Taurus Full Moon in Rohini Nak — Powerful and Transformative Emotions
Taurus full moon in Moon’s own, Rohini nakshatra @ 10.45° on 27th November.
Expect many endings in the next 15 days at an emotional level where Taurus is placed in your chart and also the ruler of Rohini — Moon and, Cancer sign …
Check the role Rohini nakshatra plays in your chart… that’s where you will see the transformative impact.
This time we have an exalted Moon, that has an aspect of Scorpio Mars, making it more intense — transformative.
And, the full moon is a culmination point, with powerful emotions.
The lights of the full moon are on Scorpio — the natural 8th sign and on Sun / Mars placed there.
The natural 2–8 …Taurus-Scorpio, axis is activated with this full moon.
The aim of this axis is to bring balance between the beauty of life and the harsh, dark side of life…
Both are fixed signs…and are capable of giving lasting results…
Taurus is our possessions, bank balance, family, material life…and, most importantly our values.
Scorpio is about other’s or combined possessions, our health, and major challenges that bring changes, and spiritual growth.
Sun and Mars will cross Scorpio gandanta and, Mercury just crossed that point… and entered Moola nak.
Venus — ruler of this full moon is tightly conjunct with Ketu on the full moon day.
So, it is high time we take stock of the situation with regard to any old, dead emotional issues… release it for good.
Venus, the lord of Taurus is in dignity after 30th November, in its own mool trikon sign Libra.
This can help us to be diplomatic and have the right approach where we can grow to the next stage…
Also, this full moon is happening in the Moon’s Rohini nakshatra…which is a powerful serpent nakshatra.
The deity for Rohini is Lord Brahma or Prajapati — the deity of creation who created our universe and also the creator of his 27 daughters — the wives of the Moon…
Rohini was Moon’s favorite wife, among all the 27, because of her exceptional qualities.
Rohini is very productive for almost everything. It confers growth and creation at all levels, granting fertility, creativity, and prosperity.
It represents, the celestial cow, and Rohini means — to rise or to bring things, into existence…
Its power is growth, plants, and water… the combination of which is creation.
There are increased desires with this nak and you can gain abundance, which can evoke jealous feelings.
It is a fixed star so expect a certain result.
Prajapati is the creator, who can bestow everything and anything. So, be careful what you ask for.
You might just create that… what you wish and want…with Rohini.
We have Mars aspecting this full moon and Saturn is aspecting Mars and the Sun in Scorpio.
Mars encourages us to act quickly and Saturn says — be realistic…
With Mars certainly, we have the energy to act but with some fear and worry to end things, unexpectedly.
If something is boiling inside you and you are holding onto something then, with this full moon it might come out.
Expect stubbornness being fixed signs and we have exalted moon…This full moon can reveal our hidden, dark side.
It can also, trigger things that were kind of a burden on us, and is necessary to leave them behind.
We are going to deal with strong emotions and feelings in the next 15 days till the new moon on 13th December.
This full moon is in its own nak Rohini.
So, expect a lot of nurturing, the moon’s energy, emotions, some creative and artistic expressions, desire for comfort and pleasure in life.
We may look for emotional stability, security within the family, and finances.
Using the qualities of Rohini nakshatra and Taurus sign, can help us the most, to handle any tough situation.
Also, there is a lot happening, on the day of this Taurus full moon.
Interestingly, it’s the same degree as the previous lunar eclipse of 28th Oct in Aries — Ashwini nak of 11 degrees.
We have a prominent Mars conjunct Sun and is aspecting Moon.
Then, Venus is conjunct Ketu @ 28°, and Retro Jupiter is now, back in Ashwini and, in exalted Cancer Navamsa.
Jupiter and Uranus will be 12th to this full moon. Moon will be pushed to have growth and make some unexpected changes in the current situation. Also, Mercury just crossed Scorpio gandant and, entered Sagittarius…. which will be 8th to this full moon.
Thoughts and emotions both aim to make some serious changes in life.
So… expect a lot of mixed energy on the day of the full moon…
As the moon transits ahead it will oppose, Mercury in Sagittarius, Pluto in Capricorn, and Saturn in Aquarius.
