Ketu in Chitra Nakshatra — Focus on Constructing New Life

Jayshree Dhamani
12 min readJun 26, 2023

One of the most transformative transits of the year will be, when Ketu will enter Chitra nakshatra, on 27th June…

Ketu will be in Chitra nakshatra, till 4th March 2024… for 8 long months….

Ketu in Chitra Nakshatra will range from 6.40 ° of Libra to 23.20 ° of Virgo…

So, it will move from Kama trine to Artha trine…

From Air element to earth element by the end of October….

& this is where we can experience the major shift in the energies…

Change of goals & focus…will be, from Air significance like intellect, ideas, communication & mind power…. to earth element…. a stable, grounded & practical side of life…

We shall experience this change, while Ketu is in Chitra — Mars’s nakshatra …

While in Libra, Ketu was influencing our thoughts, communication, our desires, relations & making all necessary corrections at a mental level.

Nothing actually must have happened or will happen, till Ketu in Libra …. other than serious thinking or planning.

But when Ketu will enter Virgo… by the end of October, it will now influence us on a physical level…. showing us the impact of those mental corrections in real form…

With Virgo Ketu, we would see the impact…. & actually, experience the results of those mental corrections… On… our health, job, career, daily routine, business, relations & whatever Virgo represents in our chart.

Also, on whatever we have worked upon or planned for… in the last one year since Ketu entered Libra…

But Mercury is the ruler of Virgo…we can still experience… continuation of those mental corrections…& turning them into reality….

Also, Ketu in Chitra will be exactly opposite to the Aries-Pisces gandanta point & precisely, it is… just opposite to the starting point of our natural zodiac…

If Aries & Ashwini are important points of the zodiac, as a new journey starts from here for any planet…

Then, when a planet, enters Libra…we make an entry in the outer world…

It is equally significant as a descendent point of the zodiac…where we greet the outer world… after our inner journey through self…

Now we are ready to show the world what we learned…. our hard work & efforts can be seen, to the rest of the world with Ketu in Chitra — Virgo sign.

Ketu transiting this point of natural descendent can be significant for a new beginning of something major…

As Rahu will be at the gandanta point of Aries-Pisces when Ketu is in Libra…& entering Virgo….

Also, Ketu in Virgo will make 6–8 relations with chief planets, Uranus, Jupiter & Saturn…

But Pluto is trine to Ketu. That indicates the transformation & change will be for benefic reasons….

So, it’s a very significant transit which will make a big difference in our life changing the current patterns…our goals & our focus…

Ketu transits Chitra, every 18 years. Previous transit of Ketu in Chittra was:

From 14th Apr’1986 to 22nd Dec’1986 &

From 20th Nov’2004 to 28th July 2005.

If you can recall your experiences of moving from the external to the internal world or vice versa …

& Changing the patterns of your life, in a significant manner… then expect similar kind of experiences this time…

It can be some extended version of that same event also… in a broad manner…

Ketu in Vishakha triggered a diversion to our life path….

Ketu in Swati has given a concluding impact of it…

& Now Ketu in Chitra will form a new beginning….

See, the goal of Rahu-Ketu is changing when…. they will shift the signs by October end…

It will be all about letting go…rendering services to others, and cutting on our pending karma….

Not getting into detailing part of life or having perfections & avoid conflicts as far as possible…

That will be the goal of Ketu in Chitra…

Generally, Ketu makes us disinterested in the significance of the sign, where it is placed…

Ketu is the benefactor of spirituality, nirvana, & isolation.

It always guides us to detach from the objective & materialistic world…& will lead us toward spirituality, and devotion.

A benefic Ketu makes us virtuous… spiritually intelligent. It uplifts the career, gives benefits from authority & blesses with longevity.

Good Ketu maintains & improves the knowledge, learned in previous births.

But a negative Ketu can bring an excess of struggles in our life where it is placed or influences…

Negative effects of Ketu include health problems, body pain, royal punishment, obstacles in education, increased chances of accidents, loss of wealth, and loss in acute matters….

It can also cause a lack of self-confidence, self-doubt, lack of intelligence, reduced concentration, fear, anxiety, depression without any reason & also struggles in career…

You won’t even find a clear reason for these rewards or losses…. as Ketu is connected with our previous karma….

& Chitra is a nakshatra of creator…

It is ruled by Vishwakarma, the Cosmic craftsman, architect & is the “star of opportunity & prosperity”

It’s female, soft, movable but rakshasa gana nakshatra…

It signifies change & adaptability. It is also associated with the element of fire, which represents energy …. Passion…

Chitra reflects the world of Maya & delusions, which need to be conquered by Mars…

Ketu in Chitra breaks our illusion… & creates a new image…a new brand & gives us a new direction….

The symbol is the gem on the serpent’s apex & it is the forehead of Kalpurush.

The power of Chitra is to gain the fruit of our good karma that comes through justice, truthfulness

We are entitled to have those fruits by the law of karma….

