Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon in Aires — Ashwini Nak | Time to Lay New Foundation | Leap of Faith
A powerful full moon & partial lunar eclipse on 28th October in Aries — Ashwini Nakshatra @ 11°
And it’s a partial Lunar eclipse, out of the 3 types of eclipse we have.
A penumbral has just a shadow on the moon compared to a total lunar eclipse where the moon is completely covered with the shadow of Earth.
The impact of the partial eclipse will be in proportion to the shadow it has on the Moon.
See, here — only a small portion of the moon is covered…. So, expect a partial impact…of this lunar eclipse…
But this Lunar eclipse is significant for other reasons…
Rahu is crossing Gandanta Point, starting a new cycle through the zodiac, the very next day of this eclipse…
Rahu is going out of the sight of Saturn & Saturn going direct in Dhanishta nak.
Nearly all planets are connected in this eclipse, which signifies something important.
Also, the Lunar eclipse offers, a completion to things that have been going on for long…
The intensity of the event can depend on your running dasha, any close connection with the Aries sign & yes, 11° where this eclipse is happening…
Otherwise, it’s a good time to evaluate our personal growth and observe how far we have come in life.
And, Lunar Eclipse is a doorway to becoming more aware of our suppressed emotions, and expressing it … the perfect time to tune to our feminine side…
It’s best to channel our sentiments properly otherwise it can come out in a rude manner…
See, with any full moon, there is a lot of awareness of how we feel about things that are going on…
Eclipse can make it more intense… It’s more of an internal process and impacts us psychologically…
It’s best to listen to our intuition, stay calm, connect with our heart, feelings & align with our higher purpose, to bring an end to the matter at hand.
Be careful with how you respond as, with the Lunar eclipse, expect a dramatic end of something major….
Certainly, there can be feeling of insecurity — fear of losing our ground, and no stability.
But this can be the 1st step in moving forward toward growth and expansion.
But do remember…. it’s eclipse that creates shadow… darkness … however small it may be….
It may cause progress in one area but at the cost of loss in another area….
This partial lunar eclipse will start from the eastern side of Canada, US…
And, it will move towards Europe, Africa, most of Asia, and western Australia will be able to see this eclipse
The penumbral lunar eclipse starts at UTC time 18.01 hours.
The mid-point will be at 20.14 min, and the eclipse ends at 22.26 min at night.
Further, this Partial Lunar eclipse belongs to Saros 146 series which reoccurs every 18 years.
It is the 11th eclipse out of 72 eclipses in the series. & All eclipses in this series happen with Rahu.
If we look back on the previous lunar eclipse of this Saraas series…
Then, we had in Sep 1969 in Pisces — Uttara Bhadrapada Nak @ 9° After that in Oct 1987 in Pisces — Revati Nak @ 19° Then in Oct 2005 in Pisces — Revati Nak @ 29.58°
Now this is interesting to note,
This was at exact gandanta point — the most significant one to give impact…. change…
Do recollect your time back in 2005 Oct…. & the theme that time…. There must have been some major start….
Depending on your current time period you can expect a similar kind of experience with the current eclipse….
Now this time there can be a new start with this Oct eclipse in Aries — Ashwini Nak @ 11° as both Aries & Ashwini signify a new start….
And, the next will be in Nov 2041 — again in Aries — Bharani Nak @ 21°
Your previous experiences… can help you understand, the impact of this eclipse & now this time you know how best to respond or make necessary corrections…
This lunar eclipse is happening with Rahu… so expect growth, and expansion in the matter at hand where Aires is placed in your chart…
And with Libra, you may experience some decrease or elimination, as Ketu is placed there…
Also, this is the last eclipse in the Aries-Libra axis… so expect lasting results.
In the lights of a full moon everything will be clear and, anything… if hidden, also can be seen…
Rahu is known for exposing things. There can be a revelation of something hidden…
Be patient with any sensitive matter that you come across and handle it well.
And, Eclipse generally signifies a time of revelation…
It can disclose some new ways of thinking…or a fresh path to reach our targets.
