Samvatsara 2022 -Chaitra Shukla Prati Pada & Role of Saturn — Jupiter

Today it’s about Chaitra Shukla Prati Pada & New Samvatsara starting from the sunrise of 2nd April Saturday till — 21st March 2023.
This is the first day after Pisces' New moon every year which is considered to be world new year day, astrologically.
It is believed that on this day …Lord Brahma started creating our universe.
So, every year on this day the world annual chart has been made to evaluate the year ahead for each country.
It is also called Gudi Padwa… Yugadi — meaning…. the beginning of a new year.
Almanac — the Panchang is opened & read on this auspicious day. Annual predictions on various areas …are being read.
The horoscope has to be made for the day of Pratipada — the first day after Pisces New moon… at sunrise time…&
Different countries will have different charts according to their timeline.
Usually, the chart has been made for the capital of that country to see the probable & major events for the country.
Secondly, each day of the week is associated with a planet, which is known as the day lord.
For example, on Sunday Sun is the day lord, On Monday Moon, and so on…
The significance of the day lord will have an influence on the event… & its strength will play an important role to determine the probable impact of any event…
As the energy of that planet has the biggest influence on that event and is considered to be the King of the year.
Also, the day lord of Sun’s transit to movable signs… Aries-Cancer-Libra-Capricorn and Sun’s transit to Ardra Nakshatra in Gemini is considered to be a significant one.
Saturn is the king of this year as new year's day is Saturday. & Sun is transiting Aries on Thursday so the minister is Jupiter as a day lord for this new year.
The results would differ for each country as the day lord can be different.
& that’s where the impact on each country will change.
For example, India has this new year on Saturday, In the US on Friday & Most Asian, European countries have it on Saturday but still, the ascendent would be different for each country.
On this day, there is also a start of new Samvatsara out of the 60 Samvatsara given in our shastras.
Each Samvatsara has a particular name and they have a specific meaning, to give us a symbolic message or clue on how the entire year will go and what all we can expect from that year.
There are many different schools of thought on determining…. the world's annual new year & I would talk about 2 main ones.
According to the Shri Shalivahan Shak — the name of 2022 Samvat is ‘Nala’ &
The name of Vikram Samvatsara 2079 is ‘Shubhakruth’
The ‘Samvatsara’ of ‘Nala’ is gifted with good sense, intelligence, good character, wealth, is expert in the trade of things produced or obtained from water, and is a supporter of many….
There will be a sense of general goodness, peace, and equality.
& Vikram Samvatsara 2079 — ‘Shubhakruth’ is endowed with good fortune, goodness, learning, courtesy, and excellent virtuous deeds which can have a lasting impact.
At the sunrise, we have day lord as Saturn which is strong in its own sign & will play the most significant role in shaping this year.
Saturn represents the common public and believes in justice — fair treatment.
Saturn is a planet of your work, career, health, hard work, discipline, obstruction, dislocation, distress, depression, suffering, sickness, and is capable of bringing adversaries in life.
We can expect good crops, oil production, proportional rain, and all acts of Government will be in the interest of the common people. But still, people may show their aggression in the form of strikes.
Simultaneously, Saturn rewards the highest too. He is a strict teacher, taskmaster and teaches in his own way & gives corrections in the matters related to its house & sign placement.
But we cannot avoid the seriousness that comes with Saturn.
Saturn being King of the year we can expect all these significations as an impact. Check the role Saturn plays in your chart and the results will be accordingly.
But on a positive note, to balance the energy of Saturn, we have Jupiter as minister as the day when Sun transits Aries is Thursday so the day lord is Jupiter.
The optimism of Jupiter will reduce the fear or anxiety that Saturn can bring.
Jupiter has a long-term vision and the best future plans. The King Saturn will have guidance from this Jupiter.
So, we can expect optimism, abundance, wealth, growth of enough food grains, general happiness, and contentment.
With Jupiter as a minister, all kinds of religious work will increase and a sense of goodness, faith will prevail.
When both Saturn & Jupiter are working together then extraordinary results can be attained.
They both together, activate, the 9th (Dharma),10th (Artha), 11th (Kama), and 12th (Moksha) house of the Kalpurusha chart.
