Overview of Jupiter in Taurus — Kritika Nakshatra — Transit from Fire to Earth Element — Solidifying Aims & Purpose

Jayshree Dhamani
11 min readApr 14, 2024


Jupiter looks like a tiny dot from the Earth. But is the biggest planet after the Sun in our Solar system.

Not only that, the gravitational pull of Jupiter is very strong and works like a magnet

And Jupiter falls in the middle of the solar system, which holds Earth and other planets with its massive gravity.

Actually, it works as a balancing factor and protector in our lives.

The chief potentials of Jupiter are — to have faith, the right knowledge, and our ability to understand things.

Any problems can be solved with these qualities and this is enough to be prosperous in life.

That’s why Jupiter is the most beneficial planet and is capable of bringing luck to life.

It has a signification on our breath, which is Jeev-Karak. And plays a significant role in our life.

Any connection of Jupiter with natal planets or signs can positively change its productivity.

Jupiter will transit in Taurus from 2nd May’24 to 14th May 2025

It will move from a fire sign to an earth sign. So, now the aims and goals, of Aries Jupiter will be structured and will materialize in Taurus transit.

Things that have started while Jupiter was in Aires will take shape and will start giving results when in Taurus.

Now is not the time for impulsive action but going slow with clear focus.

The approach will be more fixed, slow, and patient but also practical and stable.

Jupiter has a 12-year cycle through the zodiac as Jupiter transits approximately one year in each sign.

The previous transit of Jupiter in Taurus was from,

June 1988 — July 1989; June 2000 — June 2001 and May 2012 — May 2013.

Reflecting on these transits may give us some idea of the intensity of this current transit.

Do reflect on your focus, any important lessons that you learned about your values, family, and finances …how you handled everything, and where you wanted to respond differently…?

This is the time to introspect on that old way of managing things where Taurus is placed.

Now is the time to set new innovative ways to handle things, with your enhanced knowledge and also experience of the past 12 years.

Certainly, you can feel confident with yourself as now you know the way ahead.

Jupiter expands and enhances the qualities of the sign it touches, with placement or its aspects.

Jupiter in Taurus can elevate our wisdom about family, our eating habits, health, our 5 senses and can enhance our values of life.

Our conversations can be more mature and filled with generosity.

There can be lucky breaks with new opportunities on the work front with a strong financial base. Jupiter in Taurus is capable of giving us a good lifestyle that has all the luxuries and pleasures. It’s time to give importance to family and relations over wealth or any ego clash.

Whatever, Jupiter touches — that expands for good or bad. Jupiter can make us overconfident or too optimistic. So, be careful with overindulgence in all these matters.

Take care of your diet and health. Jupiter is the 8th lord for Taurus and over-eating is likely resulting in bad health. Watch your face, your 5 senses, and your throat the most for any health issues.

But more than where it’s placed, Jupiter works and gives results through its aspects which is considered to be the most auspicious one…

Jupiter’s aspect works like divine nectar which can reverse any tough malefic or even dreaded connections…

Just its sight… works as a savior…So, focus more on where Jupiter aspects…

And do not be overconfident where it is placed…do not take things for granted in the signification of Taurus.

Taurus is our 5 senses, possessions, bank balance, family, material life…most importantly our values…

While in Taurus, Jupiter will aspect Virgo and Ketu placed there with its 5th aspect.

Nurture the signification of the Virgo sign like your child and be a parent or a teacher to any planet placed in Virgo…

We have Ketu placed in Virgo throughout this transit and Ketu is the disciple of Jupiter.

Expect very good results from Ketu and positive development in Virgo placement of your chart.

Your Health, daily routine, business, and your work life can improve now.

Then the 7th aspect will be on Scorpio where Saturn also aspects. So, expect concrete results of the Scorpio sign before the end of this transit.

Jupiter shares, and even gets his understanding and wisdom from its 7th aspect…

Maintain balance in your fixed tendencies as both are fixed signs.

Expect some beneficial and long-awaited changes where Scorpio is placed in your chart.

Jupiter will have its 9th aspect on Capricorn, a debilitated sign for Jupiter.

Your public image, career, and status can be elevated. Expect to be a father, teacher, advisor, or counselor to others.

