Virgo Lunar Eclipse in Hasta — Time for Breaking Old Emotional Patterns
The 1st Lunar eclipse of the year and full moon in Virgo — Hasta Nakshatra on the 25th of March.
The eclipse is visible in much of Europe, Australia, Africa, North/East Asia, and North/South America, along with Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic, and Antarctica.
Eclipse will start from 4 hr.51 min on 25th March till 9 hr.35 min UTC.
The maximum eclipse will be at 7 hr.13 min UTC.
It is a Penumbral Lunar eclipse, a very weak form of eclipse.
A very light shadow can be observed on the Moon.
When it is a total lunar eclipse or partial, we can see the shadow on the moon is more… and it is visible too…
With the Penumbral lunar eclipse, there is hardly any shadow…So, even the impact will be subtle…
But like every full moon, even this Virgo full moon can bring completion and closer in an ongoing matter related to the Virgo-Pisces sign in our chart.
And this eclipse happens with Ketu.
Moon and Ketu both are in Hasta nakshatra, so expect emotional release and purification.
It’s time to work on our deep-seated emotional wounds or unresolved issues from the past.
We may feel a sense of detachment from material concerns…. leading to significant inner growth, personal evolution, shedding old patterns, and
embracing new perspectives.
It is best to use this time to reflect, heal, bring clarity to thoughts, and develop new understanding.
We are going to deal with dual signs here — Virgo and Pisces. Getting confused is natural with Mercury retro.
Though we may not experience the intensity of this eclipse being penumbral, but this Lunar eclipse will set the stage for the total Solar eclipse of 8th April.
Also, we have one more Solar eclipse on 2nd Oct in Hasta Nakshatra.
And all these times, we have Ketu in Hasta…. So, the process of healing and closure can continue for almost an entire year.
At the time of the eclipse, Mars has its 8th aspect on Virgo and both Moon Ketu
Mercury, lord of Virgo is simultaneously crossing Pisces gandanta. Jupiter Uranus is 8th to this eclipse.
There is all the indication of change, and this eclipse can trigger that transformative process.
Make things easy by accepting and releasing any negative thought patterns, emotions, behaviors, or attachments.
Actually, eclipse activates dead things, to teach us certain lessons which we overlook, ignore …or underestimate…
Expect an end to such matters with some new developments and opportunities.
Certainly, it can be hard and painful.
But it is the most necessary thing for our personal growth.
With Eclipse we get back on the right track…
And each eclipse has a specific purpose related to its placement.
This Virgo eclipse teaches us to balance our emotions with practicality. Face reality by letting go of any fantasy.
Have clarity of thoughts but do not be over-critical in your approach.
Any eclipse breaks the patterns that have developed over the years.
And on the same axis, an eclipse repeats every 18 years. The repetition of an eclipse is managed by the Saros cycle.
This Virgo eclipse is the 64th eclipse in a series of total 71 eclipses.
All these eclipses happened with Ketu and the Moon.
The previous lunar eclipses in this cycle were in 1970, 1988, and 2006
And the current one is on 25th March. The next will be in April 2042 in Virgo — Hasta Nak @ 21°
Do reflect back on the previous times and think of your experiences…. the events that happened or any major change in those years.
You can expect some similar kind of experience with this eclipse also….
Now is the time to introspect on past actions and what needs change, let go to improve this time & make things better.
It could be a very good opportunity to reflect on or re-evaluate these matters.
This Lunar eclipse can bring some culmination, movement, or end to that matter….and take us further on our path of destiny.
This time the eclipse happens with Hasta nakshatra, and lord Moon is the fastest moving planet…
We can have speedy results.
The very next day, the moon is conjunct Ketu, preparing us to release, liberate, and act on our newfound understanding.
Lord of Virgo, Mercury also crosses Pisces gandanta around the same time and enters Ketu’s nakshatra — Ashwini.
Expect some hope and diversion with Libra Moon in Vishakha, where the moon will be opposite Jupiter in Aires.
