Retrograde Saturn in Aquarius | Time to Reflect & Reconsider
Saturn & its retrogression from 18th June till 4th Nov… for nearly 4 & 1/2 months…
Saturn will be at 13° of Aquarius in Shatatara while getting retro & will go back till 6.20° in Dhanishta Nakshatra.
& the theme of this retrogression is Saturn’s transit to Dhanishta for one last time… for the next 30 years from 15th October to 25th November….
Saturn will be in Scorpio Navamsa also. Expect concrete results & certain changes…
Mars being lord of Dhanishta, Saturn will focus on Mars-ruled signs Aires & Scorpio. So, the transit of Mars is important.
Saturn will give its final results…& Saturn also aspects these 2 signs.
Saturn will be stationary…almost paused…. a week before & after retrogression.
This is the time of realization… on what needs corrections… to grow in life.
It’s like you stop, have pause …& think about what you missed or left behind in a hurry….
Saturn’s focus is now behind…
There is no movement…. but a pause. Time to think & then change direction to complete what you have left earlier…
You exactly know why you are going back…& the goal is clear….
This stationary time of 10–12 days & the degree of Saturn …13° & 6° is very important to note.
Check, if you have planets placed at this degree with + or — 1° then expect some major shift in that area…
Saturn goes retrograde every year…so it’s not a rare transit… Saturn regularly puts a check on his significations…
Majorly, it signifies our career, job, our actions…health, our subordinates…old people in our life & any person in need.
Saturn is slow… gives delay, frustration, restriction, & anxiety because of that.
Saturn is all that… we don’t like….
It is our tough lessons, hard work… our fears & challenges…
Saturn is old-age, teeth, any diseases, & significator of major transformation.
It represents discipline, organization, structure, government, law & order.
Retrograde Saturn is the time to evaluate all these significations…
We are being evaluated, reviewed, & analyzed on what we did in the past one year…
It’s kind of…our report card …result & judgment time…
Wherever correction is needed, you may have to do that task again…to make it right…
Retro Saturn can also give you a chance to finish your pending work.
Your hurtful actions towards others, or if you have been neglectful towards your responsibilities in any way…. then you can get some punishment too in the form of failure.
Where ever you were worthy of rewards but not granted, you can have rewards, your work will be paid off with well-deserved recognition.
Also, retrogression gives a chance to do things differently…
So, if you were involved in some major work, project, or goal in the past one year …then there are chances… that now… this time you may achieve or finish that, in a different manner.
Saturn also represents our commitments, responsibilities, our sense of duty… restrictions from the circumstances, & higher authorities,
Normally direct Saturn gives external impact…It gives challenges or obstacles in our task… in a way, it increases our patience…endurance…& helps us to be strong…
But with retro transit, the impact can be felt internally… that can help us reflect on our past actions, & review deeply…
It’s an opportunity to look closely if we are on the right path….
Saturn will be slower than normal but strong while in retrogression as Saturn will be close to Earth, so, its power to do good or bad will be greater.
There can be problems, only if…we don’t fulfill our responsibilities with honesty…
& this time we have dignified Saturn in its own sign…Aquarius, the 11th sign of the natural zodiac, sign of desire fulfillment.
Mostly… Saturn will be transiting in Shatatara while in retro motion & in Capricorn & Sagittarius navamsa…
But Saturn will be in Dhanishta & Scorpio navamsa for one last time from 15th Oct to 25th November….
Also, Saturn will be stationary in Dhanishta…. Now…Dhanishta is known for wealth, celebrations & joy… you will certainly have something to be happy for…
Retrograde Saturn in Aquarius — Dhanishta nakshatra can fulfill your desires…
It can grant material & worldly splendors… Can provide you gain through high association…
If any of your wishes or work has been delayed & you have been working hard for the past couple of years… then now you can have something to celebrate….
This time from 15th Oct to Nov can bring that, much-awaited results, change… & that new beginning as Saturn will move to Shatatara & Rahu …will cross Aries -Pisces gandanta… during that time.
This is the chart of 18th Oct….