It’s all about guiding and giving direction. Do provide your expertise to the needy…

Here, you have the solutions to any problem related to Capricorn, just have pure intention…trust and share.

We have Pluto placed in Capricorn.

We have Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto in the Sun’s nakshatra And the Sun is with Jupiter and Uranus both in Aires and then in Taurus too.

Till June Jupiter and Uranus both are in Kritika and Sun with them.

There can be a sudden surge in energies which will be transformative in nature.

Expect tough but beneficial transformations related to Taurus, Leo, and Capricorn.

There can be decisiveness in nearly everyone’s behavior, with Sun’s energy. But it is necessary not to be harsh or go overboard with your communication and remain gentle with family…

Any ego clash should be handled with a light-hearted attitude and childlike approach. Do remember that Jupiter and the Sun, both being significators of children and joyous expression.

Otherwise, things can go to extreme, as Jupiter can aggravate any matter…for good or bad.

Jupiter can give good results as far as material aspect is concerned but will test our patience big time with relation and family matters.

There are no planets in 6th and 8th from Jupiter but Venus Lord of Taurus and the Sun, Nakshatra lord of Kritika are 12th to Jupiter when this transit is happening

So be careful of losses or major expenses on hospitals. On the positive side, it can give pleasure trips to foreign countries or expenses on marriage.

A lot would depend on the position and strength of Venus in transit and also in your natal chart.

Venus will also get retro from March’25 to April 2025 in Pisces.

This is the time we can have the best results of Jupiter in Taurus when Venus gets direct in Pisces.

Somehow Jupiter is happy in Taurus. As all 3 nakshatra it transits, while in Taurus are Kritika, Rohini, and Mrigshira.

The lord of these nakshatra — Sun, Moon, and Mars are friends to Jupiter.

So even though Taurus is not a friendly sign for Jupiter, Jupiter gives good results here.

Both Jupiter and Venus have different ideals and goals, both are ministers of our Solar system.

Both aim to give us ultimate happiness in life but their way of achieving that happiness is different.

Also, Taurus is 2nd sign of resources in the Natural zodiac and Jupiter’s transit here is considered very auspicious.

But there can be a clash of ideals, and things can turn either way…

Jupiter is in Kritika nak while entering Taurus. Kritika has Mishra — mixed qualities. It can work both ways.

Exalted Sun in Aries will be shrewd in approach, can give equal treatment to friends and enemies, without discrimination…be it anything.

It assures justice and fairness.

Kritika is the star of fire … Whatever we put in fire will burn only and has the significance of purification by burning, giving heat…and light.

Krittika helps to burn any negativity in life, And the fire is also used for cooking…We cook raw things to make them eatable.

So Kritika supports any transformation to bring light and brightness to our lives. Agni as fire both cooks and digests food.

But the same fire can be destructive also and things can turn to ashes with too much fire…

Kritika also symbolizes a sword…razor, or knife…which are 2 ways cut …can be used for self-protection and it can hurt us and others, if not used well…

This applies to our communication also as prominent Kartika can be very sarcastic in the way we talk.

Is Capable of criticizing in a hurting way.

With Krittika, there is insensitivity and very less emotions. We can easily hurt others by our actions or words.

On the positive side, there is in-build power or force as it is a bull’s sign. Expect physical and creative power but it’s passive in nature and needs external support to activate its power.

Sun is the King of the solar system …a planet of expression and the Sun is all fired up with Jupiter’s energy to get things done.

The power of the Sun…should be used for the right reasons as this nakshatra rules war, battles, and disputes…for justice and human rights…

Jupiter in Kritika Nakshatra will fight for justice. But it is important to choose our battle, if it is worth fighting, as Jupiter in Krittika can be stubborn and egoistic.

A small spark of Sun’s Nakshatra -Krittika can become a bright light when Jupiter falls in Kritika. As Jupiter expands and makes it larger than life.

We have 3 planets in Sun’s nak. So be careful as things can go out of control and then it is difficult to manage.

This is till 13th June as after that Jupiter will move to Rohini… This is one of the most auspicious and nurturing transits for Jupiter.