There are all challenging connections that the moon is making before the total Solar eclipse of 8th April.
Moon debilitated, crossing Mula nak, in conjunction with Pluto, Mars, and Saturn. It can be intense with an eclipse.
All these indicate the next 15 days demand our emotional balance and practical approach to face the total Solar eclipse of 8th April in Revati.
We have retro Mercury from 1st April in Aires. Mercury will go back to Pisces and will be debilitated again.
But the saving grace is Venus is exalted making Neech Bhang raj yog with Mercury till 25th April, post which Venus will start a new cycle through the zodiac
That makes Pisces the most activated sign with Sun, Venus, Mercury, Rahu, and Neptune.
Pisces represents ocean water — deep emotions and during the full moon, emotion can be more dramatic.
With an eclipse, it can amplify our emotional insecurity, fear or can create a threat to our sense of stability.
The theme of this eclipse is to maintain a sense of calmness and have control over our emotions.
As what is happening, is out of our control. Use the signification of Pisces.
It’s advisable to resolve our difficult emotions by addressing them in appropriate manner.
We have the Moon playing a key role and the focus is our sensitivity toward everything around us.
Mostly, the truth of our own, or others’ emotions can be revealed in the lights of the full moon.
What we see or hear can be upsetting, making us sad, and disappointed. That’s the impact of a lunar eclipse.
Exalted Venus has an aspect on this eclipse point on 8th April which is the most auspicious aspect to mitigate any harsh impact of the eclipses.
Use the diplomatic and balanced approach of Venus to handle tough matters and have the goal of bringing harmony.
Support these energies by accepting them mentally and emotionally first, followed by acting upon them…
This Lunar eclipse is in Virgo, Mercury’s sign. Our mental strength and knowledge can be a great help…
Also, Hasta is a swift, fast nak to give results. There is a quick realization, but it is Laghu nakshatra…. The opportunity passes quickly…we have to act fast to make the best use of it.
It is ruled by Savitar, the creative form of the Sun.
The symbol is a hand that gives us the ability to achieve our goals.
But the Lunar Eclipse in Hasta can trigger doubts about our faith, in our capacity, and can create confusion in the mind.
Virgo is an Earth sign, so Hasta guarantees material gain if the creative force of hands is used well.
This makes some solid ground to have better health…job, finances, and restore or maintain the same.
Lunar Eclipse here indicates, things have reached their peak, the highest point in the matter related to the Pisces-Virgo axis.
Virgo and Pisces are perfect combinations of friendly elements — Earth and Water.
We can balance and give shape to our imagination by using our knowledge and practical tendencies.
Let us see, individually, the probable areas for all ascendents, where you may have a chance to cleanse your emotions and start afresh.
Check the Virgo-Pisces axis along with the Cancer sign in your chart for impact.
But, much will depend on your natal placement and your dasha for results.
Aries: This lunar eclipse in Virgo may bring a shift in your work patterns, health and wellness matters.
It could prompt you to focus on self-improvement and structure in daily routines.
You may feel a strong urge to connect with emotions and your roots. You might focus on finding a balance between your personal ambitions and a need for emotional security.
You should nurture your own along with your family member’s emotional needs and find ways to feel secure.
Taurus: You may experience new developments in the lives of your children, your creative endeavors, or romantic relationships during this lunar eclipse.
You may need to analyze, refine, or address issues in these areas.
It’s best to focus on communication and learn to have deeper connections with your siblings, elders, or mentors through open and honest talk.
You need to communicate and express your thoughts without any fear of not being heard or understood.
Gemini: There can be modifications in home and family life during this Virgo lunar eclipse. Take care of your equation with your mother, and her health.
It’s time to create a balance between personal and professional responsibilities.
Expect change in personal values, financial and family matters. It’s time to reassess your priorities and create stability within your family.
You need to create family and financial stability and have no insecurities in mind for any resources.
Cancer: The lunar eclipse in Virgo can trigger sudden travel and even relocation.
