Venus in Libra -Balancing Attitude -Transit Impact on 12 ascendent

Transit of Venus in libra from 6th Sep to 2nd October…
There are 3 events back-to-back on the 6th… the 1st Venus gets into its own and Mool Trikon signs libra then Mars in Virgo and the New moon in Leo, P Phalguni nak…
& With this new moon, the moon will cross over all these planets one by one…. start from Sun, Mars, Mercury, Venus, and Ketu….in sequence…. So, u see this week, especially is going to be happening one…
When Venus comes to libra, first it looks for balance and harmony in relations, our social life gets better…we can change and make better, our interpersonal relations…Venus in Libra is a naturally compatible pair as like they are made for each other…both enhance each other’s quality…so if we work in co-operation then rest will follow…
All Venus remedies should be done if you are thinking of starting — fasting on Friday or donating things of Venus like any beautifying items, helping girls, females in your life, or supporting femineity in any way….
Or starting some business related to Venus, resolving the complex matter of life…even any deadly health issues as Venus has the highest recreational power. Venus is also Sanjeevani…you will revive back easily when you try to heal something in your body or in your life….
So, there is great healing with Libra Venus and should be best used to solve, resolve and have healing in nearly all matters…
In the current time, Health is the most important to take care of…using Venus’s energy you can easily achieve that…
But expect delays and more than one attempt to achieve success this time. This time in transit Venus is in-between Mars and Ketu. But to counter it Mercury is round to support friend Venus. This Venus also has an aspect of Saturn to further restrict but also to bring perfection and prepare…
Prepare for what? 😊
By Mid-December Venus is going to get retrograde in Capricorn for a month and a half…before these 2 friends conjoin by the end of March. Venus is really moving slow between Capricorn and Sagittarius…
We do expect 3rd wave or some natural calamities by the end of December…and Venus being life…and the only influence on this Venus is Saturn’s 10th aspect.
This signals us to be cautious to pay attention to nearly all the significance of Venus…like relations, our finances, health, our spending…sharing …be fair and just in your approach…all these should be evaluated properly…
Saturn’s aspect will bring structure and stability in all these areas…Saturn will bring mindfulness to your approach
Keeping all these in mind, we will be able to utilize the upcoming retro Venus to our advantage in December.
What needs to be checked is the placement of transit Venus from the natal moon, Venus, and ascendent…
Venus is a benefic and rajasic planet…and generally works well if there is a proper balance between giving and receiving…when this proportion becomes partial in any which ways then only the problem arises…
Venus this time does not have any major conjunctions and only the 10th aspect of Saturn…
Venus will cross Chitra nak first & — Mars is the lord, placed 12th to this Venus till 12th September….so we can expect expenses on devices, machinery, or some loss or investment during this transit…
Then Venus will be in Swati nak till 23rd Sep– Rahu is the lord and placed 8th to this Venus …this has a lot to do with some transformation related to health matter or money, taxes, in-laws but in all these areas the need of an hour is to have changed in the present to have desired goals.
& lastly in Vishakha Nak till 2nd October — Jupiter is the lord, will give some diversion…Vishakha indicates some path-changing action…you will somehow divert yourself and whatever you have thought earlier while Venus in Swati will be implemented in this transit.
Let us see the impact on all 12 ascendants. Wherever the Libra sign, is placed in your chart, its lordship and the connection it makes with respect to your ascendant, will determine the type of results that you can expect from this transit.
I will share few keywords to pay attention to &
The focus should be to bring harmony and balance in these areas by any compromise or adjustment…. keeping everyone’s interest in mind…have a middle ground and avoid any extreme approach…& also be patient in getting success in any matter …but be assured of having it also. :)
Start with
Aries: will have blessings in any partnerships and business, travel, nearly all your relations…
Taurus: will have opportunities to build up your health, immune system…soft defenses, any loan matter will have resolutions…there are expenses in general…traveling to far places...
Gemini: will have a good time with their children, exploring new talents, enjoy in pleasure-giving activities…with your friends and network
Cancer: will be happy being at home or matter related to home, property, vehicles, there is peace and harmony…you also enjoy working from home…
Leo: you may have some pleasure trips, healthy communications with your friends and acquaintance…you will explore ways to learn something and increase your knowledge on religion…
Virgo: will give good money-making abilities…focus will be more on their family, finances, tax matter, their health or making some change in these areas…
Libra: Will be blessed with charming personalities, perfect approach towards others in their life…this transit will improve them and their personalities in all the way
Scorpio: will have some pleasure expenses on themselves…very generous in their approach towards others too…they will fix their daily routine to have good health…
Sagittarius: will be gifted with the fulfillment of their desires…good money, new relations, development of new habits…which will help them grow further
Capricorn: will have a perfect time in their career, work zone and will shine well…good public relations
Aquarius: will be fair in their worldview without any bias…they may want to learn more. Study further in their favorite subject. And also communicate about it...
Pisces: will give good strength & endurance to handle any problem…you may desire to have some change …and change for good… in health-related matters like eating habits, your communication style or dealing with family ….
That’s for all 12 Ascendants,
All in all…. we can see that Venus is a benefic planet it tries to give happiness and brings balance…. Libra is an air sign and expressing yourself with the right communication will help…any problem will have resolution with proper thinking communication
If you will pay attention to your five senses and have a proper balance you will be able to best use this transit to your advantage.