Mercury in Leo & Its Retrogression — Profound Confidence & Expression
Mercury’s, long stay in Leo from 24th July to 1st October …
For more than 2 months… Mercury will go retro, in between… from 24th Aug to 15th Sep…& has Jupiter Saturn aspect.
Expect slowness in the signification of Mercury…. Mercury is a tiny planet but important. He is the king of the Samvat.
It signifies our thought process, travel, communication, health, education, knowledge & the process of how we put that knowledge to use…
Mercury works as a messenger for delivering, what’s in our brain… in our thoughts… by actually speaking that.
It indicates… how we put the learned information to use…how fast we perceive …- that shows the strength of Mercury in our chart…
Also, the greatest strength of Mercury comes from his curiosity…. duality, & childlike enthusiasm…
That makes us look for more options & gather knowledge …. on whatever comes on our way…
Remember, he is the prince in the cabinet of King — Sun…. & wishes to remain always in the limelight…
Now, Mercury is in Leo which is a royal sign…It is odd, fixed in nature & has a fire element…
There can be aggression, power, dominance & confidence in our speaking…. as the lord of Leo, Sun is the king of the zodiac & has superb command in his expression.
Sun will join Mercury in Leo by 17th August… All these tendencies will be more visible then …
There won’t be any fear in expressing our thoughts …rather we want to share our viewpoints with others openly.
There is confidence, strongness along with aggression also in our speech.
We can convey our thoughts with clarity, talk to the point & can easily share our vision …
Leo is a creative sign so even our normal communication can have a touch of creativity…. Some drama…
But Mercury will be crossing gandanta point while getting into Leo….
There can be emotional cleansing on a mental level… & with Mercury in Leo, we can be more vocal about it…
Be aware that, there can be debates & heated arguments when Mercury is retro.
There are 3 main pointers of this Mercury in Leo:
First, Mercury will conjunct Venus in Leo on 27th July & will be with Mars till Mars is in Leo & that is till 18th August.
All 3 of these planets — Venus, Mars & Mercury hold important lordship for Leo ascendant… & all are benefic houses…
Venus 3–10, Mars 4–9, & Mercury 2–11
Venus will leave Leo on 7th Aug so then we have 2 bitter enemies in Leo…Mars & Mercury till 18th August…
There can be a lot of mind games, conflicts & debates. We may miss the funny side of Mercury here…
Things can easily turn aggressive …But the combined aspect of Saturn & Jupiter can correct us at each step…&
Everything can be under control….
On 18th Aug, Mars will enter Virgo & Sun will enter Leo …its own sign…
All these indicate prominent impact & result of the Leo sign in our chart…
Secondly, Mercury gets retro in Leo at 27 ° in Uttara Phalguni nak of Sun …where the Sun is in Leo itself…
So, expect strong results from Mercury & its significance like media, thoughts, communication, travel, education…
& Mercury is lord of 2nd & 11th house for Leo ascendent…
& with the retrogression of Mercury, we can expect fluctuation in family, finances, our profits & gains, or any result of Gemini, Virgo along with the signification of Mercury in our chart…
Thirdly, Mercury will be mostly transiting in Purva Phalguni nak of Venus…. & retro Venus will be in Ashlesha Nak while in cancer….
So, for most of this transit, we shall have a nak exchange of Mercury & Venus…
Together they can give concrete results… & Both are good friends…
I did mention in previous articles also, that Mercury & Venus are the King & minister of this Samvat year…
Both of them together can strongly impact the results of the Cancer & Leo sign
Both Venus & Mercury will be retrograde during this transit …& both will be direct after 15th September.
So, after, all the back & forth movement …. we can expect some solid results after 15th September only…
Mercury will be in Magha, P Phalguni, and U Falguni Nak during this transit…
Out of these 3, be careful with Mercury’s transit through Magha, Ketu’s nak as Ketu is placed 3rd from Leo…
Both Mercury & Ketu are known to give ending strokes…being rulers of gandant point…
The communication can be very direct …cut short & a little shrewd…which won’t do any good to either party…
This is till 3rd August…Though Jupiter’s aspect will help to reduce negativity….
& with Mercury in Magha nak …we can expect some royal rewards also….
Only an egoistic approach can ruin the results otherwise, we can have good results, with Mercury in Purva Phalguni.
The intelligence & talents of Mercury can find the right expression…
Even with retrogression, our focus will be to sharpen our skills with, any repeated attempts….
& Mercury gets retro in U Phalguni where Sun — lord of U Phalguni is placed with Mercury in Leo….
Mercury will be, combust also, So, Sun …the authority people will have more say in any dealing….
But be careful of any ego clash here & stay flexible in your approach…as the dominance of ego can spoil your work.
& then with Sun in Virgo by 16th Sep …. we shall have sign exchange of Sun & Mercury…. Mercury will be direct too…
So, the end result can be strong & remarkable… …. expect taking new responsibility …some post…status with direct Mercury in Leo…
See, Major things are at stake with Mercury in Leo…& it’s retrogression…
Don’t expect ordinary results… Nearly all planets are linked somewhere…& impacting the authorities…the King & its territory….
But I am also hopeful for the benefic outcome as the path ahead for Mercury will be in Virgo, its exaltation sign….
But to get those benefic results we have to work hard & with repeated attempts….
By the 5th of Sep, we have nearly 7 planets retrograde…
Retrograde planets tend to have a more internal impact, on our psychology …
No planets actually go back in transit but we feel …slowness …& delays in getting results …
It is the time to focus more on reflection … introspection, what we did so far…where we missed any lessons, what we have to correct & redo…
A planet in retrograde motion has a special significance, has strength & it’s powerful to give results….
Generally, with every retrogression, there is a definite purpose to go back & work on it… so the delay & repetition.
