Overview of May Transit — Time to Refine Our Fixed Values

Jayshree Dhamani
11 min readApr 29, 2024


Overview of the transit update for the month of May.

This month brings a sense of gradual mental and emotional relief, with clarity as now direct Mercury slowly moves away from Rahu and the eclipse point.

Expect internal and external changes to happen as Mercury moves in Aries.

The theme of the month revolves around Jupiter and the conjunction that Uranus makes with the slow-moving planets in the last degrees of Aries to permanently change the equation of Aries placement in our chart.

And also, around the Taurus sign, marked by the significant transit of Jupiter into Taurus after its conjunction with Uranus in Aries last month.

Additionally, Jupiter forms conjunctions with the Sun and also Venus, its dispositor in Taurus, to trigger some major events in May.

On the onset of the month Jupiter enters Taurus on 1st May, after crossing Uranus in Aires…

The transit of Jupiter at the start and Uranus at the end of the month — from Aries to Taurus signifies a shift in the collective energy and focus.

It signals a period of growth, stability, and abundance, with a focus on practicality, material well-being, and nurturing our values.

It indicates a time to lay the foundations to build our future and enjoy the fruits of our labor in a grounded and sustainable manner.

Expect fast results from Jupiter, as Jupiter moves almost 7 degrees and 3 navamsa within this month.

Then Pluto starts its retrogression from 2nd May @ 7° in Capricorn.

Expect all the significant pending transformations that you have been waiting for. It can be a powerful period for inner work, and lasting changes, where Capricorn is placed in our chart.

Expect power struggle and complete change in our career. It’s time to reassess our ambitions, career paths and check if we are on the right track.

It’s a good time to change consciously or things can be imposed on us.

See, this month, things are changing more internally — with Mars in Pisces for the entire month and Mercury making its move to Aries.

Along with that Rahu — Ketu are also changing their navamsa on the 7th. Rahu gets in Sagittarius Navamsa and Ketu in Gemini Navamsa

Now internally we may feel at ease…. Both Sagittarius and Gemini are mutable signs, indicating inner flexibility and adaptability in our approach.

We will be more accepting and welcoming to different ways of thinking.

We may also experience frequent changes or shifts in circumstances, and it is necessary to stay open to change or any new opportunities.

And a new beginning will be there on 8th May with the New moon in Bharani Nak @ 23° in Aires, Where Venus, the nak lord is with the Moon and Sun in Aries, al in Bharani nakshatra.

It symbolizes a time of fresh starts, bold initiatives, and courageous actions.

It’s an opportunity to use the dynamic energy of Aries to pursue our goals and passions with confidence and enthusiasm.

Then on 10th May, we have an auspicious day of Akshaya Tritiya, where the Sun and Moon, both are at the peak of their brightness.

‘Akshaya’, in Sanskrit, means one that never diminishes, is eternal, everlasting, or immortal.

Tritiya is the 3rd Tithi of the waxing moon and is capable of bringing victory…

Use this day to initiate any challenging task and be assured of success.

Same day Mercury will be out of the clutches of Rahu and cross Pisces Gandanta to enter Aries.

Another reason to make a fresh start and be assured of positive development

Expect a new start at the mental level, and implementation of whatever we thought of in the past couple of months.

Mercury in Aires can help us to make quick decisions with clarity, followed by quick action on our plans and ideas.

To add to this, even the Sun is close to Uranus in Aries and will make an exact conjunction on 13th May. Sun — Uranus conjunction can be an important trigger.

As this can significantly change the equation of the Sun in your chart, whatever the Sun signifies and its lordship, the Leo sign can experience sudden changes.

Both are in Kritika — Sun’s nakshatra to give definite results. Expect sudden and surprising developments, or some breakthrough that can disrupt the status quo.

It’s a good time to break free from old patterns and embrace new ways of thinking and expressing yourself.

Then, on 12th May Saturn will enter Taurus Navamsa for nearly 3 and half months. It’s a strong and favorable position, and Saturn is happy here.

Internally, Saturn assures satisfaction regarding material wealth, possessions, and stability within the family.

It signifies a strong emphasis on our family values and financial security.

Saturn in Taurus navamsa ensures gradual progress and improvement in family and material matters.