It has high spiritual energy…which can easily defeat enemies & gain honor.

There is extraordinary intelligence, higher education, a strong urge for knowledge, and expertise in politics…

Chitra has great creative powers, giving splendor, variety, & abundance. Focus just on constructing new things…

Chitra is the divine architect of the Universe and governor of “construction” for deities.

So, expect matters related to house construction & reconstruction, or planning any new formation,….

We have extraordinary performers & thinkers with this nakshatra… All types of artists, and designers can be signified by Chitra…

There is superb creativity & natural ability to accumulate wealth…. We can easily gain confidence, with a strong sense of personal power & leadership.

& Mars represents our skills & our capacity to act on those talents passionately….

But, now with Ketu in Chitra everything, all those talents can be hidden…

It will take time & effort, to let it all come out in the open…It needs extra hard work & determination…

On a positive note, Mars is quick & impulsive in action…he is a fighter…

Mars is a masculine planet that signifies strength & supremacy.

It is associated with courage, enthusiasm, activity, youth, vitality, dynamism, confidence, initiation, innovation, & originality.

While in Libra, till October, Ketu will be mostly balancing the scales & will try to bring justice with diplomacy…

When it comes to Chitra Nakshatra with the Libra sign, the energy is mostly used in showing passion & fulfilling desires.

There can be high ambition & determination to achieve targets.

More of interactions & everything will be in a, give & take relationship…

But when Ketu is in the earthy sign of Virgo, it gives a lot of mystery & secrecy….

It gives stable temperament & mind … where we may have deep thoughts & analysis…

But we also have a safe limit to everything….

We say Kuja vat Ketu…. Both, Mars & Ketu, represents Fire element…So, Ketu in Chitra will be too much fire…

We can expect more aggression, passion, action…& Mars will be the handler of Ketu, to give results…

So, the position of Mars with respect to Ketu is important to know during this transit of Ketu in Chitra….

Check the strength of transit Mars & your natal Mars as Ketu will derive its energy from this Mars.

Mars is not very comfortable giving results in both…. Libra & Virgo…. being not friendly signs to Mars….

But we can certainly see quicker results than earlier…. as so far Ketu was in the nakshatra of slower-moving planets… Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu…

& Now start from Ketu in Chitra, it will be in faster-moving planets, Mars, Moon, Sun & Venus…

Sharing here… the transit of Mars when Ketu is in Chitra Nakshatra for your reference & also the conjunctions Ketu will make during this transit.

If you observe closely the time around October & November, is most sensitive with the conjunction & placement part …

The most tricky time will be when Mars… the nakshatra lord of Chitra will conjunct Ketu…. Almost, the entire October

See, Ketu is an extreme planet…. Either there is too much of something or a total absence of things….

So, in any circumstance… maintaining balance is very important …

This time demands your patience & cautious action… think twice before doing, or saying anything…take guidance from others & evaluate yourself at each level…

Notice, the series of Ketu conjunctions in October…. We also have a Solar & Lunar eclipse on the 14th & 29th of October.

See, there is nothing to worry about but to be prepared for.. any sudden change & handle it with thoughtfulness…

Astrology is indicative science & makes us cautious about our reactions to difficult circumstances….

So be aware of this time… Stay alert, when the energies are shifting…

Then, Ketu will transit in Scorpio, Libra, Virgo & Leo navamsa…. & will be vargottama for nearly 4 months…

Ketu will be in the Libra & Virgo sign, both in D1 & Navamsa chart & will be capable to give concrete results….

The timeline will be from September to December when Ketu will be strong…

Note this time… expect results of Rahu-Ketu in Aries-Libra sign & a new beginning in a significant manner…

The goal of Ketu in Chitra… will be to bring necessary corrections… maintain balance & harmony in relations, family, matters related to love, work, business, any group activity, & finances….

Things can abruptly change around Oct with a change in the sign of Ketu to Virgo…

Then the goal of Ketu in Virgo will be to work on health, use your strength to defeat the negativity of life, do some unfinished tasks, fight & win the battle & use your mind power to handle tough matters.

Ketu in Chitra will certainly bring some endings, with new prospects…

It’s time to negotiate well for your rights & come to a fair conclusion.

There can be some changes or breakthroughs that will give a shakeup but with new opportunities.

The equations with those areas may change… & start to transform completely from here.

Before leaving Libra, Ketu can bring balance & increased understanding about our relations, business & the way we deal with others…

It will be good to share our thoughts & have some pleasant heart-to-heart talk…. about the matter of concern.

You can check the Libra & Virgo sign, its placement in your individual chart …

Also, your natal positions & Dasha periods are equally important, as any result will be the combination of transit & natal placement of the planet.

Start with:

Aries: Till October try to bring balance in relations with some renewed belief & faith…. It’s all about having & giving space and freedom to others in relation…

Change the way you deal with the rest of the world… & With Ketu in Virgo, create a new lifestyle, daily routine, new fitness goals, & the way you manage everything….