It can also be a breaking point where tensions can burst. Any Frustrations and hidden feelings may be amplified at this time.
See, everyone is impacted … so consciously remaining calm is the key here to controlling any tough matter.
Moon & Rahu in Ashwini can bring a new start, and healing related to health, travel, or in your close relations….
Now, here Rahu will be at Gandanta Point also… which can open the tough knots of anything that is complex.
This gandanta can bring you answers, solutions and resolve your problems to long pending matters.
Just like in 2005, as that time, the eclipse was at this gandant point.
Expect culmination at some level with this lunar eclipse….
The focus will be to bring balance in relations, partnerships, making your brand, and fulfilling your needs, but also letting go wherever there is a need.
It’s not the time to control everything, but to sacrifice and move on with new goals, and ambitions…
& With Ketu in Libra, the goal can be to get rid of what is unable to give you any progress in life.
So having a balance between these 2 signs…Aries and Libra …. Can bring a smooth transition for you.
The strongest point of this eclipse is the Jupiter & Sun-Venus sign exchange.
Jupiter is close to the Moon and is opposite to the Sun. … and Saturn has an aspect on it.
Jupiter also has a tight aspect on the Mars-Mercury conjunction.
Jupiter is still in Bharani and Venus in its own nak…. 5th from Jupiter & Uranus.
& Uranus — a planet of the latest technology -innovation and suddenness are also opposite to all these planets.
Uranus is close to Jupiter and, opposite to Mars, Mercury, Sun & Ketu…
This connection can permanently transform and can put us on completely new grounds…. with a fresh start in connection with the Aries — Libra placement in our chart.
There are chances of major & unavoidable reset or reshuffle…
With the lunar eclipse, we are kind of forced to make room for new in our lives…it’s not about our wishes or choices anymore…
The sooner we accept, the better it will be for us to survive well ….
Certainly, there will be a struggle to balance both sides of the coins with the highlighted 1–7 axis of the natural zodiac…
But these are movable signs so the change would be easy, and we can overcome any challenges with ease…
Secondly, the eclipse is in Ashwini Nakshatra…where Rahu and Moon are in Ashwini …Ketu’s Nakshatra
Ashwini nakshatra is a star of initiation & whatever we start with this nakshatra, completes in a speedy way…
Ashwini is a healing star and is Dev gan nakshatra…
The deity is Ashwini Kumaras, known to be a doctor…healer…& provides cures.
They give solutions…. to our problems.
Ashwini can give good health, clears confusion & can solve tough puzzles…
What can help us here, is to think deeply like Ketu, reflect on ourselves, go by our intuition…to find our answers…
Ashwini is capable of healing naturally…
Wherever we are stuck in our life… Ketu has the power to release & give freedom from any block…. mental, physical, or emotional….
Presently, Ketu is in Libra, the 7th sign from Aries…
It can bring a sudden change in our social life, close relations & can change our world permanently…
It can cut off the attachments that are not helping us grow…
Most importantly, Ketu can cut short our fear, of loss…
The purpose of this 1–7 axis of the natural zodiac is to bring balance to both the significance of Aries & Libra…
With this Lunar eclipse, our emotional confusion or misunderstanding in relations can come out in the open…
It’s best to harmonize our needs… but considering, the need of our partner or whatever is in front of us.
This lunar eclipse can help us to achieve balance in our relations…
And, the eclipse is a time for releasing, changing, what no longer serves us, …
That is the most difficult thing to do, on an emotional level…as change may not come easily to anyone….
& Any change, 1st happens at emotional level…
So, if we prepare mentally, and make necessary changes in our attitude, in approach, then everything can flow with ease.
It is high time we take stock of the situation with regard to any old, dead emotional issues, or even a person, or a memory…with this eclipse.
But, be watchful of any insensitivity which comes in our actions, or communication with others.
Let us check for each ascendent or moon sign, and what we can expect from this eclipse.
Check the Aires-Libra axis in your chart…as that is the focus of the eclipse…For a deeper understanding, check the eclipse degree…
If any planet or a cusp is close to 11° in your chart…then that is the area of focus … & guarantees some event…
It is the exaltation point of the Sun.
