October Transit — Twist of Fate with Eclipses — Hit or Miss
About the transit update for the month of October & we have significant changes happening this month…
The wheel of fortune is turning now, bringing a twist to the current scenario….
We have two Eclipses, Rahu-Ketu changing their signs & Saturn transits back to Dhanishta — one last time for the next 30 years.
The theme of this month is the eclipses.
This time can make us more energized, active, and ready to take the initiative, to move toward… a new focus.
Virgo — Pisces & Aires — Libra signs, are very active throughout the month & we can experience, the major impact of these signs & their house placements.
October is the 10th month of the year… Numerologically, 10 is all about ending and a new cycle starts from here.…
There can be completeness, totality, and achievements with this month…
Basically, number 10 brings change…& symbolizes the completion of a cycle…
Do not categorize in good or bad as it can be the result of our previous work…
Reflect back on what you were working on in the past year or so…& your area of focus…
The next 2–3 months are the result giving time for you…& expect the results as per your previous actions…
We can also create new things, with the number 10…which in turn gives changing impact…
Expect the start of something new…at some level…emotionally, mentally, or in some actual form…
& We have a dynamic start to the month.
On 1st Oct — Mercury will enter its exalted sign, Virgo… Mercury is comfortable and active here….
Virgo is a very detail-oriented and calculative sign. Expect deep thoughts, research, analysis, logic, and reasoning.
Communication can be related to our mindset, thinking… intelligent planning, being organized, and bringing perfection to any work at hand…
Mercury in Virgo is a complete package to finish any challenging work in a proper manner….
Then on 2nd Oct — Venus crosses Cancer gandanta & enters Leo…
Expect strong emotions and changes in finances and relations with this transit.
Venus was on this path earlier while in retro motion in July… Do recollect your time then and the work at hand…
Now is the time when you will be able to complete that.
With Venus in Leo, expect, royalty, status, power, comfort, wealth, and leadership in… its significations…
Later, after 18th Oct we shall have a Sun & Venus sign exchange, making both these planets, strong enough to give results….
See, Libra is the most important & active sign throughout October…So watch its role in your chart & be prepared for shift
It’s best to be diplomatic and fair in your approach… check both sides of the story before reacting….and bring justice.
The prominence of Libra in October, signals us, to be cautious to pay attention to nearly all the significance of Libra…like relations, finances, health, comfort, and sharing our resources.
It’s best to be fair and just in our approach…& then evaluate properly…
Keeping all these in mind, we will be able to utilize this time…. in the best possible manner….
On 3rd Oct — Mars will enter Libra & Conj Ketu @ 1° in its own nak — Chitra
Initially, be careful with your actions and aggression…The focus should be to bring harmony and balance by compromise or adjustment…. keeping everyone’s interest in mind…
It can be best to have a middle ground and avoid any extreme approach…& also be patient with your actions…
Then on 11th Oct — Pluto the planet of radical changes, will get direct in Capricorn @ 3.41° in Uttara shada nak.
Sun the lord of Uttara Shada is in Virgo, 9th from Pluto. This indicates a change in your views and opinions to start with…
It is important to remain balanced, as there can be a lot of fluctuation & change.
Then we have a Solar Eclipse & New Moon on 14th Oct in Virgo @ 26° — Chitra Nak.
Mercury — the despositor of this new moon is exalted and strong in Virgo, close to this eclipse at 22°
Mars, lord of Chitra nak is 2nd — in the house of gains, and resources to this Eclipse in Libra.
Saturn, Jupiter-Rahu & Venus are placed 6–8–12 to this eclipse, indicating some positive but certain change, letting go…
Another indication of this benefic change is the very next day on 15th Oct — Retro Saturn enters in Dhanishta Nak & in Scorpio Navamsa.
Saturn will be stationed in Dhanishta before his direct motion to finish his work & exit his journey from Dhanishta for the next 30 years….to give final results related to Mars & its lordship.
This last transit of Saturn in Dhanishta can certainly bring something to celebrate, & give results of your hard work, which has been pending since 2022…
Dhanishta is a nak of celebration and Mars is in Libra — the exalted sign of Saturn…again 9th from the transit Saturn in Aquarius…
There can be some beneficial shift, or development in your career, health-related matters, and whatever Saturn represents in your chart…
Saturn in watery Scorpio Navamsa can bring struggle between our fears, deep-rooted feelings, stability, & security about finances, and our approach towards career, family values…& health
Expect some long-awaited correction in the Scorpio zone of your nav chart…
Then we have the Sun entering its debilitation sign Libra but there is a sign exchange between Sun & Venus on 18th Oct.
See the series of events in Libra sign…from here…
On 19th Oct — Mercury will be in Libra, and on the same day we have Sun + Mercury conjunct Ketu in Libra — 0.39°
Any connection with Ketu either separates or restricts the significance of the planet it conjuncts. There can be soul-level changes…
With Sun it will shake your confidence and with mercury, it will restrict your communication and even confuse you, by blocking your thinking…
So be cautious during these days.
Once we pass this, Mercury & Sun in Libra can make our communication clear, decisive but friendly, easy & cordial, compared to the critical attitude we sometimes had when Mercury was in Virgo… Also to add to this amicable energy… Jupiter is trine to Venus & on 22nd Oct -Jupiter will have its close 5th aspect on Venus in Leo @ 17°
29th Oct — Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon in Aries @ 11° — Ashwini Nak
There will be completion and a new beginning with this eclipse … also, Ashwini is a healing star that will give solutions to any complex matter.
No planets are in 6–8–12 from this eclipse. & This is the point — 11° where Jupiter will be stationary direct…by December end.
We can expect some positive development around that time ….
