Moon’s New Cycle in Aries through the Zodiac || Promising Turning Point

A fresh start of Moon’s journey through the zodiac…on 26th Midnight
Anything related to the moon directly affects our mind…Moon is the most important planet to impact and give results…
As the planets constantly move, the universe gives us opportunities to be better than what we were before.
With Moon’s transit to Aries…the very first sign of the natural Zodiac…& with its journey through the zodiac…we have the road map in our hand to plan things out and make things happen for us with appropriate actions.
After every 27 days, we have this, and is very significant…just like Sun’s transit to Aries, in fact, any planet’s transit is important through the Aries sign…
With each new cycle of the moon, the positions of the planets are different…so different outcomes each time….
Mars the lord of Aries is in Leo sign right now along with Sun giving its full backing, courage and making us fearless to do the toughest task…prepares mentally for challenging responsibilities…
It is beneficial to start your new projects or something on this day…when the moon enters Aries…
As the moon has crossed gandanta point before coming here in Aries….Our Mind is ready to have a change…get into the unknown…& Aries is fire…movable and odd sign…which gives quick & continuous results…it’s a masculine sign…so you will be ready to handle any challenges that come with the change….
Ashwini is a healing nakshatra…& brings solutions to any problem… The nakshatra lord of Ashwini is Ketu…where ever we are stuck in our life…Ketu has the power to release and gives freedom from any block…. mental, physical or emotional….and presently Ketu is in Scorpio, the 8th sign from Aries…helps to bring sudden change… cut off from the attachments that are not helping you grow…
Most importantly, it cut short our fears…
Let us see the journey of this moon through the zodiac…
There is no major influence on this moon…only Sun and Mars are trine to moon….
This is very positive…
The daily predictions are normally based on Moon’s degree…its placement with respect to Sun’s…
If we check the strength of elements then the earth element is the strongest…throughout these 27 days…
The earth trine is heavily loaded with 4 planets so matter related to finance and career is most impacted…interestingly they all are friends…Venus, Mercury, Saturn, and Rahu…. working as a team…
We can expect strong results with the signs…Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn
Secondly…the fire sign Leo has both the fire planets Sun and Mars are placed there
The Air and Water trine have one planet each…Jupiter & Saturn
We can also notice that Sun and Mars…are 8th to Saturn…. whereas Mercury and Venus are 8th to Jupiter…
The most active dates are between 5th to 10th …11th September…
This is between 2 gandanta points…Leo and Scorpio gandanta
Also, moon will cross nearly 5 planets…Sun, Mars, Mercury, Venus, and Ketu…. This will be the most event full time…of this moon’s cycle
As the Gandanta point is the point where the planet becomes extremely powerful to bring a change with promised growth if used well…
Moon’s connection with this point indicates strong connections with our attachments…. Our past and how breaking them will release you from your blockages.
It is an emotionally charged time so maintaining balance is the most important task at this point….With each cycle…there is an evolution of the soul at some level.
As during this cycle …on its way… Moon will meet one by one all the transit planets and also makes a connection with your natal planets…Moon transfers its energy to all the other planets…houses it touches…& it is a continuous process…to trigger events
Then lastly, 17th — 18th September is important as moon will meet first Saturn and then Jupiter…
For detailed analyses, we can make a chart for the moment of Moon’s entry to Aires and interpret that as a normal chart to check the strength and weaknesses…
You can think of starting something …however small it may be even if on a mental level….and start those things which you find difficult for yourself in a normal case…you will surely find success in that…
It is the time to solve the complex puzzle of your life…do make the most of this…:)