Taurus: You need to have a balanced approach by making necessary changes in your lifestyle for your sound health & also balance your work with daily life….

Ketu in Virgo can reduce your creative expressions & even your stock market activities…Go easy with children, and students & review your hobbies…

Gemini: You need to evaluate your pleasure-giving activities…It’s time to prepare for new passion & develop fresh talents… with enthusiasm…

With Ketu in Virgo, you may create a strong foundation, & family bond. Change your home, do some repairing & look for stability & peace of mind…

Cancer: You may aim at balancing your home life, family & work… Connect with your roots…bond with family & resolve matters related to vehicle & property.

By October, start working on relocating, improving your speech, gathering new information… You can have some important conversations & collaborations with mentors, teachers, or father figures to start a new journey.

Leo: communication is the key. It is the time to strengthen your courage, share your knowledge, & thoughts with others…You can consider traveling or learning new things to expand your horizons…

With those changes…expect a shift in your value system …The goal is to achieve family & financial stability… security. & this time can provide health & healing.

Virgo: should focus on maintaining peace in the family, saving money & increase your values… Put a check on your 5 senses & take care of your health.

Expect change at each level. With Ketu in Virgo shift your focus, to your image & personality, your identity…Encourage yourself to set new personal goals & work on your relations.

Libra: Expect major changes in your personal life, in the way others look at you. Ketu in Chitra can put you in some new territory to explore…give your best… & be a balancing factor in all areas of life.

Virgo Ketu will be all about letting go of what is not required & helping you grow in your life…It will actually release you from any bondage. Take some time alone to reflect on your day-to-day life, & maintain good health.

Scorpio: Finally with Ketu in Libra, you can let go a lot more than you think…. this is a time for you to be with yourself & nature to have some fresh…new perspective …Best time to take care of your health with the proper fitness.

With Ketu in Virgo, you may shuffle your circle, network & your friends…can reduce in numbers… You may not look for rewards or success… but the aim can be to share & express your ideas with creativity.

Sagittarius: This transit can slow down your rewards & your desire fulfillment…. Even your financial gains can be cut down… It’s time to make corrections in your friend circle & the people you are involved with….

Ketu in Virgo will… power up your work-life…career…your goals…Can give you status, position, a leadership role…. & that can strongly reflect on your peace of mind & family bonding…avoid any ego clash or conflict.

Capricorn: Include some charity work or things related to spirituality in your work zone… Do not take the stress of not having enough work & go with the flow. It’s best to take some constructive steps in the work zone to change your role.

With Ketu in Virgo, you can expand your vision, beliefs…faith, & trust in the area of learning…higher education… It can push you beyond your comfort zone & could reveal new opportunities.

Aquarius: can start planning for some movement, travel…adventure, learning, be more outgoing, communicative & expand your horizons.

Expect a change in your work with activeness or travel. There can be a surprise element with suddenness in its nature. It’s the best time to speak & release any fear from your mind.

Pisces: can look for transformation in family, finances… It’s time to have out-of-box thinking & develop innovative ideas to work upon…

Ketu in Virgo can impact your closest ties, relations & you’ll get clarity about which ones to nurture & which to let go…Also, Be frank about your own needs.

That’s all for all 12 ascendents….

To summarize…

Ketu in Libra encourages you to maintain your relations & financial goals….

Make the necessary changes… & create your new image…

Before moving to Virgo, Ketu will help you to feel more balanced… by letting go & releasing whatever is not working for you.

& With Ketu in Virgo…. your mind will focus on having peace & be at ease.

Virgo Ketu & Chitra Nakshatra will create a new lifestyle for you… where you may not get into too much detail.

You can also declutter your mind…

See, always keep in mind… with Ketu, that there are hidden talents, and skills stored with Ketu…

When Ketu transits a sign or nakshatra then… those skills will come out on the surface, if we reflect, focus & work on it.

& Mars represents our skills…which will come out if you work towards them…

Know this & use this transit to your benefit…

If deep down you know you are good at something then now is the time to pursue that…& go for it…

Apart from all these impacts…health, in general, need to be watched closely especially while Ketu is in Virgo….

Ketu in Chitra can give issues related to the stomach, blood-related problems, Ulcers, skin issues, kidneys, deficiencies of all kinds & problems related to the reproductive organs….

Ketu can hide the issue & it won’t be easy to diagnose the diseases…

Ketu is blindly devoted to what is its target. It will give or take passionately … without fail…& now in a quick way…. with Ketu in Chitra…

It will make you or break you — the result will depend on what you have done so far while Ketu was in Swati.

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Jayshree Dhamani
Jayshree Dhamani

Written by Jayshree Dhamani

All about Astrology, Numerology, Vastu, Fengshui, Tarot, Graphology, Face Reading, Palmistry, I Ching, Rune & Crystal gazing.

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