With Mercury retrograde, we can expect rework on any documentation, travel plans, education-related matters or business discussions, contracts…
Retrogression gives an opportunity to filter & refine our thoughts …which is one of the important…. internal growth processes…
& mind well, it is not always negative…. Your previous pending work can get completed…
There could be some brilliant ideas you can develop…
At the same time retrogression creates confusion…conflicts, anxiety & nervous breakdown. So, it can go either way….
Also, not the right time to rely on any information …so, check & recheck…
Double-check everything, I have seen the best results when we are aware & deal cautiously…we can avoid repetition.
Retrograde Mercury can affect relationships the most & major fights, break-ups happen this time….
Leo is a fire sign…very expressive…it is advisable not to go to an extreme level with your decisions…& be considerate to others….
This is an excellent time to reflect on the past, correct our mistakes & rebuild old connections, with improved wisdom.
See…Mercury is all about learning …. gathering knowledge & each time Mercury goes retro…there is a chance to learn new things related to that sign.
Gather more knowledge about the significance of that sign….
Can you imagine…. if we don’t learn anything new…& we have nothing new to say… what & how will be our communication??
It’s a continuous process of learning & communicating with each Mercury transit…
With Mercury in Leo…. the energies are all fiery…there is confidence, vision, clarity & creative expression …
But retrogression is the time to be prepared for any sudden — last-moment change, mistakes, or miscommunication So… be considerate & patient with your responses… Give 2nd chance to others.
Leo signifies — the heart, back, spin, right side of the body…& Mercury is the significator of diseases related to breathing, skin, depression….
Mercury rules our nervous system…has significance on panic attacks…sadness
It’s the time to take care of health, especially heart, skin, nerves & stomach-related matters… Also, avoid conflicts & debates…
The agenda of Mercury in Leo & its retro is to bring awareness in these …
Let us see what it indicates for each ascendant … but do keep in mind whatever I talked, about so far…as that can be felt by nearly everyone.
Check the Leo sign, it’s house placement & Mercury in your chart…
It’s time to be more knowledgeable, and creative with those significances… have no confusion & express yourself confidently… Have childlike curiosity & avoid ego clash…
Aries: You may learn to express your artistic side… & talk confidently about it.
Avoid confusion in the stock market & just be cautious of getting into debates in your excitement…which is very likely.
It’s time to rearrange your priorities… health, daily routine & make the best use of your talents & intelligence.
Taurus: You are being practical to the core…in all your dealings…Your aim is to achieve a stable income…
You may think more about earning quick money through the stock market or using your skills…but be careful & slow
It’s time to re-discover your happiness, peace of mind &, bonding with your family… Also, you may deal with matters related to property & vehicles…
Gemini: You may have more knowledge about the area of your strength. You may travel & there is a great curiosity for everything around…
You may try to change the way you carry yourself, your image & also make changes on the home front…
It’s time to recommit to the goals that you have forgotten & keep up with your courage…
Cancer: You may think more about how best you can manage your family, finances & resources…
It’s time to be cautious about your expenses, any sudden change in travel plans, or misunderstanding while talking
Reflect on your values & have clear communication….
Leo: It’s all about exploring your own self, about your health, confidence, & your personality in general…
You may have great mental energy to share…& communicate your ideas clearly …give yourself enough time…
It’s time to receive your dues, rewards… filter your network, make new connections & increase your resources.
Virgo: You need to learn to be alone… & the most difficult part for Mercury…is to hide…But still, try to be expressive about your talents & sharing knowledge
Do reflect on who you are, your purpose, your hidden talents & how best you can show them in your career.
It’s time to prepare yourself to expose your skills to everyone and make it public.
Libra: Your aim is to have success in your work done so far…motivate yourself to do better in the future…
Work on how you can learn new skills, help your friends, & your network…
It’s time to invest in new hobbies & make necessary corrections to grow in life…
Scorpio: You need to change the way you present yourself in front of people.
It’s time to make things public…. let everyone know about your talents & achievements…
Now is not the time to hide or be secretive…Change is good for you…
Recharge your batteries & get energized to show your capabilities in your work zone & with your network…
Sagittarius: It’s time to consider others’ opinions…Think about what more to learn & how to use your learnings in life.
You can aim to have happiness in family, in close relations & with home, property matters.
Renew your sense of purpose & restore your faith in knowledge…
Capricorn: It’s time to change your outlook on life…expand your horizons, & learn new things.
Focus on bringing discipline into your routine. Restore your health & accept any change that is needed to grow…
Use your time to simplify things… discover new….do some digging & find some treasure of knowledge…
Aquarius: It’s time to bring the required changes in your close relations… Repair any damage that you may have caused to your close relations…
Talk openly about your needs & expectations in the relations to make it work longer…
Develop new hobbies, be careful with stock market dealings… avoid risks.
Pisces: Review your lifestyle, stay organized & take care of your health.…
Have peace within close relations …& avoid getting into arguments & conflicts
Focus more on being at home, repairing work if needed, creating family bonds & be happy…
That’s all for all 12 ascendents…
To summarize:
Mercury in Leo is a very good placement…
It impacts & sharpens — the way we think & communicate …. our creative talents, logical thinking, intelligence, & reasoning power….
When Mercury gets retrograde, try to remain flexible, patient & understanding
Double-check everything, and allow extra time for all your plans & documentation.
It is important to have clarity…
Review everything & take time to make any final decisions. You can’t stop your life, but have backup plans…
Our intelligence & mind is closely connected with Mercury.
It is very necessary to handle everything with a cool mindset. As we have 7 planets retrograde in August & September…
So, go slow while dealing with any complex matter…communicate with clarity…& have no confusion…