Time to Revive Back || New Moon in Gemini — Punarvasu Nakshatra

Today it’s about the new moon in Gemini, Punarvasu Nakshatra on 10th July at 23 degrees.
On new moon day…the Sun and Moon ….the royal couple of the solar system come together to give some solutions, healing, or solving an issue related to that house, sign, planet, element, or quality of that house.…
The new moon is the regular opportunity for setting goals… and, it occurs when the Moon is completely dark with no light….
The slate is clean…we can write what we want from here…start afresh to solve the hardest puzzle and move on …grow in life
It’s a period of 15 days to do what you want to resolve the problems related to this area…
It is ok whatever you can…u do not have to take the burden of the time limit or anything like that…but do try and keep things easy for you…push all your limits and observe… are u constructively handling the matter? Is there growth ?? even if in small proportion…then the aim is achieved…
The new moon happens every 15 days….its a common event in the sky and nothing new but there is uniqueness in every event that happens in the sky…
The magic is in that moment….
Same time…same moment…. never comes again with the same combinations & connections of the planets….
The new moon in Gemini may happen again…but with different nakshatra or the lord can be placed in a different house or with different aspect….and co-relation
Jup Sat can be in their different cycle…so you see…. it’s never the same time and that’s why it is very important to give justice to each such moment and use its energy well.
Let us see the uniqueness of this new moon:
~ The special thing this time is the Moon, our mind, The Sun, our Soul, and Mercury our Intelligence are making union in Gemini. Jupiter our wisdom has an aspect on it…
This can be the biggest positivity to mitigate the papakartari impact of the Gemini sign and the planets placed in it…Papakartari impact is when a sign and the planets placed there are hemmed between malefics. In today’s case, Gemini is hemmed between Rahu and Mars.
~ It’s happening in the mutable Air sign, Gemini… So the focus will go to the significations of them like communication, your thinking…and the question like….is there any healing or correction needed with that?
…then the planet mercury in your chart and also intelligence, knowledge in general…are u updating yourself periodically?
Gemini being mutable sign… it demands to have balance in your duality…. fixing your mind to one thing but still remain flexible in your approach as and when needed is the message of this new moon.
~ Then the new moon happens at 23 degrees, which comes under Pushkar navamsa…There is guaranteed growth with whatever you start with… Pushkar means continuous growth…
~ Lastly, the new moon happens in Jupiter’s Punarvasu Nak.
Punarvasu is the wind that carries away the storm of Ardra, which is the earlier Nakshatra, and brings light with it.
Punarvasu is the first ray of sunlight after the storms of Ardra and brings hope, harmony once again with a new strategy.
It is an auspicious and godly star, which gives expansion and abundance.
Punarvasu has the capacity to remove any negativity and evil of life and restores good fortune. Actually, it is a nakshatra for launching successful projects, and to bring prosperity…
When the dispositor of Gemini… Mercury will touch this point of the new moon, we can expect the results
Let us see the key areas which will be impacted which can last for the next 15 days till the full moon on 24th July.
July’s New Moon in Gemini represents the 3rd house of the natural zodiac… gives new ways of trading, traveling, and communications. It is also about writing, literature, higher education, and publishing.
In the body, the Gemini sign indicates that the neck, shoulders, chest, lungs, and arms can be impacted in some way…
If there are any doubts or confusion, then that can be resolved with strength and, stamina.
Gemini is a Mutable sign which is very flexible and adaptable in any changing circumstances. If there is an end of something …it will immediately start something else…. this is relating well with the new moon’s energy of new beginning…so with this new moon, the start of something can come easy…
Gemini is an Air sign and likes to get spread fast. And even if there are issues, it looks for freedom from that…and easily comes out of it as nothing sticks long with this changeable sign.
Majorly…the point of reflection and realization with Gemini’s new moon is the way you should speak and listen to others.
It’s time for adopting new things and discarding the old ones…Don’t focus on past habits and instead, think about how you can be more supportive and present in the future with your communication.
So far whatever I talked about will impact everyone in general …
Let us see how it will impact the signs in general…I’ll be giving the broader outlook in this video…
All the air signs like Gemini…. Libra and Aquarius will be most benefited and will take the opportunity to start something…getting rid of the old patterns….& it will come very easy to them…
All the mutable signs like Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces may have a struggle… a little more… but they can also have positive results of their efforts…
It is hard for Earth signs like Taurus and Capricorn to change things but they may try their best and they will succeed.
The Fire signs are not much bothered by this new moon and it can only strengthen the qualities of Aries and Leo.
The water signs are not positively impacted. They need to control their emotions and bring balance in their approach…as the new moon impacts the emotions the most…
The moon contains valuable pointers about what helps u feel safe, secure, and well-taken-care-of…. when we are not supported in any which ways by the moon then there is void…emptiness, and anxiety…
With the new moon there is no moon….no light…so it’s not an easy-going time…with + and — one day…you may need to struggle to get things done…But with the light of your own knowledge and experience…using your past experience …a new path or direction will open up for you.
The energies of this day should be used to finish some great work which comes under our duty and we have to somehow do it…it’s not emotional but practically we have to do it…new moon time helps to finish such task….Where u need to take tough decisions….:)
To conclude…these are transit and a new moon is a matter of a couple of days intense energy…as you will set your aim for the coming days…you will be engrossed with that…and do remember we are heading towards growing moon each day…😊)