Interestingly, Jupiter gets stationary direct in Rohini, and out of its 1-year transit — Jupiter spends more than 6 months in Rohini nakshatra.

But it’s Moon’s nak so expect increased fluctuations and mood swings.

There can be an ongoing struggle to have change and keep up with the old…or acting stubborn on change.

Here Jupiter is the 8th and 11th Lord for the Taurus sign so any change or movement will be beneficial.

Rohini is associated with fertility, wealth, growth, and nourishment.

When Jupiter transits through this nakshatra, there can be an increased sense of care, support, and nurturing energy.

It can be beneficial for relationships, family, for any creative projects, and personal growth.

Rohini is known for its emotional depth and sensitivity. We have Ketu in Hasta…Moon’s nak.

Jupiter in Rohini can pacify Ketu’s impact and can bring emotional healing, inner peace, and a sense of fulfillment in relations, health, and personal life.

It’s a favorable time for nurturing emotional connections, resolving conflicts, and encouraging harmony in all interpersonal relations.

And Jupiter in Mrigshira can stimulate our thirst for knowledge, learning, and understanding of life.

Mrigshira is known for its curious and always-searching nature.

It can inspire to learn new subjects, and skills, pursue higher education, or engage in philosophical matters.

Mrigashira’s symbol, the deer, represents adaptability and quickness in crossing any challenges.

Jupiter’s transit through this nakshatra can encourage flexibility, adaptability, and the ability to embrace change with grace and ease.

Overall, Jupiter’s transit through Taurus is likely to bring about a sense of expansion, growth, and abundance, particularly in areas related to finance, agriculture, real estate, our family values, tradition, and religious culture.

Jupiter in Taurus will also bring awareness and highlight issues related to nature and the global environment.

Only be careful till Jupiter crosses Kritika Nakshatra. Kritika transit can strongly impact across the world.

It can be most aggressive with all the changes, agitation that follows with those changes and can lead to conflicts.

There is the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Kritika to give some long-term results in a collective manner — in the signification of Aries and Taurus.

Jupiter represents possibilities for growth, while Uranus signifies freedom and change, such as revolutions with innovative, and new ideas.

When these planets are in Taurus, they influence money, our possessions, and the economy. Expect new financial opportunities with exciting changes.

Uranus is transiting Taurus after almost 84 years. Uranus is a rebel planet that destroys first and then creates something new and different.

Jupiter will support this new creation and growth of the same in a speedy manner as Jupiter is very speedy.

Taurus is associated with finances, material resources, and prosperity.

Jupiter’s transit through Taurus can signify periods of economic growth, stability, and abundance on a global scale but with a twist of transformation at some level.

This may lead to increased investment, improved employment rates, more jobs, business options, and overall prosperity in financial markets.

New technologies can get support, leading to new industries and jobs. It’s a good time for start-ups and investors…

Expect improved agricultural methods with the latest technologies, and increased productivity which can ensure long-term prosperity in food production.

That’s the goal of Jupiter to provide in abundance and nurture everyone while in Taurus.

2024 will see the start of all these — the seeds can be planted firmly.

It’s an earth sign so the nature of any event will be fixed in nature and will have long-term impact collectively.

Uranus brings change with destruction and Jupiter gives new life and birth.

The combination of Jupiter and Uranus can be very beneficial for those who are ready to adopt new trends and the latest technology.

Technologies like artificial intelligence, digital marketing, networks, and robots can become more common.

Jupiter’s transit in Taurus can lead to a booming real estate market, increased property values, and opportunities for investment in land and housing sectors.

Any new talents and skills will be appreciated. Taurus rules our face, so showcasing your face will be a key to your success.

Taurus is also associated with luxury and indulgence.

Jupiter in Taurus can bring growth in luxury markets, and cinema, music, increased consumer spending on luxury goods, brands, and high-quality services.

All in all, Jupiter in Taurus will be beneficial for everyone in some manner.

And rest assured, Jupiter will provide wisdom and guidance on what needs change and how best we can use our practical side, and values to have a new beginning with success.



Jayshree Dhamani

All about Astrology, Numerology, Vastu, Fengshui, Tarot, Graphology, Face Reading, Palmistry, I Ching, Rune & Crystal gazing.