Then on 14th May Sun will join Jupiter in Taurus and make an exact conjunction on 18th May @ 4°

Sun’s transit through Taurus encourages a practical, stable, and wishful approach to life, especially in finances, relationships, family, and career.

It’s a time for grounding ourselves, focusing on long-term goals, and enjoying the simple pleasures of life.

We have Jupiter also in Taurus that can bring abundance, expansion, and growth, both materially and spiritually.

It’s a time to embrace new opportunities and cultivate optimism to rise at the soul level

On the same day 14th Uranus will conjunct Venus @ 29° in Aries. And Venus is the despositor of this Jupiter-Sun conjunction.

There can be significant and unexpected changes related to Venus in our chart.

And on 23rd May Lord of Taurus Venus will conj Jupiter @ 5° in Taurus.

See, the back-to-back impact on Taurus and Venus’s signification that is evolving and transforming.

Both are the most beneficial planets, but they follow different ideals. So, expect change, conflict, and struggle to choose sides. And balance is the key here.

If managed well then, this conjunction has the potential for giving abundance, harmony, and growth in various areas of life.

Then on 23rd May — Scorpio Full Moon in Anuradha Nak @ 8° where the lord of Anuradha, Saturn has an aspect.

The Scorpio Full Moon carries intense and transformative energies, often can bring, profound shifts and revelations.

Expect concrete results with some closure, where Scorpio is placed.

Lastly, on 31st May — Mercury will conjunct Uranus @ 29° And with this — now we had Jupiter, Sun, Venus, and Mercury all conjunct Uranus in Aires — back-to-back and then entering Taurus.

The change is inevitable with the last degree of Aries placement in our chart.

The conjunction of Mercury and Uranus in Aries encourages bold talks, innovative thinking, rebellious tendency, and demands intellectual freedom.

There can be heated debates, conflicts, and verbal fights if not handled well.

It’s a time to embrace change, think outside the box, and harness the power of disruptive ideas for personal and collective evolution.

Overall, the theme of the month is external and internal change in our personality, health — Aries and Taurus placement — our family values, finances.

It’s a time to trust our values, tradition, adopt unconventional thinking, and embrace the wisdom of elders.

It’s a favorable time for technological advancements, scientific discoveries, and revolutionary research.

Check your Aries and Taurus signs for development and also their opposite signs Libra and Scorpio for the impact.

Aries: There can be strong energy and confidence that you will carry throughout this month. You may feel unstoppable and ready to take on any challenges.

This is a great time to pursue your goals with power and determination but be careful with how you speak, eat, how you manage your resources and family.

Gradually, your focus can shift from being action oriented to a more stable, practical and grounded in approach.

Your goal is to refine your finances, self-worth, family, to bring stability and security in these matters.

Now is the time to work on your recent developments and make necessary changes in all these areas.

Also, there can be new opportunities for financial growth and abundance, making you more confident about your abilities to generate good income.

Taurus: You may focus on your plan to travel to distant places, take care of your health, and make your day-to-day life disciplined, to grow personally, with proper self-expression, and set ambitious goals for the future.

It’s time to address any lingering issues to clear the way for new beginnings. You may feel more introspective and inclined to work behind the scenes.

Certainly, you are changing from within, with a sense of optimism. It’s a good time to get back to your natural self, stay confident, and assertive, also focus on manifesting your goals and desires.

This is your time to shine, invest your time, money, and energy appropriately and you may find yourself taking the lead in your personal and professional matters.

Gemini: May is the month to fulfill your desires, enjoy time with children, and connect with like-minded people or new groups.

You may want to travel to a foreign country for pleasure, have some alone time, and reflect on — how far you have come in life — about your journey so far.

Enough of just thinking or mind work, now is the time to have a more practical and tangible focus on finances, resources, and material security.

It’s a good time to recharge your batteries, focus on inner growth and happiness.

It’s time to prepare for a long jump in some new territory, with fresh goals in life.

Cancer: It’s all about your career and public image, pushing you to be very active in your professional life, in this month.

You may feel more ambitious and driven to achieve power, status, and progress in your career.

It’s time to work on your wishes, home, children, your emotional well-being, inner needs, and personal growth.

You may find yourself more focused on your social life, increase your networking opportunities and connect with friends, or pursue group activities.

Expect support from family. Your knowledge and skills can bring you new opportunities for expansion and growth.

