Transit Update on December — Promising Closure of the Year 2023
We have reached the last month of the year 2023…. Climax time, and with December many things are ending…
We shall end the retrogrades of the planets, by the end of the month …
And with the new year, nearly all planets will be direct, only Uranus will be left which will be direct by the end of Jan ’24.
So, the energy of the month is slow, steady but progressive….
We have, Venus in Libra, for the entire month till 26th December, when Venus will enter Scorpio.
Venus in Libra is the best position for Venus, and now Ketu is not in Libra…
Expect, a comfortable life… balance and harmony in relations, basically, our social life gets better…
Jupiter aspects this Venus.
Best time to mend the relations that were impacted because of Ketu in Libra for the past couple of years…
Also expect good health, restorations of all kinds, lasting business deals, and a fair approach in any negotiations.
We have retro Uranus in Bharani -Venus’s nak for the entire month.
Use this time, when Venus is in Libra, to make the most difficult changes in the signification of Venus — its signs Taurus & Libra, like finance, family, our close relation, or any health matters and build your strong personality.
You will be able to handle any tough changes, smoothly with Venus in Libra.
Then, Saturn is back in Shatatara nak now and in Sagittarius navamsa.
This is a much better position for Saturn than in Mars’s nakshatra — Dhanishta and Scorpio navamsa.
Even Rahu is comfortable in Pisces, Revati nak to give results. Expect completely different results of this Saturn in Shatatara … than before.
Your work and career will have a boost, expect much relief in all our tasks.
Even, Jupiter will be back in Ashwini, with Cancer, it’s exalted navamsa… Jupiter is slow and almost stationary at 11–12°for the entire month…
Watch this stationary degree in your chart, as you may expect results of those areas at this time.
There will be a new start, more clarity, solutions, healing, growth, travel, enthusiasm, and optimism in the environment.
We have Mars in its own sign Scorpio for the entire month till 27th Dec, when it will cross gandanta and enter Sagittarius.
Scorpio is a sign associated with ending, transformation, and Mars in Scorpio can bring about transformative experiences through action and passion.
Mars here has intense and focused energy with determination and you can pursue your goals with great intensity.
December is the best month to make significant changes from the root level …. Do keep in mind that Ketu is in Chitra to support those transformations.
And, now, Rahu, is coming out of Pisces gandanta, in Revati nakshatra, so, gradually, we can experience the impact of Rahu in Revati ….
And, Mercury is in Sagittarius … about to go retro on 13th December.
Another interesting point is, in December — the Sun, Mars, and retro Mercury will cross Scorpio gandanta.
So, their significations may go through a transformation and all the issues or confusion related to Scorpio-Sagittarius signs can be highlighted this month…
We start the month with Neptune getting direct, in Pisces @ 00.41° in Purva Bhadrapada Nak on 6th Dec.
Our imagination will become now more realistic and there can be an increased understanding of Pisce’s significance.
Then on 10th Dec, Jupiter and Venus will be opposite each other @ 12°
Both are ministers and teachers of the Zodiac, but they carry different ideals.
Avoid anything excess…. Since both are benefic planets, expect enhanced goodness and a positive approach.
But we may struggle to balance our personal values and desires signified by Venus, with a more philosophical outlook on life signified by Jupiter.
Then on, 12th Dec, we have a new moon in Scorpio — Jyeshta Nak @ 26°. We are following this 26° for the 3rd month now.
This new moon can be very impactful as it is close to Scorpio gandanta where the lord of Scorpio; Mars is in Scorpio… and the lord of Jayesta, Mercury will go retrograde on 13th December…
So, there won’t be any stability in its signification. Any important discussion, education-related matters, trading, deals, travel, and any documentation work can go back and forth….
Not just that, there can be significant change in those matters also.
Any long pending matters and confusion related to those matters can triggered with this month.
As a saving grace, this retro Mercury has retro Jupiter’s 9th aspect.
Then on 16th Dec — the Sun crosses Scorpio gandanta and enters Sagittarius.
This is the time for transformation and regeneration. Pluto in the Sun’s nakshatra enhances these qualities.
Sun crossing gandant will encourage us to embrace change, let go of what no longer serves, and engage in personal growth.
Sagittarius is a fire and dual sign, a mool trikon sign of Jupiter, and promotes faith, travel, exploring new horizons, optimism, adventure, and a quest for higher knowledge.
Transit Jupiter has its 9th aspect on it. Expect beneficial development in all these significations.
On the same day — Mercury will get back in Moola Nak while in retro.
With the Sun and Mercury both in Moola nakshatra — can take you back to some old, pending matter.
We can see some visible change when on 22nd Dec — Venus will be opposite Uranus @ 26°.
There can be some new development with different options as now Venus is in Vishakha nak and Uranus is a planet of sudden change in Bharani nak.
Also, on 26th Dec — Venus will enter Scorpio where actually those changes will take shape…
Venus in Scorpio is considered an intense and passionate placement for finances, love, and relationships.
Venus represents not only romantic love but also our values, and how we relate to others.
Scorpio is a water sign ruled by Pluto, associated with depth, transformation, and emotional intensity.
As a result, there can be a desire for deep emotions, more finances, a stubborn approach, and healing from hurt.
Then on 27th Dec — we have a Full moon in Gemini — Ardra Nak @ 10.45°
A Full Moon in Gemini — Ardra nak, can amplify the desire for communication, self-expression, and the exchange of ideas.
Conversations may become more, lively, and there’s a potential for increased social interaction.
Another important transit of December will be on 28th Dec, when Mars crosses Scorpio gandanta & and enters Sagittarius.
Sagittarius is a fire sign and, values freedom and independence.