The last level of attainment for each goal of life is realized in these signs
When their energies work together, we can expect some revolutionary restructuring with complete transformation…
We can expect some concrete results.
Some major decisions can be made which will have a lasting impact & important changes that come with those decisions…. Which will make this new Samvatsara a significant one.
& Mostly positive though there will be challenges…& hard work.…
Considering both the impact, we can conclude that overall, this year has more auspicious energies…. but to reach goals there can be intellectual, emotional fights, and conflicts.
Emotional setback, aggression, & dissatisfaction will be part of this entire year.
But Jupiter will act as a balancing factor… there can be a blessing in disguise so be hopeful of…. all well… in the end.
See… Jupiter & Saturn both are trying to do something major in our life… since the end of 2019…with the start of Covid & their conjunction in Sagittarius…A1
& This has impacted the entire world…
Something totally unexpected happened with Covid where we were completely restricted …we couldn’t control anything that was happening…
The universe had given alone time to everyone to realize, several facts of life…
Many have changed their career, their lifestyle, their thoughts, behavior… We learned to use the limited resources; manage with whatever tools we have…
In a way, we were forced to change which consciously we would not change.
Now go back to those realizations as with this new year we have come to final judgment time…culmination time.
This year when Saturn-Jupiter has the power to rule as King & Minister of the world…they will do everything in their capacity to give it a proper closer.
So be ready…
Reflect on what you were trying to achieve since 2019…how much effort you have put in to make that happen…
The universe is going to give you rewards…complete results on that… and it will be in direct proportion to your efforts…nothing like good or bad…it’s the report card of your own deeds.
We have Saturn in its Mool Trikon sign and Jupiter in its own sign Pisces…
If your deeds are in the interest of everyone’s well-being and with necessary sacrifices, you are sure to thrive with bright colors…
And with Jupiter in Aires…there will be a new beginning for everyone.
To check personally, in your chart…… check the Saturn & Jupiter ruled signs — Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius & Pisces… along with their house placement in your chart.
Those areas are active to give their results.
Briefly, I am giving you an idea for each ascendant… the likely area of impact but focus on your activity since 2019… which is going to see some final results…
Start with
Aries: majorly your work area, higher authorities, friends, new expenses, home, property, and personal beliefs, matters related to foreign countries are in the focus.
Taurus: Major transformations in life, the matter related to career, finances, boss, father figures, friends, & your belief system. Your worldview will greatly change for good…
Gemini: Changes about health, in-laws, your taxes, and your partner’s money along with your relations, partners, career, public life, family, finances will be in the focus.
Cancer: your world is changing …your behavior especially, the matter related to father, or any elderly people, boss. Your opinions and the way you handle your health & relations…
Leo: Your focus is on the growth of children, marriage, partnerships, health, especially the stomach area needs care and attention, also your daily routine will change…don’t be rigid and evolve where there is a need.
Virgo: Your domestic life, peace of mind, development of some new talents, skills, matters related to children, the stock market, your day-to-day matter, health, partnerships, and relations will have some changes….
Libra: the way you communicate, your courage & keeping strength in any challenging situations, matters related to children, your home life, career. And bringing balance between this two will be the focus…
Scorpio: everything related to your communication skills, siblings, finances, family life, the property will have your focus, also, your talents, rewards of your hard work, along with the change in work zone.…
Sagittarius: Your health, courage, personality…The way you deal with your family, mother, finances, along with your home life, your friend circle, will see some transformation…
Capricorn: there will be…Self-development, expect major changes to happen in your life. Your world will change in general…also matter related to foreign country & travel…
Aquarius: Fulfilment of your desires, anything related to foreign countries will be of prime focus. Then your health, finances, family matters…expenses, & your work zone…
Pisces: fulfillment of your hopes in your career and results of your previous hard work, your attitude towards the community and your network…will change…also, you will thrive with a magnetic personality.
That’s all for all 12 ascendants.
To summarize, …This year, it’s time to see results…you are in the auditorium where the announcement is going to be made.
Make sure your reactions are welcoming and accepting …Be a spot…if there are errors in your previous action that you realize…
Don’t be harsh on yourself or even others…be kind & give the benefit of the doubt…a second chance…😊
Also, make an effort to correct your past mistakes and move on with hope for the best….