Venus in Scorpio -Time to Get Rid of Fear -Impact on all Ascendant

Venus transit through Scorpio from 2nd October to 30th October
Generally, Venus represents our resources, possessions, our value system being lord of Taurus, and how well we balance and share those valuable belongings with rest of the world especially our partners.
The objective or purpose of Venus transiting any sign is to trigger your value system and bring balance there…
Same as the objective of a teacher is to teach, a doctor is to heal, & a servant is to serve…
Venus brings joy…love and signifies how we use those energies of being happy…being loved…how we share our abundance of life with others
When Venus transits Scorpio…it brings change and transforms our understanding of the significance of Venus-like finances, relations, and our value system…
Venus in Scorpio takes you deep in the valley, in an unknown and dark zone…where u normally won’t go…& from where u can’t come back easily…. Scorpio is a fixed watery sign… your approach towards emotions can be stubborn and you are obsessively attached.…
This time, the change what this Scorpio Venus is bringing, is a significant one….and not an easy one….
Within October month…we have major planets like Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto along with mercury getting direct… also… all the other transits like Ketu in Anuradha…. Saturn in Rohini and Rahu in Kritika…indicates emotional struggle more which can take an aggressive shape if not handled well…
So, it is necessary to be patient and let go where ever it is necessary…. give importance to emotions…relations, and bring harmony…
Venus is the first one to cross Ketu…& gandanta followed by mercury, sun, and mars…. all fast-moving personal planets…Venus will also go retrograde in Capricorn-Sagittarius towards the end of the year …
All these events simultaneously and back-to-back highlights on some strong transformative energies It is required to be generous and kind towards each other…help each other in living peacefully…refine our understanding and perceptions towards our value system…give each other chance to correct our actions and be patient till it’s done properly….
Scorpio is the starting point of any transformation that you have to make before gandanta in moola nakshatra…
This time we also have Venus going retrograde…
Venus has 8 years of the cycle where it comes back to the same place again…do recollect your time back in 2013
Venus was in Scorpio in October 2013…on the 2nd of October…crossing gandanta and retrogression in Capricorn Sagittarius….
Contemplate on that time. What does that time remind you of…what were the events that took place which affected you in some way strongly especially related to emotion, finances…relations? This time, with this transit you need to handle it in a better way with your increased understanding and maturity…
See….Venus is with Ketu in Scorpio…& Ketu has the hidden agenda….to take you towards your destiny…
If you will accept the change which is coming in front of you then it will be very easy transit for you and you will move forward but if you try to be stubborn and resist any change then only Ketu and Scorpio will play their role and will make that happen anyways…whether you want it…like it or not….
So, take a wise call and go forward with an open mind….
Venus will cross Vishakha, Anuradha, and Jyeshta nakshatra with this transit…
Venus is in Vishakha till 5th Oct… will give you diversion…. a new direction…a seed will be planted…. pay attention to it as mostly this will be the major change that will take shape as a big tree by the end of retrogression of Venus in Capricorn and when Venus will touch Saturn and then Jupiter…
Venus will be in Anuradha from 5th Oct to 17th Oct and conjoin Ketu on 11th Oct…. this will help us cut ties with our attachment, our ego, stubbornness…or any negative attitude which is not helping us grow…no option here…just do that having faith in the plan of almighty…
Then Venus will be in Jyeshta from 17th Oct to 30th Oct. This will surely give you that throne …some position, success, status…power to make you happy…This is the time when we shall have an exchange of Venus-Mars as Mars will enter Libra on the 22nd of October…
Expect some good results of this transit and your actions towards the end of this transit and while Venus crossing gandanta likely give you something which you might have lost earlier…something precious…😊
Let us see in brief what this Venus in Scorpio will bring for each ascendant.
Wherever your Scorpio sign is placed in your chart…that house rulership combined with rulership of Venus will be impacted the most with this transit…& It is suggested that you may have to transform something related to that house…its significance…. Also, it’s not going to be an easy change…but it will open the door to your future…
So, choose wisely…do reflect on your actions…are you making your future or blocking your future with your action… what you need to do is break your fear related to that house…making that change…It is advisable to face your fear and you have progress…
Do pay close attention to the southwest direction of your house…. clean it…. declutter it…this cleansing will help you having clarity…if there is any confusion on what to do…what to give up…what to hold on to…where u have to balance out…😊 you shall have all your answers even if you do not know anything astrologically…As Scorpio represents the southwest direction and Venus represents beauty…being clean and tidy …😊
Let us see now where you have to break free your fears…. have change & reborn again…To Start with Aries,
Aries: should learn to be self-dependent, have power by having physical and mental strength…discard any fear of change…
Taurus: should learn to build lasting relations and avoid co-dependency …fear of losing the partner
Gemini: should first get healed, cater to their own needs… trusting their strength…They need to break their self-created fears by their thoughts
Cancer: Needs to work on developing some skills…develop self-confidence…avoid attention-seeking behavior or fear of not being appreciated.
Leo: should nurture their own along with their family member’s emotional needs and find ways to feel secure.
Virgo: Needs to communicate and express their thoughts without any fear of not being heard or understood.
Libra: Needs to have family and financial stability and have no insecurities in mind for any resources.
Scorpio: needs to be self-determined & self-reliant …discard any Fear of being overlooked by others…
Sagittarius: should learn to trust and have go with the flow attitude. Remove the fear of letting go ..
Capricorn: should believe in their uniqueness and freedom of expression, discarding doubts on failure or rejection
Aquarius: should retain their courage to do things differently, trust their authority. Break any fear when working on center stage and not been taken seriously…
Pisces: should trust their knowledge, learnings and break free from fear of having no direction or being doubtful of your capacity…
That’s all for all 12 Ascendants,
Do remember that Venus in Scorpio will shed light on the darker side of emotions and relations especially…for you to change where ever there is need…
And you may have to get deep into the matter….
As far as you are working on your fears…. breaking your own self-limitations. You are on the path of growth…Venus will make an easy way out…. just be open to the changes coming your way…. & do not be stubborn…the rest will follow…