Now is the time to keep up with your strength in challenging circumstances, express yourself more clearly, or pursue educational opportunities.
Your personality can change, and you may heal emotionally with self-awareness and empowerment.
You need to work on being self-determined and self-reliant. Discard any fear of being overlooked by others…
Leo: Your food habits, values of life, family bond, and finances can go through transformation. It’s time to reevaluate your definition of security and stability in these areas.
It’s time to reflect, introspect, and heal emotionally.
Spend alone time, go on travel, and work on health, and growth in life.
You should learn to trust. Have — go with a flow attitude and remove the fear of letting go ..
Virgo: The lunar eclipse occurring in your own sign, can bring significant personal revelations and transformations. It’s a period of introspection and self-discovery.
It’s time to welcome new ideas and let go of your detail-oriented approach. If handled well then it can be a very rewarding time also.
Focus on developing new social connections and increasing your network.
Also, it’s best to reassess goals and the role you play within your community. This can bring you a sense of fulfillment and emotional satisfaction.
Start to believe in your uniqueness and freedom of expression…. discarding doubts about failure or rejection.
Libra: You may focus on spiritual and emotional growth during this lunar eclipse.
It’s time to bring inner harmony and find ways to connect more deeply with intuition, and your subconscious mind.
The most impacted area is your career and public image.
Your goal is to have emotional fulfillment in your professional area. or make changes to align your career path with your innermost desires.
Retain your courage to do things differently, trust your power. Break your fear while working on center stage…
Scorpio: Expect a shift or change in your desires. You may experience shifts in your social circles or aspirations during this lunar eclipse.
You might reassess your goals and the company you keep.
Your belief systems and philosophical outlook can transform. You may also look for deeper meaning and purpose in life, exploring new ways for personal growth.
You should trust your knowledge, learnings and break free from fear of having no direction or being doubtful of your capacity…
Sagittarius: The most impacted area with this lunar eclipse can be your work life. expect new developments and change.
You may seek to refine your professional goals and make practical steps toward success.
What you need is a breakthrough and change in the status quo. This eclipse can bring new opportunities to make that change happen.
You should learn to be self-dependent, have power by having physical and mental strength…discard any fear of change…
Capricorn: You can experience shifts in your belief systems or long-term plans during this lunar eclipse.
You may reassess your values and have greater clarity in your philosophical outlook.
Expect foreign travel. Your main focus can be your partnerships and one-on-one interactions in close relations. Work on your relationship issues, bring emotional support and harmony to close connections.
You should learn to build lasting relations. Avoid dependency in relations and fear of losing the partner.
Aquarius: The Virgo lunar eclipse could bring that long-awaited change.
There can be sudden shifts in your health, finances, or your work zone. Stay away from chaos and conflicts in these areas.
Rather focus on discipline, self-care, emotional well-being, and having a balance between personal and professional responsibilities.
You should first get healed, cater to your own needs, trusting your strength. You need to break any self-created fears through thoughts
Pisces: Your close relations or professional commitments are most impacted by this lunar eclipse.
It’s time to bring balance and harmony in your closest relationships.
You can work on your creative aspiration and learn new skills.
You need to work on developing some skills…have confidence…avoid attention-seeking behavior or fear of not being appreciated.
That was all about the impact on the ascendents.
Overall, a Virgo Lunar Eclipse in Hasta Nakshatra encourages practicality, skillful action, and attention to detail.
It’s a favorable time for self-improvement, healing, and realization of your goals, through focused effort and dedication.
But be aware of emotional intensity and its impact on health.
It’s important to consciously express and share the emotions we’ve been holding on.
As suppressing them may lead to undesirable outcomes.
There’s no need to fear eclipses; Eclipses can also serve as opportunities to explore new directions and venture into the unknown.
It’s a great opportunity to release, fixed emotions and surrender control over anything hindering our personal growth.
Acceptance is the key to helping in navigating challenges and welcoming new experiences.