…both good and bad. So be watchful on the health front…when Jupiter is in its own nakshatra…it will bring out and expand all those Aquarius & jubilarian qualities.
Aquarius is a progressive and innovative sign, we shall be more… at times overly optimistic, filled with hopes and wishes…
There will be opportunities and we shall see the brighter side of the matter while handling any tough situation.
Saturn, the lord of Aquarius, will surely keep you grounded and practical with his realistic approach.
With Jupiter in Purvabhadrapada, the only struggle we can have… is in choosing our …personal interest vs the interest of society…our individual growth vs that of the society we live in.
It’s best to maintain balance in these two…as both are important.
Aquarius is a humanitarian sign and considers everyone’s betterment. If Jupiter fulfills your wishes…with this placement, then it is important to look for ways to share our resources…give back to society in some form.
Purvabhadrapada Jupiter will bring uniqueness to your approach… Out of box thinking, and makes you look at the bigger picture…gives you hopes, opportunities, and ways to fulfill your desires…
The general environment will be happier and we may also take things for granted as we find ourselves lucky where Jupiter is placed…Jupiter is with his expansive energies will instill our faith in goodness.
Purvabhadrapada is “The Dutiful”, Ugra, male nakshatra ruled by Aja Eka pad, the one-footed serpent or goat… who is a vehicle for the Fire God, Agni.
Purvabhadrapada has the power of spiritual advancement, knowledge… is skilled with making money, is Confident in speech, but also deceitful, fearful, controlled by others, and miserable at times…
As the symbol is a double-faced man… one looking forward, & one looking backward… It also represents the 2 front legs of a funeral bed.
Poorvabhadrapada has the potential to awaken …elevate our spiritual aspiration in life, give more insight, purify from within and eliminate any selfish behavior.
This is a transformational nakshatra & where there is a sacrifice for a higher cause, to make a difference in the world.
Its position in the chart indicates how one’s faith, generosity, and tolerance will be expressed, as well as what type of activity will increase self-confidence and wisdom…
Jupiter returns to the same place once every 12 years…The previous Transit of Jupiter in Purvabhadrapada was
From 18th March 2010–21st May 2010
From 4th April 1998–24th June 1998
Not exactly the same but the identical impact can be expected …your experience that time can be used with your increased wisdom and knowledge to handle this current transit.
Since this is the best place for Jupiter to give the promised results of your chart. Be attentive to what is happening around you and use your past experiences.
So far Jupiter was in Rahu’s nakshatra so there were chances of some deception or trap from elders, wise people, guru-like people, or whoever Jupiter represents in your chart.
Purvabhadrapad also has 2 faced tendencies so there can be faith issues…
But definitely, you can expect…growth, unique wisdom…more knowledge about the planet & house significance where Jupiter impacts.
You can also advise others on that… there will be teamwork…collective efforts to get things done.
But you need to be generous in that area…there has to be consideration of everyone’s interest to have success and also enjoy those rewards…
Let us see for each ascendant, which area of your life will have wish-fulfillment & you will feel lucky about it.
You will work on that the most during this transit…& Jupiter will ensure your success in these areas if dealt, with well.
Start with
Aries: Jupiter will ensure you rewards, desire fulfillment & credits of your work done. Your life will get better as you help others… all-around success.
Taurus: Jupiter will change your public image and will give you recognition for your excellent performance…will better your finances and health too.
Gemini: Jupiter will give you ways to enhance your knowledge, learnings & expression. Your opinions will be considered now with due respect.
For Cancer: Your luck will get better after any challenging experience and will give you much-awaited change, with respect to home, family, and finances.
Leo: will make some wonderful connections, partnerships of their life and will feel fortunate about it…Jupiter will also expand your circle, rewards, and travel along with communication.
Virgo: After much struggle now with this transit you will have a progressive job with new… increased responsibilities…& even finances.
Libra: will feel fortunate to make some fantastic creations that will boost their personality and knowledge. Their children will see growth too.
Scorpio: Jupiter will ensure a bigger home; family & you will give more…do charity and also will have increased responsibility in their work zone.
Sagittarius: will be lucky to have rewards, increased connections, great efforts in the task at hand & some further education. Jupiter will provide wise and positive communication.
Capricorn: Will be much relieved on finance, health, and on their work front. Jupiter will give a good understanding among family members.
Aquarius: Jupiter will enhance your name, fame…will give you glorious personality and charisma.
Pisces: Jupiter will ensure transformation, self—healing, peace by introspection. Gradually, you will feel protected from any adversity.
That’s for all 12 Ascendants,
To summarize….
Purvabhadrapada-Jupiter will bring hope after a long time…will make us comfortable fulfilling our desires, where Aquarius is placed in our chart…
Use your past experience and manage tough matters.
This transit will bring expansion in-network, & social activities, which was kind of stagnant because of the pandemic…There will be more freedom & optimism in the environment.
Just be watchful on getting too comfortable in the area of your success given by Jupiter as the journey ahead will be in its own sign…Pisces where Jupiter believes in more giving away …charity and letting go …