Leo: You are eager to expand your horizons through travel, higher education, or by refining your worldviews.

There is a need to create a sense of stability and security in your personal and professional life.

It’s best to be flexible, more grounded, and practical in your approach when it comes to your career or your business.

Use this time to focus on your career goals, developing relations, and making progress toward your long-term plans.

You may start working on making your home, may relocate or initiate to do something in these areas.

Virgo: Your focus has been on deep transformation for a very long time and, with this month you will be active in taking some steps toward that.

If not so far, but now you are forced to handle any underlying issues that you have been avoiding.

Or make significant changes in your life, particularly in areas related to close relationships, finances, or your fear of losing things.

Now, it’s a time to shift from planning and analysis to a more hands-on and action-oriented approach to exploring new areas of life.

Strengthen your family bond, improve your diet, learn new things, and pursue opportunities for personal growth and development.

Also, you can think of travel, education, or some religious activity to feel strong. Use this energy to broaden your horizons and have new experiences.

Libra: Your business partnerships and relationships are all charged up, exploding passion and also conflict in your one-on-one connections.

You may experience heightened emotions and a desire for more say and independence in your relationships.

But it’s time to find your inner balance, self-care, improve your personal value, work on increasing your finances, and feel secure.

You may find yourself diving deep into emotional or psychological matters, seeking to understand yourself and others on a deeper level.

It’s a good time for introspection and personal growth.

What you will get out of this is some new opportunities for financial growth and a much-needed soul level — personal transformation.

Scorpio: This month brings fresh energy and a new start in your work zone with renewed passion and enthusiasm. Energize your daily routine and adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Your personality will improve with your more stable and practical tendencies.

You may feel motivated to take charge of your physical well-being and tackle any tasks or projects with renewed force and efficiency.

You may experience positive developments in your one-on-one connections, whether romantic or professional, with deep reflection on self and also by traveling to distant places.

Use this time to strengthen your bonds with others. This is a favorable time for cooperation, collaboration, and mutual growth in your relationships.

Sagittarius: Expect a new start in matters related to any creative project, romance, or any fun activities with your excellent self-expression, passion, and drive in these areas.

You may feel a greater need for stable health, an organized lifestyle, and financial security. You are ready to get into the unknown, travel, or take some risk.

Use this time to focus on self-care and well-being first, so you can achieve success and fulfill your desires.

You can be very competitive to sharpen your skills and use them in your work zone to be more productive, physically and mentally both.

Capricorn: Your home and family life are all active in this month, encouraging you to take action to create a more secure and stable domestic environment.

You may feel motivated to make changes or renovations to your home. Do not be aggressive or get into major conflict while addressing any family-related issues…

Your aim this month is to build a solid foundation, strengthening your efforts, and achieving tangible results.

You may feel more playful and spontaneous, as well as more inclined to pursue your passions.

Best time to polish your creative side and enjoy life’s pleasures.

This could bring you new career opportunities and ultimately fulfill your wishes by developing some benefic connections.

Aquarius: Expect great mental energy, strength with strong and clear communication this month.

You may feel more assertive and direct in expressing your thoughts and ideas, making this a good time for negotiations, discussions, or learning new skills.

But gradually you may experience a shift from your innovative and forward-thinking to a more grounded and practical approach — while handling any challenging matter in your career or with seniors.

Now, you may feel more rooted and grounded as well as more focused on having peace in your domestic life.

This is a favorable time for nurturing your relationships with loved ones, creating a sense of security, stability in your home environment, laying the foundation for future growth and success.

Pisces: This month activates and upgrades your family life, finances, and your personal values.

You may feel more determined to take action and pursue your financial goals.

Somehow there is great strength and courage to manage any challenging task, to go for travel and engaging in meaningful conversations.

Use this time to transform at each level, make necessary changes, expand your knowledge, and express yourself more confidently.

That was all about the impact on the ascendents.

Overall. May month has strong transformative energies and demands our flexibility, patience…calmness, and clarity in thoughts and actions.

Expect certain and lasting change — with Aries placement and a new start where Taurus is placed in our chart.

It is the best time to increase our sense of security and stability within emotions. Be down-to-earth, grounded, and hard-working…. to make the most of this month.



Jayshree Dhamani

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