Libra Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon In Vishakha — Emotional Healing with New Path
It’s about …. a very special full moon & the 1st Lunar eclipse of 2023 on the 5th of May…in Libra — Vishakha Nakshatra…
First of all, it is a Penumbral Lunar eclipse…a very weak form of an eclipse….
The eclipse will be hard to even observe & subtle in nature compared to a total or partial lunar eclipse.
When it is a total lunar eclipse or partial, we can see the shadow on the moon is more… & it is visible too…
With the Penumbral lunar eclipse, there is hardly any shadow…So, even the impact will be subtle…
The Moon passes through Earth’s penumbral shadow.
Like… in this photo, the Moon crosses the outer part of Earth’s shadow…with minimal cover on Moon….
So, the influence won’t be as intense or strong as a total eclipse…
But like every full moon, even this Libra full moon can bring completion and closer in an ongoing matter related to the Aries-Libra sign in our chart.
This Penumbral Lunar Eclipse will be visible from Africa, Asia, and Australia …along with some parts of Europe, the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, & Antarctica….
The eclipse will start from 15 hr.14 min on 5th May till 19 hr.31 min UTC time.
The maximum eclipse will be at 17 hr.22 min UTC time.
Though we may not experience the intensity of this eclipse…
But we can relate this lunar eclipse with the time when Ketu was in Vishakha from February to October’22.
This eclipse is happening with Ketu & also in Vishakha Nakshatra….
So, we can see some concrete results of that time with this eclipse.
We have one more Lunar eclipse on 29th Oct… giving the lasting impact of the Aires-Libra sign in our chart.
As that would be the last eclipse before the nodes will change their sign to Pisces-Virgo.
But still, it will be an important trigger point to bring transformation with endings, & closure at some level…
It indicates that something needs — to give way before reconstruction can start.
This full moon & eclipse is opposite Uranus, the planet of sudden changes.
& Before reaching this eclipse point, the moon will cross Ketu in Swati…
So, the general feeling can be intense with some transformative events, with unexpected changes that can force us to modify our old patterns and shift our focus in a new direction.
Normally, a lunar eclipse can bring our intense emotional disorders to the surface… & can reveal our hidden emotions…
Eclipses are known to magnify things & bring unavoidable changes with surprise…
& we have a full moon & lunar eclipse in Libra — the sign of our close relationship & Partnerships…or business…
It can give emotional awakening with relief, release & moksha…in the area of our concern…
It will end some emotional matter that you were struggling with…you had confusion about it or just couldn’t figure out what to do with it
Actually, eclipse activates things…to teach us certain lessons which we do not learn in our normal day-to-day life or we just ignore …or under estimate… its importance…
Expect an end with some new developments & opportunities…
Don’t get in good or bad here…
It is the most necessary thing for your personal growth which you were overlooking …
& with Eclipse we get back on the right track…Actually, each eclipse has a specific purpose related to its placement.
This Lunar eclipse repeats every 18 years. In astronomy, this repetition of eclipses, every 18 years… is governed by the Saros cycle.
It is the 24th Eclipse of Saros 141 lunar eclipse series of total 72 eclipses.
They all share a very similar geometry, where all occur with Ketu & the Moon moves northward with each eclipse.
The surrounding eclipses in this Saros series are with a progression of 10° each time.
If we go back, we had a lunar eclipse in April 1969 in Virgo then in April 1987 again in Virgo ….
Then the previous one in April 2005 — in Libra & the current one on 5th May in Libra — Vishakha Nak @ 20°
The next will be in May 2041 in Scorpio — Vishakha Nak @ 1°
If there was any new experience during the previous eclipses… then you can expect some further development related to that…
Or some similar kind of experience with this eclipse also….
If we stay clear and focused then this time can be used to take a pause …. rethink what we did in the past…what needs change…& letting go…to make things better…
It could be a very good opportunity to reflect or re-evaluate on these matters.
This Lunar eclipse can bring some culmination, movement, or end to that matter….
Generally, the change that comes with eclipse is guiding us in the direction of our future path…
The entire transition will be very smooth if we stay flexible and welcome the changes that come with the eclipse…
Also, the lunar eclipse gives faster results compared to Solar eclipses.
