Numerology Prediction of 2022 — Based on Date of Birth — Your Personal Year Cycle
There are many ways to check what the new year has in store for us and one such simple way to know how this new year 2022 will impact individually based on your birthday.
A personal year number is a specific number for that particular year which shows the likely trends and circumstances that you will experience during the year ahead &
Each number has different attributes. Apart from the qualities of numbers, we also have planets associated with these numbers giving some more information about that year.

With each progressive year, we move to the next stage of our life and the energies change with each changing year…& we move forward in our life.
When the numbers change, each new year, there is a vibrational shift that impacts everyone. But it impacts differently, each one of us, based on our birthday.
So, knowing your Personal Year number is like knowing the celestial weather. You can plan in advance, your course of action…if you know your personal year number & its characteristics…you can anticipate what you can expect from the time ahead.
Last year with the universal year 2021 and a total of 5 — brought a change in some form for everyone and the Universal year 2022 will bring Harmony for everyone.
But individually we can also calculate our personal year number to know how personally 2022 will impact us with the help of our date and month of birth.
Let us see how to calculate your personal year number…its very simple:
Add the day of your birth + month of birth + the Universal Year Number to calculate your personal year number
For example: for birthday 23rd July, add:
23 + 7 + 2022 = 2052
Make sure you reduce any double-digit number to a single digit.
So, we shall reduce it to a single digit and the total will be 2+0+5+2= 9
So, for this person, the personal year number will be 9. So, the characteristic of number 9 will play a role for this year and also the planet Mars
This way you can calculate your personal year. Always check the previous year and the upcoming year along with the current running year as there are lessons attached with each year. You must know from where you are coming and where is the journey ahead.
With the change in year surely the energies will shift but the actual impact will be seen from your birth date till your next birthdate.
Now, let us see the characteristic of each personal year number.
So, if your
The personal year number is 1 then it is ruled by Sun. & Sun will make you confident, independent, and expressive.
Last year you were at number 9 and many areas of your life must have seen their closer. With this year there will be a fresh start…It's time for you to shine, take initiative, be a leader, & show your courage.
2022 will bring major changes for you.
But, Number 1 is not compatible with 6 so your success may have to go through some challenges but you will have your wow moment for sure.
The keywords for number 1 are a new beginning, action, and power. To handle any situation, you can use this to have the best results.
Now is time to plant seeds and experience new adventures, to act, be decisive, direct & bold! This is not a time to wait and think but actually do things.
It is the time to take care of your health, start the right diet or gym, build up your personality…put yourself first, and believe in yourself. You deserve the best now.
Then, if your personal year number is 2 then its rule by Moon & Moon signifies emotions, mother, care, nurturing, co-operation, travel and fluctuations also.
The previous year there was masculine energy and this year you will have more feminine energy. After being working on yourself, gaining your courage and confidence,… now you may look for togetherness…you need company…
The keywords for your success this year are being understanding, passive, intuitive, soft, and sensitive.
Also, you will have a motherly attitude towards anything that you handle and will be emotionally attached to it.
The 2 is the gentlest of all numbers, you will be very humble, emotional and cannot take any roughness from anyone.
Number 2 is neutral with number 6 so expect smooth sailing this year. But still, both 2 & 6 are even and emotional numbers and are very touchy, moody…can easily get hurt, depressed…
This year is the right time to restore peace and harmony — a year for mending and moving away from old pains.
Talking about Personal Year number 3… we have the influence of the most benefic planet Jupiter & Jupiter is the planet of travel, growth, expansion, faith, trust, goodness, fortune & prosperity…
After managing your emotional side with togetherness & cooperation the previous year, now this year you want more…you want to create new….3 is a first group number …more people and things will join you or will enter in your life.
The keywords to have growth in this year are wisdom, expansion, creation, the pleasure that we have in nature, and also letting go if that’s what is needed for your growth.
This year is the time for being optimistic and enthusiastic. Its energy is expansive and the best time to be expressive, join hands with others, share your wisdom.
Create new things & let go of the old. Also, focus on positives in yourself and also in others. Your world will look and feel better every day with this.
Then Personal number 4 relates to Rahu & Uranus. With Rahu, there is stubbornness, power, strongness, confidence, and dominance…
After all the growth that you had the last year, this year… the aim is to have a proper structure, and take charge… to control it the way you want.