On Eclipse Day, we have Jupiter opp — Sun @ 11° (Mars + Mercury) in Libra @ 17°
Finally on 30th Oct — Rahu — Ketu enters Pisces — Virgo…
This and the eclipse can bring a major shift in the energies…It’s a healing time
This position of Rahu Ketu is vargottam… same in D1 & D9….and will encourage to let go and serve. Work for the betterment of society by surrendering… cutting on our pending karma….
Rahu will cross Aries gandanta & enter Revati Nak… Rahu in Revati is a time to start new, keeping in mind the past lessons…take suggestions, & advice from friends & elders before we start new…
Ketu in Chitra will reduce our over-analytical tendencies, conflicts, chaos, diseases, & will lessen the stress part which comes with overthinking…
All in all, the entire month has transformative energies…that we have been hearing & experiencing at a mental level….
& now is the time to actually see it…
The theme of the month is eclipses & Saturn in Dhanishta…But, the entire month lacks stability and clear vision….
It is best to take one step at a time…go slow… There are chances of being indecisive in nearly everything…
So, keeping up with your understanding and mindfulness will take you a long way.
Let us see for each ascendant what we can expect for the month of October…where there can be some change and forward shift in situation…
Check closely the sign placement of Virgo & Libra…as most events are happening around these signs and their opposite sign Pisces & Aires…
You may relate to the matter or activity you are trying to pursue from early 2022 … You may experience some movement or shift in those areas of your life …
Do keep in mind that this area is significant for the next nearly 6 months…
Start with:
Aries: You can expect some development in your work area, marriage life along with your relationship with the rest of the world…
It is everything related to changes in your day-to-day activities, your focus will be more on fitness, health, controlling expenses, the matters related to foreign countries will be in the focus.
& You may have to balance your identity & independence with that of others…
Taurus: The area of focus for you will be to achieve success in your job, any creative projects, stock market, foreign travel, expenses or matters related to your children, hobbies, and all pleasure-giving activities…
The way you enjoy may change now & also the people you engage with…
You may try to have stability in your daily life…. Reflect on expenses, and achieve work-life balance…
Gemini: Expect reshaping on the home front, property, vehicles, your roots, mother, and the foundation of your career.
The way you manage children may need restructuring. Keep up with your enthusiasm in all these…
You need to bring balance in life…in your career…also, Work on developing new skills ..& spend time with friends and network…
Cancer: You need to alter the way you communicate, avoid emotional fights or conflicts while communicating, traveling…& recreate bonds within the family.
Expect redesigning of house, foreign travel, relocation, & shuffle in work zone
It’s time to learn new & express your thoughts in writing …Do aim at bringing balance in family, private life vs. public or work life…
Leo: You may reflect on how you value your possessions, health, family…& work on polishing your communication, & sharing more ideas with others…
Expect some change in your eating habits that can bring good health …
You desperately look for change, travel, and even relocation by expanding your horizons…
Virgo: October may reshape your self-image, finances, health, and best time to welcome any change that is needed for your personal development, & family
You may work on maintaining a stable income, good relations, partnerships & managing your finances well…
Mostly, you will be able to achieve what you are looking for…once you bring balance in the way you handle things.
Libra: You have been trying hard with everything around to make things work…& support yourself.
You can know better by researching & self-realization…Gradually you will be relieved, will find clarity and a way out to make that tough decision…
Expect major correction, reordering in your life, in relations, in your thought process & bringing balance, — discipline is the key to healing internally….
Do make new fitness goals and mold at each level…prepare yourself for a grand new beginning…
Scorpio: you may get what you have desired for a long… You may find new ways to manage this strong energy, that is in everyone’s interest including your friends, and extended circle…
Let go of any fixed approach…It’s time to invest your time & energy in the right direction, & manage your finances well
There can be a new development in travel to a foreign country or a long vacation… & your dream can come true…related to your career…
Sagittarius: Major breakthrough in the work area, your public life…& a need for deep reflection in your work style.
You look for change in your home environment — even work from home… looking for new opportunities, power, and status.
Your business tact & decision-making power will be finally recognized to fulfill your desires in the coming time…
Capricorn: You may re-evaluate your perspective on life & the world, in general.
There can be long-distance travel, higher education… Do respect and consider the opinions of elders…
The best time for you to be strong & clear in your approach …make necessary changes in your work style by taking constructive steps.
Work hard but also, pay equal attention to family and your own well-being, your peace of mind….
Aquarius: You are longing for change, discipline, stability, and new developments for a very long…
October may find you a refreshing way to expand your limits and open new ways to manage your finances…. reduce your fear and improve your risk-taking tendencies…
Best time for you to be adaptable, emphasize on new learnings, communicating…also start planning for movement, travel…& new adventures…
Pisces: There can be new connections…fruitful collaborations both at personal and professional levels…
Make sure you make a confident move forward … use your past experience and evaluate the way you relate with others in relations…encourage yourself with change wherever needed…
You may get some easy finance and your resources will improve…you need to be perfectly balanced with yourself and others.
That’s all for all 12 ascendants….
To summarize, the entire month of October has fluctuating and changing energies….
The theme of this month is all about bringing balance to our material & spiritual side of life…
It works well if there is a proper balance between giving and receiving…
When this proportion becomes partial in any which ways then only the problem arises…
Be watchful of being stubborn, fault-finding, or have a criticism of others’ work…
You can easily get into conflict with the Sun, Mars, and Mercury in the Libra with Ketu…
It is necessary to be patient… understanding and mindful to have a fair approach
Try and aim to achieve peace with a diplomatic approach
Do what is expected from your side without getting into any pride or ego clash …Avoid conflicts at all levels…
All these tendencies will help you in not just October but for nearly the next 6 months…
Most importantly do not resist any change…. because the theme of this month is all about transforming things to grow…to move forward in your life…
Be open for any makeover & the rest will follow…