We have lot many things happening around Oct — Nov…Saturn is stationary & going direct on 4th Nov…
Rahu — Ketu will change their signs by the end of October to Pisces-Virgo & We also have the 2nd …Solar & Lunar eclipse around this time only….
& On 25th Nov Saturn will leave Dhanishta for the next 30 years….
Saturn will enter Shatatara …

This retro Saturn in Aquarius will aspect its debilitated sign Aries, Leo & Scorpio.
Leo has a combined aspect of Saturn & Jupiter which can help to resolve any matter related to Leo…
Also, Venus gets retro in Leo & will have combined aspects of Saturn & Jupiter
We have transit Jupiter, Rahu & Uranus in Aries….
Saturn’s aspect is always tough to handle…& all 3 signs are not a comfortable zone for Saturn…
Saturn has no mercy & the feeling is not friendly… while handling issues related to these signs…
But still, we can expect long-term gains as Aquarius is a fixed, air & progressive sign. It is the natural 11th sign of rewards, wish fulfillment….
It represents our friend circle…all our connections, bring wealth, change, & uniqueness to nearly everything with forward-thinking…
Most importantly it signifies… how we deal or work with teams…. doing something for the betterment of society & considering everyone’s interests while making major decisions in life.
Secondly, Rahu is the co-ruler of Aquarius. It can bring growth in science, technology, advancement, foreign collaborations, & electronics….
Saturn will re-work these significations for the next 4–5 months…
Being its Mool Trikon sign, Saturn is comfortable in Aquarius so while in retrogression it will go out of the way, not thinking about any rules but doing everything to bring required corrections.
Especially take care of your health… Retrogression is not good for health matters as you might observe repetition in your problems…
& Saturn is the prime significator of suffering, any kind of pain in the body, all chronic diseases & also our longevity.
Aquarius represents lower legs, ankles… Afflicted & retro Saturn can bring back your old chronic ailments… on the surface…
With retro Saturn, we can deal with these issues in a different way …in Saturn’s way…
It’s time to use natural cures & put more effort in the right direction.
Aquarius & Rahu both signifies air element. Saturn in Aquarius will majorly work on your thoughts, your fixed, at times stubborn views on life & world…
Saturn will show you the reality…so that you will discard those beliefs which is no longer helping you to grow in life…
Retro Saturn will work on collecting & merging different ideas…
Rahu & Uranus are connected to Aquarius…both have a rebel attitude…
& Encourages to act in the most unpredictable manner…
Watch on your stubbornness that can easily hinder your progress…as Aquarius is a fixed sign…
Retro Saturn will control your behavior & your impulsive desperate response…
It’s time to reflect closely on whom you mingle with, and your network… evaluate their genuineness & focus on the well-being of everyone…
Now let us see the impact of retrograde Saturn on each ascendant sign…
You need to check the placement of the Aquarius sign in your chart along with your natal Saturn, it’s lordship.
Also, pay close attention to Leo sign as Saturn & Jupiter both will aspect Leo. We can expect some concrete results.
Secondly — Aries & Scorpio as they have Saturn’s aspect & have lordship of Mars — lord of Dhanishta.
With Retro Saturn there can be doubt, fear, confusion, or security issues related to health, job, authorities…. & the house lordship of Saturn…
You may have to handle challenging demands & responsibilities where Aquarius is placed.
The lessons can be tough & Saturn will go by your deeds…& nothing else…
Do not repeat your mistakes & it can be the best time to use past experience to handle challenging circumstances….
Do not consider anything… as good or bad…as we will learn new lessons… with each experience….
I will share a few points of reference…but the results will be based on your personal chart & Dasha period.
Start with Aries…
Aries: You may see some concrete results of your hard work. Now with retro Saturn, you can see the path to your success…
Retro Saturn can rebuild your image, health & restructure your beliefs, & do change wherever there is a need.
It’s time to learn new, reflect back on long-term plans, hopes & wishes attached to that…& evaluate your network.
Taurus: Your Work area, expenses, home, property, & close relationships are in the focus.
Retro Saturn can reconstruct your close relations & can resolve any matter related to a foreign country.