You will be clear, confident and there will be a strong-headed approach in the way you want things with your own rules.
Also, 4 is a friendly number to 6 so the goals will be very much within reach.
The keywords which can help you to sustain this year well …are structuring, controlling but with discipline & being practical in your approach.
There can be a strong urge to build a secure foundation along with a sense of limitation and some frustration from the authority or some rules and regulations that you have to follow.
The desire to be free, break free yourself, and be independent is strong which may lead to conflicts.
It will be best to remain flexible and make the best use of the opportunities in front of you.
Next… Personal year number 5 is ruled by Mercury & Mercury is all about travel, communication, media, writing, having change.
You are done with the limitations and orderliness of the last year…Now this year you desperately want change, some movement, and in a speedy way.
There won’t be any control of any kind and there will be a sense of freedom to express your ideas and thoughts.
The keywords for this year that can support you to achieve your goals are change, communication, & travel.
Number 5 is very friendly with 6 so an easy success you can expect this year.
This will be a very happening year for you. There will be travel, change of place, new friends or people in your life, there is freedom and it is important to use this energy in the best possible way.
There will be fun and joy to get into new activities with risk-taking tendencies… Be open and ready to embrace new opportunities. …welcome the surprises, lucky breaks coming your way but watch your temptations…
Then for Personal Year 6…this year will be eventful as the Universal year is also 6 ruled by Venus. The energies are in perfect alinement with the universal energies…you will have perfect balance, happiness, or the right solutions to your problems.
Venus governs love, art, beauty, the values of harmony, relationship, and — being in balance.
The freedom which you had the previous year, will give you the power to build up your belief system this year.
You will be able to act, love, and differentiate between right and wrong.
The keywords that can help you reach your targets will be establishing bonds, deep love for something, balance & healing.
This year will be a decision point where you must choose between the high road or the low road. And this choice ..your choice will make your future so choose well.
This is a year of family responsibility. It is a time of some letting go, heartfelt emotions, for comforting and caring.
Then if your Personal year number is 7, it is connected to Ketu & Neptune. Ketu is all about detachment, sacrifice, letting go and has a separative element with it. It is also connected to spirituality.
After all and affection & having the most satisfactory time… the previous year, this year makes you a deep thinker and a seeker of truth.
This year you may want to have quiet time, be alone with your own self or with nature, looking for your answers. There will be peace & contentment.
The keywords to make this year good will be solitude, self-control, & sudden change but ultimate victory in the task.
Number 7 is not compatible with 6 so nothing will be easy & you may have to struggle to get things done.
This year you will have complete control over yourself and you will easily let go where ever it's needed. This year encourages self-analysis & re-examining your life from a different angle.
Next, if your Personal year number is 8, its number of Saturn & is the most result-oriented of all numbers.
Saturn is all about hard work, boundaries, structure, and restrictions in our life.
There was a lot of learning from the previous year which can help you sustain and pass this year with ease.
This year demands patience and strength to endure tough or challenging circumstances.
The keywords which can help you pass this year will be tolerance, patience, soft power & reward for your hard work.
This year will be a good reminder to not be sad or give up but to be patient and have the strength to mold situations softly.
You may pass tough circumstances but you will have success & you will stand rock solid as both the numbers 6 & 8 are friendly to each other and will help each other in difficult times…
This year will also give you the most awaited success…the best wow moment and will make all your struggle, worthwhile. Also, power or rewards carry new responsibilities to handle…
You will have rewards for your past deeds so if you have been hardworking then nothing to worry about….but if you haven’t been fair…only then there can be failures & losses.
& Lastly, if your personal year is number 9 then the planet associated with 9 is Mars. Mars is a protector, warrior, our energy. This year is about finishing up and letting go of the old…
After all the rewards & challenges that we received earlier year, now at number 9, we are almost done with everything…now with this year, you may want to work for the well-being of others, protect their rights.
The keyword which can support your goals for this year will be completion, reflection, release to start again, and transformation…
This is a year to finish all unfinished business, clean up old things, and make room for new things.
This is not going to be an easy year but you will feel relieved with some positive breakthrough by the end of this year.
The cycle ends with number 9. There will be the excitement of a new and promising time ahead but you will also experience the fear of letting go,
But the more you let go …the more room there will be …. to be filled for the next cycle.