Expect the complete result of the Leo signs on 4th December as even Jupiter aspects this Leo moon. Then on 8th Dec — Moon will conjunct Ketu @ 27° in Virgo. Virgo is an analytical and detail-oriented sign.
But, the combination of the Moon and Ketu in Virgo, may emphasize detaching from keen observation, analytical thinking, or having a critical approach to emotion….
We may choose to — practically handle things in front of us.
And a very next day on 9th Dec — Moon will conjunct Venus @ 11° in Libra and will be opposite Jupiter @ 12°
This time can trigger a lot of emotions in our close relations, partnerships, and any deal or negotiation.
Expect some new start or movement from here in those matters.
Then on 12th Dec — Moon will, conjunct Mars @ 18° in Scorpio.
Expect some visible impact of this Taurus full moon, just before the new moon of 13th December in Scorpio — Jyeshta Nak @ 26°.
With the New moon, there can be a new beginning or time to set fresh personal goals …. in some new and different ways…
Check this Taurus-Scorpio axis in your chart, along with Cancer sign. As throughout the month of December, we have Taurus and Scorpio, very active…
The 2–8 axis of the natural zodiac signifies the struggle of what to hold on to and what to let go of…to change and have transformation…
The theme of this full moon is to work on our fears, and our values, which we have built up with our past hurtful experiences…and change something within us.
Let us see for each ascendant, what we have to release emotionally & build a new value system…
Start with Aries: Your work life and home front things can come to full circle with this full moon …within the next 15 days.
It’s time to think more practically, release your hoarding nature, and bring balance by valuing the intangibles of life.
Taurus: you may experience the completion of your travel plans, or education or have an important discussion with your boss, or elders.
It’s time to let go of your tendency to control others, have trust, and bring balance by including others in life.
Gemini: This full moon clears any doubts related to your health, family values, and finances…
It’s time to be disciplined, work on health. Take things lightly and…don’t be restless. Channelize your thoughts and intelligence by sharing, and communicating more with family.
Cancer: Your close relationship, health, and personality will shine with this full moon. It’s a rewarding time.
It’s time to use your creativity, come out of your comfort zone, and use the blessings of life for the betterment of others.
Leo: You may have your answers related to health, foreign travel, and self in isolation.
It’s time to express yourself fully in your career and come out in public. Make the necessary changes and do not be stubborn.
Virgo: Your desires may be fulfilled related to your children, for learning new skills, or for any creative work.
It’s time to redefine your views, keep up with your courage, and, heal yourself from any burden of being detail-oriented or perfect in your approach…
Libra: Expect completion of a project at the work front, in your home life, or in your family.
It’s time to review family values, and be firm in your choices but still maintain balance while dealing with any chaotic situation with others.
Scorpio: You may understand well, your strength, your capacity to handle challenging & new circumstances. Also, about your siblings & any travel plans.
It’s time to give and fulfill your commitments. Let go of any hatred or revenge…forgive others for their mistake and release yourself from fear.
Sagittarius: You may have some long-awaited change, about your family, work, finances, & your health.
It’s time to take it easy. It’s not about planning always…Explore new in life and discard any fear of losing freedom.
Capricorn: This full moon will strengthen your close relations, partnerships & and there can be development in your travel plans.
It’s time to have pleasure in life and get into some skillful activity. You may have a well-deserved reward for, all your hard work…
Aquarius: Pay close attention to your health, work style & and healing in nature.
The focus will be on making necessary changes in your home front, and work zone, reflecting on the foundation of your social values, and finding something worth working on with commitment.
Pisces: You may complete a creative project, sharpen your skills, and also get into new learnings.
It’s time to enhance your knowledge and, be fearless while communicating your ideas. Have no fear of being judged or any rejection…and trust your knowledge.
That’s for all 12 Ascendants.
To conclude,
The full moon in Rohini and Taurus is very powerful and determined to give fixed and long-term results.
It is capable of giving you a relaxing time with comfort, good food, family & and a lifestyle that has all the luxuries and pleasures.
Focus on the goodness of life as this full moon is an opportunity to reset and heal by transformation.
But do make necessary changes and stay flexible. Take care of your emotions, family, your food habits, health, and make the most of this full moon…