It’s time to reflect on all your action and consider doing things for others. You may find new opportunities in your work zone with long-distance travel.
Gemini: Your eyes are on your achievements, improving communication skills, having discipline & changing your lifestyle for better health…
Retro Saturn can fulfill your desires & can bring stability in life. It’s time to be adaptable & learn new ways to handle your health…
Be clear in your thoughts & ideas before you share them with others…Also, expands your horizons with higher education, and travel to distant places.
Cancer: Your health, in-laws, taxes, other’s money along with your career, public life, family, finances, food intake, values, children & stock market can be the area of focus….
& Change is running on your mind with your increased awareness about all these… Also, how you can improve & have growth in these areas…
Retro Saturn can bring that change & you can regain a strong position in your career with new responsibilities.
Leo: Others, the rest of the world is your focus… Even your father, elderly people, boss, or teacher, may demand too much out of you & their expectations are high….
Retro Saturn can enhance your views of the world & can give you a solid foundation with security.
It’s time to focus on how best you deal with your partnerships and close relations…Improve your health, personality & bring a stable and secure home environment.
Virgo: Your health, your routine life, work, your job needs care & attention.
Retro Saturn can increase your courage to deal with change & chaos. Can bring discipline & stability.
After a long wait, you’ll see some success in your career, health matters, any competitive exams, or interviews…
You may travel to distant places, but put a check on your expenses, & try to make new investments…
Libra: You may work on learning new skills, & be creative… focus on children but be careful with stock market activities…
Retro Saturn can bring correction in your finances, bring new, long-lasting connections, relations & happiness. Explore new passion & share it with your circle…do something for society.
It’s time to work on your desires, increase your connections but avoid conflicts with a family, partner, friends, or your network….
Scorpio: Some change is needed in your home life…
Retro Saturn can rebuild your personality & can bring elevation in your career with new responsibility.
It’s time to work on having peace of mind, stable family life, proper surroundings in the work area & make necessary corrections to have comfort.
Also, work on your personality, career… improve your health & have discipline in your daily routine….
Sagittarius: Your siblings have your focus, you may work on increasing your stamina, confidence & to have a good hold on your communication skills.
Retro Saturn can increase your chances to travel to distant places & learn new skills…
You may have to put a check on your expenses…. also, your bosses, father or mentors should be given their due importance.
It’s time to rework, improve your talents, & be creative in your approach.
Capricorn: Your family, mother, finances, your teeth, all 5 senses along with your home life, your friend circle, and elder siblings are in prime focus or you will be dealing with them…
Retro Saturn can resolve any problem related to your home, or property & your desires can be fulfilled.
If you are expecting some change, or rewards, and want to buy a vehicle or property, then it’s happening…be patient….
There are major changes happening in your life. Handle everything with patience & commitment.
Aquarius: Time for Self-development, & travel … maintain balance between personal life & your work ….
Retro Saturn can make corrections in your work zone… rebuild close relations, & equations with siblings…
Change your image with proper communication & focus on your health, & career.
Pisces: You may feel being aloof or isolated, your day-to-day life needs some discipline & attention.
Retro Saturn can reunite you with your family, elders & bosses.
Your studies or learnings may get affected, & you can find it hard to keep up with your enthusiasm.
It’s best for you to be with family, earn good money & eat the right food. You can find a solution to your problems in nature, so spend time with nature.
That’s all for all 12 signs…
To summarize:
Retrograde Saturn is an excellent time to reflect on your duties, commitments, refine your projects & reconsider responsibilities….
Observe if you are doing enough, overcome fears & use your past experience to deal with challenges…
Irrespective of your signs…. retrogression is not considered good for health matters….
So, watch your health …do not take things lightly as even Venus will get retro in July…things can move really slowly…
Being with nature & all-natural cures, naturopathy will help you to be healthy.
Do justice to everything in front of you, & be fair in action.
You can best utilize this time to have some reformation; that you have been longing to make….
But go slow, be patient & let go wherever you are acting stubborn…
Paying attention to your needs & not your wants… will be the key to handling this retrogression.
If there is this awareness then the path will be easy & clear…