With Mars here, there can be an enhanced desire for freedom in actions and a willingness to take risks, to pursue new experiences, and goals with new purposes in life… as Mars crosses gandanta….
The same day, on 28th Dec — Mercury crosses Mars and gets back in Scorpio after crossing gandanta.
Now, this is interesting, as this crossing will encourage us to review our intelligence before we take action… Expect significant change in the way we share our views and talk….act on that.
Finally, on the last day of the month, on 31st Dec — Jupiter gets direct in Aries — Ashwini nak @ 11°
Gradually, the energies will change from here… There can be a renewed sense of hope, confidence, and belief in our capacity.
It can bring new opportunities and growth… Expect positive events in various aspects of life like finance, education, health, and forward movement… in nearly everything.
All in all, December ends on a good note with Jupiter getting direct and even Mercury getting direct on 1st Jan….
The most impacted signs, throughout the month, will be the Scorpio/Taurus axis and the Sagittarius/Gemini axis…. with key planets in it and we shall have a new moon a full moon in these signs….
Sun and Mars are almost moving parallel to each other in Scorpio and slowly drifting apart with Sun in Sagittarius….
Most changes and developments can happen around this area of our chart.
Sagittarius has Jupiter’s aspect and will have Jupiter’s wisdom and knowledge to deal with everything.
With the energy of stationary direct Jupiter on the eve of a new year, we can take a leap of faith and break any boundaries that we have set for ourselves…
Let us see for each sign or ascendent, how would be your month of December… Start with Aries
Aries: This month, you may experience sudden changes within your family or finances…be cautious on health-related, inheritance, or tax matters…
Your luck will increase. Your beliefs and world views can change with new experiences. It’s time to talk freely about it. Elders, bosses, or teachers may play key roles…
Taurus: You may improve the way you deal in relations and work on being friendly and, confident…Avoid any ego clash which is very likely with a partner or in business…Now is the time to change the way you manage your finances and health…
You are heading towards some major transformation in your home life, vehicles, and family…Watch your health and work closely…Anything related to research, and taxes, can be activated.
Gemini: You will be health conscious and there are chances of you getting frustrated often with others…Being calm and organized will be necessary to avoid fights and debates…There can be a need to change the way you deal with close relations.
Focus can be on your relations, business, and partnerships of all kinds. You may work on health, personality, and to become strong…but don’t get into fights because of ego…
Cancer: Within this month, you may have a name, fame for your creativity, and dedication toward responsibilities. Your health will get better and you will shine in your area of creative work.
Focus on your expenses and building on good health. Expect a change in work. Stabilize your routine, be fit and disciplined…There can be development in matters related to foreign travel…
Leo: You will be secretive and private in your approach but this time can be best used in educating or doing some research…
Focus on career and matters related to property, vehicles, and stock market matters may go through some changes.
You may be very expressive, learn new skills, sharpen your intelligence and talents…Children can do well in creative work. It’s time to follow your passion …
Virgo: You may feel courageous, go for travel, get into new pursuits like media, or writing on social media. Government or documentation work will be in focus.
But do keep in mind the Mercury retrogression by mid-December.
Expect change on your home front, your family life, your mother, and balancing with your career…Your goal is to achieve peace, stability, and security.
Libra: You can be more controlling about your possessions, family, and finances…Be gentle in your speech. It’s the time to change your eating habits and diet for good health …
Expect a lot of communication … documentation, even short-distance travel with some sudden changes in your plans…December may instill your confidence and, can enhance your expression and courage.
Scorpio: You will be the strongest and, most confident. You may lead or…initiate something new. Your health, personality will shine and you will have great energy, confidence, and optimism
You may change and invest your finances, and possessions. Time to review the way you deal with health, family, and your diet…Your focus will be majorly on improving all these areas.
Sagittarius: You may hide from the crowd, and be mysterious…but surely use the time to do some research or learn new, reflecting health. It’s time to be careful with investments and expenditures…
December is going to be an important breakthrough for you. It can enhance your personality, relationships and can give you good health. You will be praised for your knowledge and excellent communication …
Capricorn: Expect success, change in your network, friend circle and you will be at your best among your circle…you will have the support of nearly all. Time for rewards of your hard work.
Now is the time to prepare for something major, have some quiet time to reflect, get into new learnings, have valuable investments …travel to distant places, or have some fitness goals…
Aquarius: You will be in the public eye with your strong image. Now is the time for you to bring changes in your career. You will be at the center stage and will perform well. But also, focus on having work-life balance…
You may have rewards for your work done so far. Your desires can be fulfilled. This month can put you on top in your career and you will shine with some success…Most rewarding month for you, do make the most of this.
Pisces: You will be ready to share your learnings, knowledge and, give advice to others… It’s time to transform your worldviews and expand your horizons.
Best month for you in your career zone…you may achieve some great success, power, or a higher position. There can be an end of a major project and the start of something big …
Certainly, you will shine bright with your superb communication skills…
That’s all about the impact on all signs.
To summarise,
The 2nd half of the month is more active. And the major impact will be on Scorpio — Sagittarius gandanta.
And, gandanta point represents our difficult emotions …stubborn thoughts that need release…
With all the gandanta transit of December, we will have clarity on a messy or conflicting matter…Expect, a sudden end with a new understanding… and a fresh start somewhere in your life
So, you see, it’s a significant month to bring changes …which were kind of stagnant for a long …and have the power to transform, heal, and create new….
There is nothing like good or bad events, but the indication is towards transformations and resistance which can be a problem.
As we are heading towards the new year…new energies of 2024, where we have ongoing gandanta impact with all 3 retrogressions of Mercury…. expect life-changing events and turning of tables from 2024…
December can be a great opportunity to release old and adopt new with a new year…with elevated awareness on what needs change…renovation or restructuring…