Ketu Conjunctions with Planets -Sudden Karmic Transformation

Conjunction Ketu makes with other planets.
Conjunction is formed when two or more planets are in the same sign and their vibrations blend, work together, amplify the effect of each other and create completely new energy.
The planets should be close to each other with at least 6 to 8 degrees to give a strong impact. A conjunction is very powerful and can produce either harmony or disharmony depending on the planets involved.
To observe its intensity to give results, we need to find the nature of the house, sign, then the nature of planets, their relationship with each other & if they are friendly to the ascendant, functional nature of the planets …
Then most importantly, see which planet is in the lowest degree that planet & its significance will be ruling this conjunction…. but with the influence of the other planet also…
The strength of the planet is also taken into account, like whether the planet is combust, retrograde or direct to determine the resulting impact of that conjunction.
Nature of Ketu…:
Ketu has significance over our past karma…our past patterns…. which can be a mixed bag of positive and negative both…our strengths, weakness related to Ketu's sign & house placement along with its lord.
Ketu is our hidden talents…the skills which apparently, we are not aware of…but as we mature, we explore those strengths & weaknesses…
Ketu is the path that we have walked many a time so it is imbibed strongly in us…we can do those things very easily…& we are so comfortable that even in the middle of the night if someone asks us to do things related to that matter…we will do it instinctively and the responses will be instant without much thought…
& This applies to certain bad habits also…
Also, because we have mastered this area or in a way has the expertise, where Ketu is placed…there is nothing much that you need to achieve so there is not much enthusiasm…kind of disinterest…detachment or not much regard for the significance of Ketu's house and sign.
The sign and the house significance of the Ketu will come naturally to us in an easy way…. &
What comes easy doesn’t attract us and we are kind of separated from there…Ketu absorbs those qualities, blocks them if Ketu is not favorably working for you, and don’t let them come out easily…we end up not using them…but that’s not the purpose of Ketu…The purpose of Ketu is to explore, release and use those skills for fulfilling Rahu’s desire…
They both, Rahu and Ketu work as a team to fulfill whatever our mind aspires…as both are the moon’s nodes and works for the moon…
The problem happens when you sit on your talents and do nothing about them…so it is necessary to use them for fulfilling what Rahu is trying to achieve…this way there will be perfect balance and ultimate growth of the soul…
Now when the energy of this Ketu is with other planets then there are combined energies which either will enhance the skill of Ketu or restrict it further …
It will depend on which planet is conjoined and much will depend on the elemental compatibility of the planets.
Ketu is a Fire element and goes very well with Air and secondly with earth element but water will extinct fire….and has opposite nature so there will be many struggles with this combination.
Do keep in mind that Rahu/Ketu are not actual planets with solid mass which we can see…they are just 2 strong points where the energies gather so they are sensitive points that need channelization…
It is important to direct these energies as we want and not to leave them loose…or they will catch hold of us ..they can be a strong influence on our mind & can make us weak given a chance.
Any planet when conjoins Ketu, then Ketu absorbs the capacity of the planet to operate fully but there are hidden skills also attached with Ketu…whether that talent will come out or not will much depend on the strongness of the planet involved…who will win among the two…
One thing which I have observed is Ketu being a fire element always hits the water element the most and that is emotions…gives hurt, demands sacrifice in relation…along with suffering and pain. Ketu generally encourages letting go in relations.
As Ketu tends to have a tendency to separate the person from the relative or significations of its house.
Secondly, there is always suddenness attached with Ketu…. the impact is most sudden…upside down…whatever it is, good or bad, it comes in an unexpected manner, & there is a complete change in the equation
Ketu behaves as the sign lord or the planet in conjunction with him… With Ketu, any planet conjunction gives eclipse to that planet…
Just keep 3 things in mind while analyzing Ketu conjunction…the suddenness …along with the unpredictability of the event,
Secondly, emotions, relations will have the most impact …positive or negative will much depend on the strength and placement of the conjunction in the chart which will decide the intensity of the impact…&
last but not least…do not discard any intuition about the result that you anticipate…you are spot on when you think of an answer…now help yourself and act accordingly…
Let us see Ketu’s connection with each planet.
Ketu on Ascendant: Fire + the element of the ascendant…Fire will go well with Fire, Air, and earth ascendant but can be challenging with Water… being opposite nature.
Ketu with Sun: Fire + Fire…can boost each other greatly if Sun is dignified…but too much fire can be dangerous also. This conjunction in the earth sign is best.
Ketu Sun gives special connection with father and father figures, bosses or authority people, you have strong physical energy, extraordinary skills to express yourself with great confidence. All the significance of Sun will get impacted.
The results can be opposite if Sun is weak by its house or sign placement. Ketu is an enemy to Sun and their conjunction can give problems to children, ego clash with others…makes your bones and health weak…then
Ketu with Moon: Fire + Water can be very challenging, it also gives a special connection with the mother, a mother-like figure. You have strong imagination power, great understanding about nurturing anything that you come across, motherly emotions, your intuition will be very sharp. You can absorb nearly everything from the environment but still, it won’t affect you as with Ketu emotions will be dry…
The problem starts when you become restless… when you do not channelize these energies or use them for Rahu…
There can be mental depression or restlessness.
Ketu conjunct the Sun or Moon can give problems with eyes/ eyesight. The Sun also gives bone fractures and problems with the spine.
Ketu with Mars: Fire + Fire can enhance each other’s quality but again like the sun too much fire can turn things to ashes…there can be aggression or even violence at times so the energies should be managed well.
Special connection with siblings and need earth energy for survival. There is unbeatable drive and energy to fight, defend or protect… toughest circumstances… & can also give injuries, accidents, or surgery.
Ketu with Mercury: Fire + Earth is neutral to each other and it won’t be smooth sailing…if thoughts are not channelized and can impact mostly your mental health, relations. This needs a lot of self-control over thoughts, words, and actions
On the positive side, there is intelligence, multi-tasking & excellent ideas.
But weak Mercury can give break, fights in relation and nervous breakdown…problem with nerves, strokes
Ketu with Jupiter: Fire + Ether…can be compatible and best as Jupiter will balance Ketu’s energy…
Jupiter should be well placed as Jupiter’s understanding, knowledge, and wisdom are well utilized by Ketu…and will enhance spirituality leading to growth.
There will be a special connection with teachers, gurus,s or mentors in life.
Ketu with Venus: Fire + water can bring struggle in relations, emotions the most…. Love relationships are mostly karmic…Good for media, art line, & also give immense wealth, prosperity…
The unique connection will be with the spouse or love relationships
It can give suffering in marriage, addiction problems and kidney, fertility issues if Venus is weak by its house or sign placement.
Ketu with Saturn: Fire + Air will go well with each other…If Saturn is dignified then this conjunction can give exceptional skills and profession for the betterment of society …
But with weak Saturn, this conjunction makes life full of struggle, dissatisfaction, and sorrow…there can be challenges, breaks in their profession…& the best remedy should be to be disciplined, organized, and hardworking…
The special connection will be with the old, elderly people of the family, labor class people…who works for you…under you
Ketu would slow down, freeze or delay the functional qualities of the Houses it occupies; or the Houses/House Lords it aspects and House Lords with whom it conjuncts but the benefic aspect of Jupiter, Venus can considerably lessen the impact…