Notice the struggle of the Aries-Libra axis in your life and their house significance where you need to achieve balance…
This eclipse is one last chance for the coming 18 years to resolve things radically…
A full moon & eclipse in Aires will increase your confidence tremendously to do things alone…
But include others wherever needed and try to create inter-dependency which is the goal of the 1–7 axis…
Aries: This eclipse is a big deal and can bring major lifestyle changes for you. You might be going through an identity crisis in relations….
Now, it’s time to let go of your old version and start working on a brand-new image.
There can be a transformation in your beliefs, thinking patterns, or even any addictions that are no longer serving your highest good.
Taurus: This partial Lunar Eclipse can expose the inner you, your hidden emotions…
It can trigger your subconscious mind, intuition, and, dreams. This eclipse can help you release unwanted emotions.
Reflecting on your life and having time with nature can be beneficial at this time.
Gemini: This Eclipse can bring you rewards, more awareness of social connections, networking, social media, and friendships.
Excellent time to re-evaluate and let go of toxic connections.
Focus more on learning new skills, enjoy your time with your children, subordinates & share, teach them…
Cancer: This Eclipse can activate your career, can bring you name, fame, social status, and success.
Expect more and new responsibilities. Your talents will be recognized by all. It’s time to go for a new path or direction in your career…
Excellent time to re-evaluate your work style and bring work-life balance.
Leo: This eclipse is all about shifting your overall outlook on life, religious and political views.
Also, the way you share, and communicate them. It’s the best time to go for higher education or some new learning, travel to foreign countries.
You may also think of relocation, and explore new things in life.
Virgo: You may feel a strong desire for a radical transformation of some sort You must have struggled to bring that change in life.
Be extra mindful when it comes to health, family, any financial matters, especially anything to do with loans, taxes and shared resources.
It’s best to stay flexible…release any stubborn views or emotions, that is a block on your path to success….
Libra: The Eclipse impacts you equally like Aries, impacting your relationships, partnerships, marriage, and contracts.
Expect, big, sudden changes in this area… It’s time to let go, there can be an end of a relationship, or business contract, or it can change your — being single status.
But, do keep in mind that it will release you and can give you the most needed freedom from the bondage that was heavy on you …
Scorpio: This Lunar Eclipse can bring a new start with success in your work zone…. Also, discipline in your day-to-day work, routines, and healing in any health-related matters.
Excellent time to manage work-life balance, have some me time, and invest in yourself….
Let go of any addictions or unhealthy habits & release yourself….
Sagittarius: This Eclipse can bring you a lot of creative projects and the most happening time for achievements….
You may get into developing new skills, hobbies, or interests at this time. Trust your intuition and go for it.
It’s time to make new connections, travel, enjoy, and spend time with friends.
Capricorn: Expect major change in your home, family front and in career…. Look for balance in both…
There can be relocation, repair, change in home or vehicles along with a new path in your career.
Trust your intuition to decide on that. It is a very favorable time to resolve any family conflicts or arguments.
Aquarius: This Eclipse can increase your stamina and courage…. Can change your way of communicating permanently…
Excellent time to re-evaluate your bond with siblings, friends and polish knowledge, and go for new learnings.
This time will alter your relations with elders, boss, and any father figure.
Pisces: This Eclipse can impact your earnings, family finances, and the way you deal with your family….
You may have to re-evaluate and look for more sources of income….
Best time to focus on health and be ready for any sudden change or challenges that you may face.
That’s about the impact on signs…
To Summarize:
The lights of the full moon are on the Aries-Libra axis of our charts…Expect clarity in this area of your life now…
Release your stress, confusion and heal by dropping your barriers….
Trust that any changes that happen during this time may bring some most awaited break…a new path to your destiny… giving each one of us the opportunity to have growth in life where Aries-Libra is placed in our chart.
Be open-minded for those changes, welcome a better lifestyle with the right approach where the soul is growing to its next stage…
Certainly, you will be in new horizons with great awareness after this eclipse.