This time there are no planets in 6–8–12 to Sun or Moon which is a very good indication…
& Though far but Jupiter has an aspect on Moon-Ketu & Libra too…
But Moon has just crossed Ketu…which certainly indicates some closer at an emotional level…
As it is, emotions run high and are more dramatic during a full moon….
Eclipse will add to emotional insecurity or can create a threat to our stability….
So, it is important to keep up with calmness & control our emotions…
It’s best to heal and settle our difficult emotions.
Lunar Eclipse is the time when we can release those hard emotions… give up control and let go of everything …. that blocks our growth.
The sooner we accept, the better it will be for us to survive well and welcome anything new…
It’s time to…consciously share the feelings that you are holding on to… or it will surely find a way to come out in some unpleasant or destructive way.
This won’t be the case if we handle it with awareness…Also,
There is nothing to be fearful about Eclipse…but to be careful & accept the changes that it brings.
Actually, we can also explore new directions & get into the unknown…
Certainly, there can be a struggle to balance both sides of the coins with the highlighted 1–7 axis of the natural zodiac…
But these are movable signs so the change would be easy to handle and any challenges can be overcome without much of problems…
The lights of the full moon are on the Aries-Libra axis of our charts…Things can be clear & visible… there won’t be any confusion…
Trust that this transformation may bring:
~ some most awaited opportunity…
~ a new path to your destiny…
~ giving each one of us a chance to have growth in life where Aries — Libra is placed in our chart.
It is best to take hold of the situation with regard to any old, dead emotional issues, or even some person, a place, or a memory…of your life.
We have retrograde Mercury opposite this Eclipse with Sun, Rahu & Uranus…
This clearly indicates we have to review or reconsider everything related to the Aries — Libra sign in our chart…
Also, check if you have any planet close to 20° in your chart….
That planet or cusp may have the most impact of this eclipse…
Another important point is Saturn… having an aspect on Aries and all the planets placed there…. Sun, Rahu, Uranus & Jupiter — lord of Vishakha…
Both Saturn & Jupiter can bring radical changes…growth and some long-term development can be expected related to the Aries — Libra axis…
This combined aspect along with Moon in Vishakha will certainly bring some diversion which is the theme of Vishakha Nakshatra…
Vishakha is a forked branch giving diversion or a new direction. …
With more options, new opportunities, & a different path… which can change the current situation.…
Vishakha is a star of purpose & represents immense energy, power, passion & teamwork.
& This lunar eclipse will be the starting point of all the modifications that we are expecting …
Being Jupiter’s star there will be always wisdom and understanding to handle any difficult circumstances….
There may not be any immediate results in the physical form but long-term gains & some solid results before the nodes change their sign in November…
Now let us see how this eclipse will impact each ascendent…
Check the Aries-Libra sign placement in your chart. There can be some breakthroughs as that is the aim of the eclipse…
Your goal should be to achieve balance here…
A full moon & eclipse in Aires — Libra axis will increase your confidence tremendously to do things alone… independently…
But include others wherever needed & try to create inter-dependency which is the goal of this 1–7 axis…
Let us see the impact for each ascendant, but focus on releasing & letting go… to build a new value system for yourself…
Aries: Eclipse & full moon in your relationship zone will bring out any imbalance in your close relationships….
It will illuminate your entire being…your identity…Will encourage you to set new personal goals & can better your relations if managed well.
It’s time to let go of your tendency to control others, has trust, and bring balance by including others in life…
Taurus: For you, this eclipse the full moon is all about… bringing discipline in your day-to-day life, in your work zone & have new fitness goals…
Making changes is most beneficial for you… letting go of what is not required to help you grow in your life…
Spend some time alone and reflect on your lifestyle… and what can help you to maintain good health.
It’s time to take things lightly…make plans to travel abroad … manage your expenses …. Don’t be restless & channel your thoughts….
For Gemini: It’s a good time to sharpen your skills… come out of your comfort zone, and keep up with your funny side…
Use the blessings of life for the betterment of others… & share your ideas more with your children…
The spotlight is on your circle, network, and how best you can influence them with your valuable sharing…& expressing your ideas with creativity.
Cancer: This eclipse full moon can bring a shift in your home front…. there can be relocation or repair…
It can strongly impact on your peace of mind and family bonding…avoid any ego clash or conflict.
On a positive note, it can charge up your work-life, career…your goals… Can give you status, position, and a leadership role…
Make your foundations strong…& bond well with family… it’s time to come out in public… Show & share your talents with others for the benefit of everyone involved…
Leo: This eclipse full moon can create such circumstances that may demand more effort… traveling…. can push you beyond your comfort zone & can bring new opportunities.
It can expand your horizon with new learnings — your vision can change with new beliefs…Your trust in your new learning can increase…
Best time to express your ideas, share easily…Free yourself from any burden by being stubborn…& adopt change at each level…
It’s time to keep up with your patience with authorities & elders in your life….
Virgo: The aim of this eclipse is to bring balance in your financial matters & family along with your health…
Change is around the corner for you in these matters — which can come to the surface with this eclipse full moon.
There can be a surprise element with suddenness in its nature. It’s the best time to speak and release any fear from your mind.
Change the way… how you deal with chaos. Be firm in your choices but still maintain balance while dealing with any challenging situation.
Libra: This eclipse can trigger you personally & will correct …bring balance to your close relations…
It’s all about you, your health, and your image… let go of any hatred or revenge…forgive others for their mistake, and release yourself from the fear of not being included anywhere…
The spotlight is on self-first then your closest ties; relations & you’ll get clarity about the role you play within relations.
It’s high time to feel balanced and stay mutual in partnerships. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for what you need… But with an awareness of your own weakness.
Scorpio: This eclipse can bring you more awareness of your family values & finances…along with your own skills.
Time to reflect seriously on health, and discipline in life. Get into research work & stay focused to gather more knowledge…
Discard any fear of losing your freedom while you are exploring something new.
You can have a deep reflection on daily routine, health, and the way they manage everything…
It’s time to focus on what needs letting go…& stay flexible with changes in how you work.
Sagittarius: This eclipse full moon will fulfill your desires… can bring rewards… & can bring up your expressive and creative side…
It’s time to awaken your inner childlike joy which will be well expressed with your network & friends.
It’s time to enjoy your rewards…make new connections…
It’s not always about duties & responsibility. Have some entertainment …enjoy your creativity… & share with your circle…
Capricorn: With this eclipse full moon you will shine in your work zone… You may experience positive results from your past work in social life & your career.
You may also feel homely, think of relocating, renovation & focus can be related to home, family, making solid foundations, & your peace of mind.
Time to reflect on the basis of your social values, build up your image & find something to work on with commitment.
Aquarius: You may be forced to follow your boss or elders …With an eclipse full moon, you may find sudden awareness and change in your fixed opinions…
Your communication can get polished with increased knowledge.
Best time to review your opinions, your beliefs may need some re-working…
Be fearless, while communicating your ideas…& you’ll see success… Distraction won’t help nor fear of being judged or any rejection…
Pisces: There can be a strong need for change…some shift in your value system with this eclipse full moon…
Your focus is to have satisfaction in life with family… This full moon will bring you emotional and financial security & can provide good health & healing.
It is good to be gentle & correct your communication with family members. Work on health, & the way you handle finances, family…
Release your hoarding nature and bring balance by valuing the intangibles of life.
That’s about all 12 Ascendants,
To Summarize:
This eclipse is not very challenging but consider it as a special full moon with the involvement of Ketu…
With Vishakha nakshatra, it offers an opportunity to emotionally divert…. Change the way you feel, reset, take a new…& different direction…
This full moon encourages you to heal emotionally by dropping your guards, or any barriers…
It’s the time to let go of anything… unwanted in your life…. which can create blockages….
Certainly, you will be in new horizons with great awareness after this eclipse.
Do reflect on your past, and welcome a better lifestyle with a balanced approach.
Stay flexible with all those changes & the rest will follow…
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